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13 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1969)

handle is hein.tera/taxfeaturs0013 and id is 1 raw text is: Special 20th National Tax Conference Issue
Colqpyuiht 1969 b' Tax Founsdation, hr., 50 Rockrlellrr Plaza, N'w York, N. ', 10020

Januaty 196Y
Vol. 13, No. I

Suggests Way
To Shrink U.S.
Payment Lag
ThI'e filmt stepl ii :rrljriig the
U rnied Stilt's' balance' [itf pay-
Lit'n ill'  ft tirtl  i l idsl I' ill  ll)-
n.I ; fill,  hiltly NaLil ' aV-
trille  lilt hiisiniess fllairsi  ' and
lit  i'll thllgittf  IhIIsLii \icie
1hv1' :li,' fiird Ito  hla\m an Itl
:.It. i.lt   ll flit  alll ill y  and
ofiii iri imig Lret ali  Ui.iS.
li'  (I   dvc 1i -aL im iitiiit t'ff ica
alItli ii  iii I'i iilcI'iiliis a rmf
Ili, Ie.' 2111ht National Tlax
lier'I  Ledeler,  C hitm , 's -o
at(  i'Itf  Iit lils  Ifsttig ,  (et-
il    t'stha  adjl  tlnili t  ills-
io\ ' I'll 'iit i  aIlane  (if
pa .'lllV'lls awl I'u'illy' 0hoi1glh
, ti   ill hO lhlraimiietiare  poli-
Ic':  f I I   def nli ut  aIf doni -i
d11 ',ild  iti',   lirdo aul i ll  1nodtc
HIV  te  i r lcli'+  for  vx  its;
(2   i   IV fictis  i 1f ol'iriils1  P..
I   rdi n i i  ()'  chi n gLhii  i,-
thlliii  lawh', ither Illllth  dr-
I aliatii It'  iyir tloill, alo
sihnis ttll firliis hidll iiiiiumrcir-
~LIli'i t,'hiih ie atl.' The' shl,~
Me eIR T   lxt ,p-laills
li~ al' i  alliolll  +if   ( il   hen
ate,  ill  dInc(' ;i(:  ;111(  foleignl
VC   .111 11  . t.
I h11 'ahiall ol, It - ninl, v d, alf i
iil it  t   ill  11ll,  lifi'l till'  and
tli   lhl ill s  o I ll dii   Al erm -
cil I' 10111 ill xnd  vnii Iilti.eii
s    hi ,  ' iii llai ional 111L i a v'
I  lh  rcillil  infipahi  tile
'''i lio'n r(litt e  dollar it  an  ill-
m  mllili   l  i t' i si a  rl'l.
Must Examine T x Lws
Tm l'i' ili.  II, ll i d Ilalai   of.
m Isl as1 1 i Vsf' . llm , ion  poli
iis.,; il li d  'ti ni'li' l   la t  ahid
tinimlits .  i. rnml'l'd,  l ch
inl   i, icNi aillill'd m s  llihl'th
elaiiil tix. l  th i- ,Il clv  ill.
i.ilrl    ,  tlllo  Wlid o
il.  o lloiti  ill laetnl r Amiiarg
inettitt' I fill  ri ixaiinti n 1  I hV
Salid, uile  olel  lIf nolr tax laiws,
I Is. adhh'd:
-Ifm lic questi myibv riis'red
S. . hi'er a conple, e  ,i- palt
:ilil OIplcetfil Pt (if te Inll no.
5a' itiitill ttla  wti' l' a   'ax ll e
ll'I s  itlol  Ie  i  1 sedll  l e
(:lllllllli  alk co uinltriv's
(vailrridhd tax) s'ald not
tolel  i, hellaiit io  the  'allance of
'etinltilt'ilS, bt alo io tie Crotn.
Oly) a, a whole.
1. ,!  Iiltili l lan iset ion
..eald (l21' however, whetlher his
lyple (ift ax wo:::d t inlidc rlloiC
icenliwe il io hleIase eIfh'hvne),
in lilition -.till llaagllielnl
Ihanl dIll  r v'ni crporatle i-
till, litax.1,
Dollar Outflow Would F
If IFedenal coatrols o li thect
col';lm t fil,  (rciutil  n\rstillCnit
were to end in 1969, n dhollar
oaitlhniv +ir $i liilan to $t bill
lioni (,%(! 1961I would follow.
(Chalhs r. F~icro, lDirector of
(Ihc Offie of Fnliia 1Dfrect Ini-
%esliels told 'Itleldees at Tax
Folundatioen Inic.'s 20th Naio~nal
Tax Conlae this added mn-ll
flow~ u\lluld  hlighl iiese  re,lilts:
(1) Blorrowing wouldn't have
in be d]ole ab~road (o finlance, iln-
vestilntilf and nloney finl tle
U.S. alohably would lie. used ill-
stead: (2) since comni es have

Repi. Wilharr M. MNills, lt is gtrciled at 'F'irx Fiiuadatio's 31st
illaii  lilletr     ItIiitl on  Chall l o :rirriiaill  Ultgcr  It. (:hl:luall, right,
and 'ise (:thi.nih tird,  (;rilld. Mr. tihapnnl is :haintr,
.Sihll ii , thNil. 'Il., ir. (iaii. Pr'esiden  ad  Chief I.Ext-tliie
O  v.0;M I       ..I]   l  Chei i ( ial (:litration.

Proxmire Hits
SST Spending
All '     trd Ito F'deial Sli.ridinig
.arii its dr's rlrorrrl'rt illi the cola1-
imuicial inarket place was toged
Iry Sell. William     fr oxnrire
(Wise.) in an aldi s at Tax
Foundatin Iie.'s 20th National
Tax (Conrrice.
Spreakinrg at tie Iincheon ses'
5hi  of tlie all-day Uonifelnc ,
Sen. Poxliirle %,.s clitical of tle
argirrrierrt that tile transport
(SS') iloject would ease the
ii,ltln's  balance  n! pay'ents
OiinrV tire jitIs allt luilt. lie-
clarI, Llle)' iiill l1e irll itO take
Aliri'rcals over to  ir1oole to
slieind  ilio lley.,t
I ,ie  Sir allilo teil at I )dllait.
niilt of hirlio stiidv hid   l-
ocailed lirniing nlu;ilitlau  sit-
wl'rronic fly+ing 115 Ii plrliialatd
alelill   exli,il~lt~ll ii a'-raliolns.
Tle ability of I cilti'i lli air.
iller to fly crs-conilneit, lie
sail, wa 'all ilnlliralit part of
lilt ellrriiii' 1a VIT.
In a ple-spiech slatelotl'tit lie
Siiallr pledirtl that elihriila-
tin if Sf ' flights evr:it lh  a.
tihitial U.S. waild brig a
gleat ho d   ill ST sales a id cot
signilicanit y into ally benefits
tlhe governm'ent inight irxP'ct to
rceivrc tlrorigh its participltion
in  this  alrrady   questionalie
lit! called ilfi' atlentiin of tie
aiudieice  to  a  erint Frt'ricb
g(Cllilelltle dl'ecisiono Itlltn $12
nmillion froni that nationl's shrale
lif tie developlnlnt of the Crl-
rrrd  sfpeirsllnlic airliner,.
'i\r. dl GallI well to hasc
iiown   in ti' sli ria.e on  the
joint fIrtish-Fiench SST   i,,,j-
ct, lie said. adrlini,1, it loord
as though te Iritish and Fieie l
are iing to pst01p1one tlli e ilalies'
li'velrpnient illlvl a while.'
allow Controls' End
a lalge aliniunt rrf outstanding
shrt-teiii focrign deit repay.
able at will, it often will Ile pro.
italle to repay this debt with
irlloiey fioin tie U.S.; (3) corn-
lanies wold t l(n to inrprove
their foreign liLIiility i1oSiion
hy sendiig fnts frrnr tIt US.
for v11lklling caprital.
The 19691 pflrgian. Fir'ro said,
will lirit drllar oitlow for di-
rect invlstinr'nt it) $2.9 rillion
and it laly Ile rircessamy'' for
biusiiness to loirow  anotlhcr $2-
$2Y2 billion frr fro  eigrn soirces
ill 1969.

New Rules
Need Seen
I'   ll lilerns aliad ii lite
Ili frf lol ii'r laxI'si will increase
;ili  ried  'l' clisil  attlention,
cauliot'ld Ilbrald It. Mahllgiil,
lo'isi ilial s h 'ciil  a simllt  ini
an addless Li Tax   ioindtiton
Inc.'s 20th Nationlal 'fax Con-
ft rice.
The Il eselt titles of the (n-
oral Ag r cenfillt l1 'lalills and
Trade (CA'T), Ille ill- Lrd,
diin l t' IIo thIe realities of
lilerli liri iir.1,' (Jhiirges ill
ilidr r  ix  adjastil;ll ii tlrhc
Vxiaie'ilalt  Ile  sitatioll.  1i1
added :
What u' hltirs liave 'a'r! i'itls
which i 'lii lwlilt a close aplnoli-
iilailiiIll realtyl, with a filin
inlait onlii 'h Ixitet Ill whlch
colnilics can g.o, or iri  ritles
asI 1t 1vhl'1 challgi's call lard
shouldi  la' irilide, irrspel'ctive rrf
loilsic Lix: Clalgies, lie said.
Nlalngii'll 'xplahild   that
(;A'['l' rilh' iaii vide that a Irir-
deir tax aulistnllait call Ill inade
a111 i'pts  aad l'prl  is in Ili
casi' if Ill-ill iof   bearing initv le,
lir c-irlilt i txli e axi's.
'Usi   if ildhect  taxis has
gililw, spreadhing oivr Ini eaid
Ille laodthcs ;and ill Inlole andl
ilir collnlti cs.
At tie, Salil little, fir said,
the U.,. liaS * tI Ir' e l ctlas-
igl1' co iceiled about its coii.
lj(-Iitivc pos~ition in till tIle ac-
cirliit of its talance il paylnrnts,
a duncetln which, lie said, was
tiill a iitclied Iry a roriespondinlg
view  ill ciltries exroiiliig to
contiintal liulrl'rean colntries.
'I'lt' U.S., he said, often fails
to il'cogricih il' Iiajr r Iea-islli for
tilt liavsy  eliance on indirect
taxation as ilci and tIre pref-
'e i    c ic f ithe  aile-ad rd tax.
This is beilcaus it is tiii' m1ost ri'r-
Lain nihod of eliarilg accirale
anrd fil tax collection.

Mills: $60 Billion Spending
Increase 'Defies Reason'
IThec incramse inl Federal goverrienlt exiiveulitltcs frill $1.7, hil-
lion in liscal 1966 to :il istimated $192-195 billion I lineal 11 0
dIefies sound lasron aid judgment's ar:d is a e otlilnitllu fjI, li
tI the delicit in tll:e U.S. balanice of I;aprl nt. Rip. Willt Ii .
Mills (Ark.) told atdti'viule at Tax Folndatimi, I u.'s '1s1 alilaal
..                             din er.i 1 In  in  adles  i  Is  I hI.
New Type Tax                          is ',     f e I,
tilntuilhed PNblic St-1i6c. 0',.,
Chairman of OIIll lhils\\;
ill Ii si','il II
Needed:Sm             ith      ,          ....,,,.:+,
Revisions ill two U.S. tax areas  liket1ie Apollo 1pacrship '5119 l I,,
to imlprove the( nlationl's blalalnce c,ilcl i Inooli . . . lDu'pite I',l
of paynel  policy' were. rec. lo, esing dhinesliv aald illlia.
oi I lenlded hby Plofessol Da~n  lional lIheal pllvhle   orh all
Throtop Smi1th +in adrtrsinlgl Tax  ilivlase deir elt(' l(ail andI  ,'old
Foundation Inc.'s 20th National  j;dlgiil'i.
Tax) (,oiifiit.                  lie ;ail that ii lisal 1970L. i
Piofessoir ,Stiith  of  t il Ifir-  nr,oI.  nilt-ii  iir   ,l'
yard Graduate School oIf Ilisi- likelh to Illo it Fedvidi ili'i-il hoi
ness Adiiaiistrailml) pritosed  totali by $7 billion to $11 hillilm
that taxing (f U.S. lisines in-  over fiv c  1969'1 .I1115 hillim
coine dlerived fron I'oieigu   level,aot    l..$+2 il~
stources Ili! fixed it two-ilhdit or to .$Iql billion.
three-fouttlis tilti Irgular U.S. to
rate.                             lhis, Ih  said. %,l,  'il  tIhs  .-
lif(  also  Ieonalmaildc'd  lhat  sl i)Iioa  tIf l  apl ale h  I,-
coliidil atiloll  iti'  givln I  ill   I  'leaVe  ill  \ivillaill  Ipeilll'.  il
ist! of a U.S. vale-added tax so  ii the illliiilI'. hlslillilg
that  Ana-elicaln  expoals  anti  till-  IIllrh  of alls' Viilla~lll  Ip,-'lidll..
aaoi  wvldh  be  ilealc  I~llil  decleaItC  is lW'h. is, be. alh +ll.
ahl)' wilh i  ;Is e   I Hedn  by' hlicawtd Inilhai. Iwodile

i:lli eIII lVll ill lllil  l iiolll; s i Ie
baset o which ills- vahov-atlded
t   apIle's, is thll' %ali ailihid to
a ploi1cl t I) eiac  stlag) ' i ll( ,
dlctil : cllit is giveln fii any
allialtlt of laxI's lald at irevioi
stages of lpl.,lict oll.
,T 'axing  of hasila.5% illco awi ob-
tained  front  direct fil i n in-
vc'stnill'l+t, acilllding I)i Plofssir
Smitlh, pltovis lille or no rev-
Votlle  floinl 111ost ciilt ;lle
11111' 111111 111111pllalliis
when1 it dis plodiie siglilallt
ivtilnle. ;, is liii I)' io 1place U.S.
Iallness .a a tax disatlvarrlatte in
tie it, , asingly vigorouits ilit'r-
anala bulsiness collpletition. It
tlhi'ole scrill I leasllllC to IV-
Consider thi aspect llf lit, tax
Sail  f    .sir Sothh: We
call ill afford til lilt U.S. ex-
liitels and filign slhildialies
at a conllctitisv  disaicantage,
• 11 aIsciiljy) it) vivo, (If oiur dialir-
1iir trade illohis anldar o ,gen-
eral adverse balance     of pay.
201h Naiolmt Tax cuotrer.
ence   hi New    York    G:ly,
Decermller 3, ceniteredl Ill
Tnx Polrle and lte IM.
rtes, or Patnents    P'robu.
lent.   MateriaI In      Ils
Mfontiy  Tax   Features it
ltttuel  ol   (ln fI    rire
tnplics. The Pro ceilings,
containig the. all-day men-
:lloni't palers an.l (li dtill-
o    Is to  e.vailnhle early
i 1969.

Program to Aid in Finding Overseas Markets Out

A trade deficit il conmnmercial
exportis should collie as no suir-
pr ise in view (if governnirrit poli-
cies followed since 1965, a for.
lter director of tile Prriifertt's
Cabinet Cotiriitice on Export
Expansion told Tax Foundalltion
Inc.'s 20th National Tax Con-
IDanlel 1,. Gold)', now pl li-
dent of ISO World Trade Corp.,
charged the pIlsent Adlrinistra.
tLion had slown a lack of under-
standing of the balance of Pay'
ients problern in dlismantling
the trade expansion program

p|onllted Iy President Kennedy
to solve tile Illli'blll.
Goldy siIglId    ilit teiplary'
niispensioii n tie i11,'l'stilent tax
credit, restrictions on foreignr in-
vestllienl aild tile  ceiling  On
credit for capital goods expotLq
as evidence of the lack of unler-
The narar' of thtf' ainle is:
coipetie for arif get psillon
it  foreign   alkrkes,  said  the
speaker whon   ullined a 10-pihLt
proofrln to issit Anierican biti-
ness in seeking o\crseas inarkets.
le slggesied til U.S.:

Hold Budget Under $00 Billion
' The huoli+<atill (,f IhIIpIl,.
lt,t, fiiial 1970 dinii -n l .
said  M ills.  is  Ichal :   -1%   . ils.-
haridllired il  ll'ltinr' c nlilll is,
hold tilt budget.it ill e -I,+iwh
)car el i ll i ld  V 0 $21   ililll   all 1
o  kel'l r'x1i'ndi ilil(' l1111  Ih-
vnatl dl bhe l'isii  ill. ,lsI~ l
S peil;llimitationsa. he' uid
lirlist he latioiiall i'stalhliliid
'fakei  into  1ll illlli illoio  hiv  li.i%
anyvI'll~e    ini'c~ivm in 1.1N i,-, -
c li(! rlii d  bii d e  all  l i l  ll ,
tax  lifdlllii ll,  illl'lllia id   [,i .
Cri~np-aillloeq, nvwit,', l  -Npltldl'd
civilian Inoiiii and le-lht is
Atih' lllpininig i iifi, :addlr,,
NMill  pil  ibili' il tihe  iiili, .4
Tax  io ndatllri. Ihi' sal:
Siic'e  its  lii nilid h!. 1\,-I  till-
dlveadvq Igol, thisl FI,1unlali~ul hI,-
I ne en  a   pllldn'lit  fi tv  in fi .
clu ing  atteitil i i i  in I Lit i  i
nilloe  lelt'l'l  iili llas  iniills
Ca)'ll;( llowe vnciihlilt gl;o h
Thlglirho  this ll lid, iti
Fl'onrnantii Ilas  'tb I'd weii it'.
stnitud pilrpose alnd olottll
'Towari Ilettec  (iis orv-ili,
'hrough 0l6,tinl'n 'rndi'rsailihng'
a tillitto that il'lects a c16lili-
ion that tihe availalbilit' ii iih,
llilr ill duaLe' an1d f-ivlle
i dfl ailrlin  is  as  itall iilll'itall,
clenient aid. ind'ed, tw  lift
bloid   (if  dlclatic  011ii li
Elihninate imciions, ividll,
export finance  arralig'lili'rls lii,
otlhr g    ielriets.  arhlI
wage-l'i      h sability' adllpt l.
n,~al~ to fa\il+ expolli, i,
iin~il's  ll fasIll i iuil
I0I1A00 oci'arr fheight tlispia iti,
anif tail rate dillfirriials tll r
ilirirld grofod.
Also, cliv tie aI mLii l  I t' 111 ;i11.1
nisln thoin GATT in cople lil
hnleinalitnal tradhe lattiii Iii,
Iider taxes, adoilt I       ;i ,
rilacih to foreigli ail1. ;till Ilos
srlildate i.istiig  hlulals  iln,
agencies into sonlill Iike.
Ministry of Tiadre.


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