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3451 801 (1896)

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                                                  JANUARY-                              SEVEN  IONTHS ENDING JANUABY-

ARTICLES.                                1895                     1896                     1895                      1890

                                 Quantities. I Values.   Quantities.   Values.    Quantities.   Values.     Quantittes.   Values.

Coal, bituminous-Coutinued.
    COAL, arrumNous, imported from (tons)-
       United Kingdom................................
       Other Europe................................
       British North America.........................
       Mexico .........................................I
       Other Asia and Ocennica.......................
       Other countries.................................

         Total .........................................
Cocoaorcacao, crude, andleaves andshellsof.freo .... lbs..
    COCOA, rTC., imported from (pounds)-
       United Kingdom.........................
       Netherlands    .............................
       Other Europe.   ............................
       Central America....   ......................
       British West Indies.......   ..............
       Other West Indies..............................
       Other South America....     ...............
       East Indies.   .............................
       Other countries.....    ..................

         Total......................... free.

Coffee ......................................free.... lbs..
Coffee (section 3, tariff act of Oct. 1, 1850)...dut .... 1bs..
    COFFEE, imported from (pounds)-
       United Kingdom................................
       Germany  .......................................
       Netherlands ..................................
       Other Europe...................................
       Central America.......     ................
       Mexico .........................................
       West  Indies....................................
       Brazil......    ............................
       Other South America.....     ..............
       East Indies.....................................
       Other Asia and Oceanica.......................
       Other countries.................................
         Total .................     .............
Copper, and manufactures of:
    Ore (fine copper contained therein)......dut....lbs..
    Ore and regulus..............      ......free.. tons..
    Pigs, bars, ingots, old, and other unmanaufactured,
      Do  ...........................dut....lbs..
    Manufacturesof..     .................... dt.

         Total, not including ore..................
Cork wood  or cork bark, unmaunfactured ..free.........

Cotton, and manufactures of:
    Unmanufactured........................free.... lbs..
    COTTON, UNMANUFACTURED,  imported from (pounds)-
       United Kingdom.........  ......................
       Other Europe-.--...........................
       South  America..................................
       East Indies......................................
       Other Asia and Occanica.........................
       Africa (Egypt)...................................
       Other countries............... ..............
         Total ..........................................

              11739-No. 7-2

      81, 334
      4, 989
      22, 961

    44, 004
   285, 258
   10, 088

      19, 618
      07, 118
      20, 508

    48, 197
   215, 26
   12, 924
    87, 655

82, 576
30, 154
180, 178

1, 676,947
   851, 373

59, 746
439, 677
43, 421
204, 282

   166, 225
 1, 449, 609
    84, 707
    10, 899
    377, 223

     123, 548   383, 929     113, 193    314, 074     797,164    2,371,770      753, 087  2,000,635
   2,782,607    308, 350    1, 419, 549  150, 717   13, 649, 080 1,487, 617  12,948,492   1, 332, 832

     108, 343    14,733      110,279      13, 364     636,624      85,549       733,370      89, 708
     66, 353      9,738      155,157      19,288      229, 152     51, 09       597, 610     78,943
     67,801       9,521 ..............8.............   86,797      13,176        21,984   %   2,582
        106          20 .............. ............     3, 063        368        15, 084      1, 439
     854, 204   102,846      678, 152     69, 361   3, 983, 510   483,995     2,848,840     304, 361
     40,359       4,515       59,181       6,526      235, 452     22, 753      337, 318     31, 529
   1,020, 786    70, 719      58, 872     4, 584    8,003, 844    271, 326    1,937, 319    192, 213
     613, 343    85,726      352,308      37, 065    5,398, 349   567, 657    0, 378, 587   624, 709
     11, 312      1, 532       5, 600       529        39, 456      4,918        45, 551      4, 797
                                                       82, 833      5, 866       82, 829      2, 491
   2,782, 007   308, 350    1,419,549    150,717    13, 649, 080 1,487, 617  12,948, 492  1,332, 832
   65,118,502 9,277,695    55, 943, 7841 7,741,650 350, 639,735 50,544, 634 838,057,139  50,433,758
.............. ............ ........... -.............  6,502,774 1,043,556 .............. ............

     242, 148    51, 080      83, 883     15, 275   4, 192, 870   800, 598    3, 184,656    508, 817
..........................        02         10     2,592,124     429,051       169,378      29,062
     797, 361   133, 818      20,382       3,541    4,562,117     804,945       876,695     138, 346
     984, 903   192, 525     202, 676     53, 808   4, 190, 075   828, 753    1, 884, 793   390, 088
     34, 241      7,609      157, 327     17,402      297,446      47,497       338, 639     84, 393
   2, 683, 155  367, 504     990, 180    161, 46 0  12, 493, 562 1,927, 293   5, 150, 701   834, 073
   4, 814, 520  822,665     2,720,414    459,434    9, 195, 802  1,601, 905   8, 802,550  1,489, 083
   4, 158, 091  613, 852    1, 172,487   168, 303   9, 750, 714  1,443,465    5,813,354     889, 040
   42, 183, 559 5, 520, 196 41, 001, 182 5, 208, 176 265, 635, 284  56,728, 203  258, 160,236  86, 866, 877
   7, 824, 664 1,315, 594   6, 251,286 1,010, 812   33,219, 863  5, 447,000  39, 337, 248 6, 471,067
     820,801    139,803     2,588,770    516,442     6,182,095   1,135,859   11,977,069   2,317,450
     128, 174    22,720      655, 005    126, 971     602, 785    109, 205    2, 359,951    458,394
....................................................  282,451       52,553       24,409       4,064
     446, 815    90, 329          40         16      1, 145, 525   231, 857      11,460       2,998

  65, 118,502 9,277,695    55, 913, 784 7,741,650  357,142,513  51,588,190  338,097,139  50,433,798

.............. ............ .............. ............  1,158, 881 71,486 .............. ............
         867     26, 611         132      14,228        3,734       07, 894       6, 841    194,943

     773,531     61, 298    1, 021, 038   80, 413    1,930,531     142, 667   7,750, 643    705,962
                                      . ............                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        913,637 75,033 .............. ............
                  4,760 ..............     6,632 ..............     44,334 ..............    42,167

......           66,058    ........       87,045 ..............    262,034 ..............   748,129

                 73,061 ..............    88,782 ..............    589,815 ..............   630,941

   6,998,215    625, 801   11, 590, 650 1, 861, 625 26,751,269   2, 536, 458 31, 704, 113  3, 729, 006

   1, 706, 745  155, 023    1, 061, 828  129,664     9,756, 277    942, 875   6, 853, 941   854, 169
                                      ............     25,416        1,839 .........................
      97, 685     9, 825      144, 462    18,466       75G, 358     75, 021     873,503     109, 749
.............. ............ .............. ............   810          90  .............. ..........-
.............. ............   76, 902      7, 259    1,344, 025    133,977      230, 002     20, 106
   5, 193, 785  460, 953   10, 307, 458 1, 208, 236 14,860,843   1, 882, 195  23,741, 275  2,744, 668
        ... -...... . . ...... .............. ............ 7,500 461 5,392 314
   6,598, 215   625, 801   11, 590, 050 1, 361, 625 26,751, 269  2, 536,458   31,704,113   3,729, 006



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