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23 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1979)

handle is hein.tera/taxfeaturs0023 and id is 1 raw text is: MONTHLY TAX FEATURES
rVolume 23, Number 1, January 1979
1 iTax Foundation Inc.
1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W. OWashlngton, D. C. 20009 0 202-328-4500 0

Sta te and Local ,Taxes. Exceed $200 Billion;
Per Capita Collections Doubled Over Decade
in fiscal' 1978, tax payments to burdens over the last decade -for income. Per capita taxes of $813 in

state and local governments passed
the $200 billion mark for. the: first
time, after rising 10percent over the
previous year and 188: percent over
the decade, according to. Tax
Foundation estimates. At $202.6
billion -in 1978, state-local taxes
Iwere $18 billion higher than in 1977
and' $132 billion above their '1968
While full data for 1978 are not
iyet available, Tax Foundation re-
searchers offered several compara-
tive measures ox the growth in tax

which figures are available, 1967 to
1977. During this period State-local
taxes rose 188 percent; population
'19 percent, consumer prices 82 per-
cent and personal income 137 per-
cent. (Federal tax, growth in the
decade, incidentally, was almost the
same - 136 percent -as the rise in
personal income.)
During the decade, state-local tax
payments grew, 33 :percent faster
than the combined increases in pop-
ulation. and prices, and 22 percent
faster than the:; growth in. personal-

1977 had risen 164 percent since
1967. And, while. 1977. taxes
amounted to $128 per $1,000 of per-
sonal income, Tax Foundation calls
attention toihe fact that from every
$1,000 of growth in personal income
in the. past- decade, state and local
taxes claimed $145.
There were. wide variations
among states in both the levels of
statelocal taxes and their' respec-
tive  trends over the decade. Per
capita taxes more, than doubled in
Cqntinued on page 4)

,,ATTENTION EDITORS: 'Monthly Tax Features is not colpyrilted. Material m:av be renroduced freelv. Please credit Tax Foundation.


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