United Nations Audio Visual Library of International Law

92 Am. J. Int'l L. 187 (1998)
Reconciling Extradition with Human Rights [article]
Dugard, John;van den Wyngaert, Christine

16 Int'l & Comp. L.Q. 157 (1967)
Organisation of African Unity and Colonialism: An Inquiry into the Plea of Self-Defence as a Justification for the Use of Force in the Eradication of Colonialism, The [article]
Dugard, C. J. R.

85 S. African L.J. 142 (1968)
Simonstown Agreement: South Africa, Britain and the United Nations, The [article]
Dugard, C. J. R.

83 S. African L.J. 429 (1966)
South West Africa Cases, Second Phase, 1966, The [article]
Dugard, C. J. R.

83 S. African L.J. 44 (1966)
Legal Effect of United Nation Resolutions on Apartied, The [article]
Dugard, C. J. R.

11 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 14 (1972)
Namibia (South West Africa): The Court's Opinion, South Africa's Response, and Prospects for the Future [article]
Dugard, John

24 Aust. YBIL 75 (2005)
Diplomatic Protection and Human Rights: The Draft Articles of the International Law Commission [article]
Dugard, John

64 Am. J. Int'l L. 19 (1970)
South West Africa and the Terrorist Trial [article]
Dugard, John

62 Am. J. Int'l L. 78 (1968)
Revocation of the Mandate for South West Africa, The [article]
Dugard, John

44 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 477 (1987)
Judiciary in a State of National Crisis--with Special Reference to the South African Experience, The [article]
Dugard, John
John Dugard, The Judiciary in a State of Crisis - with Special Reference to the South African Experience, 44 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 477 (1987).

16 Va. J. Int'l L. 463 (1975-1976)
Nuclear Tests Cases and the South West Africa Cases: Some Realism about the International Judicial Decision, The [article]
Dugard, John

12 Stan. J. Int'l Stud. 21 (1977)
International Terrorism and the Just War [article]
Dugard, John

2 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 101 (1989)
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and the South African Conflict [article]
Dugard, John

8 Eur. J. Int'l L. 77 (1997)
International Law and the South African Constitution [article]
Dugard, John

23 Cornell Int'l L.J. 441 (1990)
Bill of Rights for South Africa, A [article]
Dugard, John

56 Cambridge L.J. 329 (1997)
Obstacles in the Way of an International Criminal Court [article]
Dugard, John

8 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 277 (1998)
Reconciliation and Justice: The South African Experience [article]
Dugard, John

20 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 345 (2004)
Twenty Years of Human Rights Scholarship and Ten Years of Democracy [article]
Dugard, John

14 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 110 (1998)
South African Judiciary and International Law in the Apartheid Era, The [article]
Dugard, John

2 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 1 (1986)
Conflict between International Law and South African Law: Another Divisive Factor in South African Society, The [article]
Dugard, John

108 S. African L.J. 82 (1991)
Walvis Bay and International Law: Reflections on a Recent Study [article]
Dugard, John

101 S. African L.J. 286 (1984)
Should Judges Resign - A Reply to Professor Wacks [article]
Dugard, John

100 S. African L.J. 213 (1983)
Grotius, the Jurist and International Lawyer: Four Hundred Years On [article]
Dugard, John

98 S. African L.J. 372 (1981)
Some Realsim about the Judicial Process and Positivism - A Reply [article]
Dugard, John

93 S. African L.J. 144 (1976)
SWAPO: The Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello [article]
Dugard, John

91 S. African L.J. 59 (1974)
Political Trial: Some Special Considerations, The [article]
Dugard, John

88 S. African L.J. 460 (1971)
Opinion on South-West Africa (Namibia): The Teleologists Triumph, The [article]
Dugard, John

88 S. African L.J. 181 (1971)
Judicial Process, Positivism and Civil Liberty, The [article]
Dugard, John

2005 J. S. Afr. L. 482 (2005)
Immunity, Human Rights and International Crimes [article]
Dugard, John

1994 J. S. Afr. L. 862 (1994)
International Law: A South African Perspective [article]
Dugard, John

83 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 365 (1989)
Prospects for Peace in Southern Africa: A View from Within [article]
Dugard, John

76 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 245 (1982)
Application of Customary International Law Affecting Human Rights by National Tribunals, The [article]
Dugard, John

67 Am. Soc'y Int'l L' Proc. 94 (1973)
Towards the Definition of International Terrorism [article]
Dugard, John

1987 Acta Juridica 237 (1987)
Quest for a Liberal Democracy in South Africa, The [article]
Dugard, John

3 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 295 (1987)
Omar: Support for Wacks's Ideas on the Judicial Process [notes]
Dugard, John

46 S. Tex. L. Rev. 579 (2004-2005)
John W. Turner Lecture - The Implications for the Legal Profession of Conflicts between International Law and National Law [comments]
Dugard, John

2 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 97 (1989)
Racism and Repression in South Africa: The Two Faces of Apartheid - Introduction [comments]
Dugard, John

15 U.N.S.W.L.J. 439 (1992)
Human Rights, Apartheid and Lawyers - Are There Any Lessons for Lawyers from Common Law Countries: The Marsdens Human Rights Lecture [comments]
Dugard, John

13 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 258 (1997)
Is the Truth and Reconciliation Process Compatible with International Law - An Unanswered Question - Azapo v. President of the Republic of South Africa 1996 [comments]
Dugard, John

12 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 324 (1996)
Abduction: Does the Appellate Division Care about International Law - S v. December 1995 (1) SACR 438(A) [comments]
Dugard, John

8 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. v (1992)
Future of the TBVC States, The [comments]
Dugard, John

7 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 199 (1991)
No Jurisdiction over Abducted Persons in Roman-Dutch Law: Male Captus, Male Detentus [comments]
Dugard, John

4 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 221 (1988)
Soldiers or Terrorists - The ANC and the SADF Compared [comments]
Dugard, John

1 S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 154 (1985)
Revocation of the Mandate for Namibia Revisited, The [comments]
Dugard, John

1979 Acta Juridica 263 (1979)
Human Rights in South Africa - Retrospect and Prospect [comments]
Dugard, John

97 S. African L.J. 357 (1980)
International Law in South Africa: The Restrictive Approach to Soverign Immunity Approved [cases]
Dugard, John

94 S. African L.J. 127 (1977)
Rhodesia: Does South Africa Recognize It as an Independent State [cases]
Dugard, John

89 S. African L.J. 271 (1972)
Judges, Academics and Unjust Laws: The Van Niekerk Contempt Case [cases]
Dugard, John

88 S. African L.J. 13 (1971)
International Law Is Part of Our Law [cases]
Dugard, John