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1946 - November DOT Ord. & Dec. [1] (November, 1946)

handle is hein.usfed/dotod0709 and id is 1 raw text is: 
                             CIVIL- AERONTTICS BOARD           ..   No. 4
                                 SHINTON  25, D. C.

                    eekly Srumary of Orders and Regulations
                    Issued  by the Board- for the Period             3 q
                            November 25 - 30, 1946                 6

Note:  Comiled  and distributed b7 Publications Section, Office of Secretary,
       All requests for conies of orders and  regulations are answered as
       promptly as possible.  Hovever, a week or 10 days sometimes elapses
       between the date of issue.and the processing o? such orders for stock
       and distribution which accounts for the delgr in fillirng some requests.

                              Failing Li t CAB-9

3erial -Docket:                                                             Date
Go.   ~   No.                         llur'm                             : AdoTed

                                  Economic Orders

                     27 :
   27           Crants the City cf Muscle Shoals,   a., and the City of     1-2546
       :et a  : Tanpa, Fla., permission to intervene in the Kansas Ci
                 emphis-Florida Case.

  128    2525   Opi *on and order grants foreign air carrier pe     to     11-5-46
              : Nor    an Air Lines, Inc.

  129  :pproves.           reement C.A.B. No. 769 between  ontinental    : 11-26-46
                Air Lines,  nc., and Braniff  ir eys, I   ., relating to
                refueling of braniff aircraft at Tuls     icipal Airport .:

E3-    : 1803   Denies petition .  Eastern :ir Lir, , Inc., to reconsider: 11-26-46
                the Boardts order  serial No.    ., granting intervention:
         : 7:   by Pan American-Gra   Airways   nc.

  131    2074   Dismisses the applicati n  f United  ir Lines, Inc.        11-26-46

4132   :  810   Dismisses the applica* ons Southwestern Freight Lines,: 11-26-46
         et al: Knovles Vens, Inc.,   1 St     Freight, Inc., Arthur
               :A. Foge~rty, nd Ri,     ,iati    ompany, from the (,ir
               Freight  Case.

B-1.   : 810  : Dismisses t    aplications of New Yo   Los  'ngoles        11-26-46
        et al :  irrays, S   !s-y Transportation, Inc.,  sea Airlines
              : Keith B.  an Zante, 'inute Men  ir Freig     mnd National
              : Air Ca  o Corporation, from the  ir Freigh   ase..

F-134    810  : Gr     Piednont Aviation, Inc., leave to interv  e in    . 11-26-46
       :et al :     Air Freight Case.

E-1      205 /   pinion and order extends and amends certificate of        11-14-46
              : Pioneer Air Lines, Inc.

E-1        7    Opinion and order authoriz6s, new routes in the Texas-   .   -14-46
           * 1~ :klahoma Case.

.J  ''.), t*1 ta

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