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19 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1975)

handle is hein.tera/taxfeaturs0019 and id is 1 raw text is: TAX FOUNDATION'S
C yright 1975 by Tax Foundatio n, Inc, 50 Rorkeeller Plaza, Ne  York,A  u .o . 10020

Averuqe Statewide Property Taxes-A $46-to-$358 Per Person

A, seen ilOo. iTo[c I ty tlass I aiy greatly in dollar toalIs from state  The  1.S. average of 5216 per caita iit i1 l973 compares ts 5118 is
tio state. I lie ilt' sta ilr s ir tiage tkaellell froti n T x Nl tlatall.  |tl5. The sltudy )oilts (iiit, hlwever. rist locilitirs inoisi consider
IvC.'s ipronitg editsi Cd i1 Of Faill   Figi1i11 r ii ie% i  rvernment 1.  tilore tllat Jus t is' revenue effects of tlhis highly iltlluilli;l lax.
;isrs. 1 eseaihti gaiitiol also sloIx ins a I' sI ily tlit  Getserally regaideild as the la;ihnstiay of local govcrnmelt fii saie.'
ltoir)y taxes call lie significaotly dillerent withii aitas of a stte.  it has also rcceis el ie laiel of 'Is disliked lax in polls.

High Tax Rates
May Be Factor
In New Building
Il'olrty lax rates aie high
elsOlih  ill slloie lallS isf tile
cOiltlly to illihleltie (sIsIrts-
titi ol Iew loutsil g alnds Isi-si
ties, failitlies, as well as ithe
itslissseItalce  antdsl  tsslsterlli.-
l l so n  if  e x istih     lilie s,  a  i 1Vc 'l a x
Fssslidaolrlit slisly says.
Itiher elte Is t Iie tax. whit It
iss.lusesl liaely $51 billiotn
last year, as well is sways its
iItitI it uil lie iit oved, are
dlisctssetl ill the sttldy, PIulo/erlv
Tt\axlia)tliti (ioiserstititl  Fi.
h '''a( t [sf (lie pi opery tax Oil
le Ilost all Ilse of latl, a (1llni-
tttllit)'s eompetitiv lie  iosition
for  tess  itiis)l' adl grotihll,
1111 lIte gtl'iisg plresstore fosr
exelltitols ate other reasons
advaed for looking 3t lite tax
tas s      isitig iore than  ithe
11ailiuslay of local fItii11ce.
The sittisl's assthor, orlt. (.
1.0sel IaI trriss of Colutlthia
Illitersily. Holites that  tectaise
alhsisililainl of the    tax  hit
iiost sltates is a loal t slesrnsi-
shilts',  otIll t' t1taliuy of all-
tltisisttalion antl lhe et staslisy
Of asssssiteti vary gileati ).
chievenctci is ill several
lt's ([eilllstlate that assess.
Iti (       atel et stallttle s very
ttit It igher thal at  e eleiig
htlelat    s ill lost of the cottl.
rv. lie says.
Iti a sliscolssion of o)porttnti-
lies foi  inii)tovittg altinistra.
i1ll fo[  le ltax. P'tof. Ilnrliss
sees i stale govertittletst role
lalgee thatl iost lrcseintly per.
fis sl SIlie elfisIs, lie says, coil
be istkded in 5uth1 It  atlels is
sesllis gstals a11(1 su:tt{Isr(is. ((il-
slitllg ilistiils to tinrease
elft liveiess, traiilis  stalf, anttd
I igading aileals facilities aind
slit ed tires.

Some Property Tax Costs, Effects
Seen Hidden from Homeowners
Despite its being ' local levy  other develpileni t i tie coltt.
that finances local Operations,  tillitty, are Inot so clear to the
lot all tele elecls sif )toellv  taxpayer. %%'here tax rates are
1axitalo  arcilt,,ee o illrSad iot all  1s high as fite) are il stille
of Lthe p;yllells' are ini hided  Places. Ile iturdell slittls
ill ise honleoller's bill. This  l)ttiluligsanli lprlctivee iiil.
leas tse (intllle it f s |lhrl (:.  itlellt still hamlp )er eOsniitllslly
Bllrov, exectitive iliretor of  progress, lie said.
Tax   Follllalioll, I1is. ill le-  l{tlineotsunets are aware of
leasig a itest study oi Pro/.  rising iproClity taxes. |lst al-
eit, Tixatiottn il (oser iseit[  iIOst c s Ill aiorstlsslls ate largely
Fittstitcs.                       Isi  l  ll itile  fsrtit  sif it es It
'Sillse restilts of llo Ierty  hssitiess atd iIblichItility slol.
laxatitlon, slici as tite inlluese  etrly  hat l it lhe filial atalysis
ott I    nushess investolent  n ass  ste 1paid Ily lhe consntier.
Taxpayers Find Taxes on Taxes
Start Right at Top of Paychecks
055e   )l[|l a tilile-illle Ie  iays taxed as itteotse tlhe eH-
Iltost allyod) pat in Sue al  liovee's share of ithe Social Se.
Security taxes seas $30 a )car-  cii, ity tax. One rationale for
there casI't tItlich point ill  r-  Ihis is that SS retiretleiit hene-
gtilg iclsetier that tax or the  fit ill e far greater, becalse Of
FederaI incoine ILtax got first   Ite ensiloyer Italching contri-
crack at tre sweekly paycliek.  Itt lst, thatn ile esnl)loyce's S5
There's a lot itore [>oit, or   tax pain'lltets, andil tte itetteflls
tile, ill the argtmtent ill 1I75,  are not taxed.
IItes Tax Foundation, Iite.       Most stale gov''erlmllelts ex-
T his  year  Ile  I1axitlti li  Sto-  te nttl  Ite  lax.oril-lax  sl licesi  a
sial Secuirily tax still iie $825 oil  slel firther Iy  lot allowing Ihe
the first $11,11)0 of Iirote. At  deluetiibility ol Federal illcone
that level, the (Itestion of cltich  or Socia I Scettrity taxes for stale
lax falls otl which tax starts to  Illoie lax ]itptitise.
involve a dottle tax of $13 or
For exatuie, take a tisartried  '2-in-1' Property Tax V
inai wcith two chlre earning
exactly $1,4,100. Ilis Federal itt-  A new sludy suggests that the
totlte lax, if it sere figured oi  ecotsosic effects of fIte litore
te alltIotill left after his $825  thiaI $50 bilions a year intli-
Social Securily tax has bteett    vidtals ainl ittlistry tot pay
wilthheld, iould lie $1. ,1 less.  its laxes Oil their isrolsertics eats
Ilis Social Seserity lax, if it  sest ie tnderstooi tlrough re.
wvere Iasellt ill cOlite reslaill.  Cogllitiont of the .'to taxes
ing after tile Federal itcite Iax  ins'olhcl.
is icithiehl, wouhl Ite $93} less.  Professor G. l.oscll Ilarriss
The Federal goverliltielit, i)[  says the vital ecotottlie dis-
collise, ioessI't see thiIgs sItlite  lislctiolt ill property laxationl
th1t way ill ip yiing iot Ilaxes  is iat he tax is onse tax oi
to the same Itcolle. It has al.  land and antother our stiatt.ttaile

Tax Overloads Stayed
By 'Circuit Breakers'
Wilh ropertly taxes r easiitig
te  w i e o r l  o l a ls  a  iuii ll y ,  aill
states now Iase sorile tfrIll of
properly lax relief for Ite elder-
ly, Tax Fotndatiots, lic. stoles.
A growing stitltoler (if stales do
it Ihrough    ircil breaker
)roglaills which ill tillist cases
are groundiled oil age attd itI.
collie levels.
'hIlegeneral tetill for the pro.
grais derives frolsi the ee( tita
circuit breakers that prevent
overliading of esIliliiiselot jost
as tile progralsss attempljit 1o pro-
lect smttall  icostes froiltl lax
Wiosint pionceled  with a
circ.itibreaker progras  l ht96-
wilth Milllesota (196117) and Ver.
ntis01s (169) other early statles.
By early 197.1, 22 states hasd
adoptel tircuit.lreaker laws. Itn
tite retainig stales, property
tax relief is gralllel tlrolught a
tis iely of ttliher lItns.
Tax Foidatisats'S liess- svndy,
l'rerfty  Tixatlio   i, Goieris.
inrsltlt Financite, says tise progralsS
casln do tore Ihai ellitlstate
resuills of propserly laxalion
wheltih are widely (ililelileil Oil
eilily glOillslS. The pInIhlie iliay
feel fice tIll tOerllle alnd1 to
stilife [he lax sti0te hilly if the
hasis for a nIajor rrilicisint has
beel resloved.
iew Explains Effects
capital such as buililgs, nut-
chinery and inventories.
A  'high' tax on5   bldinitgs
and mlachiery wvill raise costs
to the user and restrict suIlply.
Getting   the sate dollars of
reelltse frol latld swill stit ce.
dure tIle sipply, Professor flar.
riss slates.
The obseivationss are in Tax
Fotntlation's  ne %   hanllook,
Ptriperly Taxation ill Covert.
tsient FSitance.

Property Tax
Take Doubles
In 8 Years
Prlperty   lax toilectliolH, ill
197.1 wtill Itstal close its $51 hil-
lioll, lax Fts   io lhaioi. lItc ('Iti
Ilates, Illsre Iltusi sii¢c the l11a-
tiolsIsiwle total Only eiglt years
Revente froll she lax. Ilossitly
for lical gostrnisileils, has list'll
each  car deshile    ttlioliie
etiaissIs or lliersy lax relief
alll ellorts by both lIlt' steles
alsl  Federal govelllllel    it)
greatly exslll let Cisc sihas lug
I:I ease jscselldiisg plessilies oil
the lax.
Plrolerty  taxes, iswhislis iiy
consileralbly witil as well as
aisti stls, as er'ageil $11 IRpe
resideint 5alioiall' its listal t'ar
1OI15 sc.'ell solles iots tloasllil
$23.9 billion. lit IFY   1173  ihe
pert alila aseiage was S2161 alndl
ile Iotall. $ 17.2 illisit.
Massachusetts High
Hlighest iroerly taxes pe     r
rapila iii 197:1 were lit M;     sa
clsett. S358; CtOitil'slivlll,
$35:3; California aid Nyui    Jer-
sey, $:318; and Nes' 'ork. $3211.
Lowest states iec Alaasiea,
$6I; Ketttck)', 578: Atkatisas
and Losisiana. S711; aii4 West
Virginia, S83.
Tax Foindaliini oat itisl IC.
leased a new handhok, I'is/s.
eity Tavatiox l  in (;orlint  ri
Filsrs'. gi5ing al ti veri'w O
the Ilcas1y aspets (if tile tax. ', ie
sitaillsta' of Iosal gsss erssltsse
'11e atstlsr. Iloi. C . .owell
I larriss of Cotlmbia, TF eo).
Illilile COslaItaill. sa)s that lit-
ally at least three 111ilits Of gistn.
erslnleslt, andil sOlletillis o1{1{.
tax tile satire froperty. .As esi.
taled 66l',0001ll selarate nlits of
.lolverllllelit impo~lse the [a%,
with   conslderalev dllfferei
stttlaris as iell as ralt's.
Folhtwing   are  lie   aersage
slate figures sis plois'rly taxes
1)   raI fit{  from  lle  F'{11ililda.
t 11n s forthICilllIg  I 8t rs ll
ofr Pai arsd Figisies 055 nites ,.
merit Fittiirr:
FIlial Year Fliacl Year
U.S. Average      216       $1
Alabama            46         30
Alaska            126         54
Allons.           211        127
Arkanisas          79         45
CiIorla           348        197
Colordo          218        144
Connecicut       313        152
Delaware          104         17
Florida           143         57
Georgia           126         58
Hawaii            127         58
Idaho             152        It1
Illinois          244        134
Indlana           236        126
lowa              232        155
Kansas            245        IS
Kentucky           24         47
Lousiana          79         49
Maine             223        116
Maryland          196        107
Masslchuselts     358        174
Michigan          234        129
Mlnnesola         221        118
M:ssssipplI        s         46
MissourI          163         89
Montlan           267        113
Nebraska          237        156
Nevada            236        127
New Hampshire     259        142
taW Jersey        346        173
New MeXICo         91        5
New York          320        159
NotlhCarolna     t00         50
North Dakota      183        123
Ohio              ISA        117
Oklahoma          104         67
Oregon            215        130
Pennsylvania      153         83
Rhode Isiand      218        121
South ClolIna     84         37
South Dakota      256        140
Tennessee         10S         57
Texas             161         93
Utah              146        110
Vermont           236        II5
Virginia          130         67
Washintgon        196         95
West Virginia      62         32
Wisconsin         272        140
Wyoming           247        155
Vill. Colutbia   191         98

January 1975
Vol. 19, No. 1

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