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4 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1960)

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J..,uary 1960
Vol. 4, Number I

gi y MO                                 T3LY TAx FEATUllES
Copy ight 1960 by Tax Fo undation, inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Neut York 20,N. Y.AMaterial may be used waith proper credit.

Gov't Supplied
18 of Each $1
of '58 Income
Is: essse  dislitsent eit ts by
FeIlerai. state saitd iscal gsverl.
:ssellis: wages idii slr-et to
their emls oyees, social secrsity,
Iltlil- l40) t I 011. oi11111 I l lioll,
pen11ssions and1sl itlihlic assistaice,
assss1ull::(d, int 119158, oiI avelage,
id 18 tlis isolit if evesy $1 ol all
pei  o! mita3 iicOille receil   s) by
Aie iI isis, 'ax Fouidiattions,
Inc. ll1t.f.
1i I 19.5, the Il' clii al g sein:-
tnliL dislisinel $10.3 billin or
II  sest-sit ii sill Ilstial il-
itie, w'hile -$25.1 billion, or 7
l)MieI|, W,;LS dlillhliNeI fy Statle
anlo a Io g ov'ernmlenlts.
lhe   rstio  ci  total goveill-
iilsit ilss olile dislursem:ents to
:I eersisisl islsuse howevser,
was Lco-aid-oichalf tilies
gealter ihsi tie ases as iii   Ite
)ist:  tf ist ssinhia where i is
estittateld ,15 ceiis of every $1
os lset'olial intcime was dcrived
Is sill gitvetllillest. ]lecaitse of
the ltisa) cosietirisalist sa Fel-
ciail goscttisieil   wokes ai
1).(;.. it is figired siat over l11
cestsi s-i e h1 is I l i(2le01sil iii-
itme Caillle ron:   Ile ntsitnal
goisset tiit, 5 cenits frot Isisal
glvelliilelin Celf|rllI.i
F1iret ittiileltL.
Louisiana Highest
The greatest aioii o each
5I il[ st;:e ticld fical govern-
tielis is c.salts d islilirscinc l  sis
Si lel'eiitage o all personal in-
cniIevas ISisollld its Louisiasa,
s1iie el uilt Ithi  cells caitte
Is I    ltsatte ins]  Ocll governt.
iselit scon:es, i10  i ts frossi the
F'dtil f goveltillell
'lhe  ligures  slowitg    tile
tell is pe:'1 of lelionilI itlCin
dle         ['icsI  Is i  goverslsment
sstites,  ili a breakdown       by
Fedeal or state aitnd local gov.
ersisslet Is:
Ait                state
GOV'     rid.      Losal
D.C.      45.4      408        4.6
Vs.        29.9     23.1       6.2
N.M.      27.3      17.6       9.6
Md.       25.6      19.3       6.3
RI.      24.2      17.6       6.7
Ala.       23.9     16.3       7.7
Utah      23.5      15.6       8.0
Wash.      23.4     14,5       8.8
Okla.     23.3      14.5       8.8
Miss.      23.2     14.2       9,0
S.C.      23.1      16.0       7.1
Ask.       23.1     15.0       8.1
Maine     22.1      15.3       6.8
Aiiz.      22.0     13.3       0.7
Col.     21.9      13.5       8.4
Ga.        21.8     14.8       6.9
%,        214      14.7       6.7
,          23.0     13.9       7.2
Nev.     20,6      13.3       7.3
La.       20.5      10.1      10.4
S.0.      20,5      12.7       7.8
N.Il.     20.4      14.0       6.4
Calil.    20.0      11.6       8.4
Tenn.      199      32.6       7.3
Mont.     19.7      11.7       7.9
Wy,        39.6     3 1.2      8.4
Kan.       19.5     12.3       7.2
Idaho      19.3     11.3      s0
N.C.       19.2     11.9       7.3
Mass.     19.1      32.1       1.0
Vi.       190       31.4       7.6
Osn.       18.6     10.4       8.2
W. Va.     18.6     11.0       7.6
Ie-s      18.5     11,9       6.6
Meb.      17.9     11.3      6.6
N.D.       17.6      9.2       8.4
Minn.      16.7      8.8       81
Mich.      16.6      8,6      8.0
Pa.        36.5     11.0      5.5
N1Y.       16.1      8.7      7.5
Ma.        16.0     10.1       6.0
Iowa       15.4      8.5      6.8
N.J.       153       9.5      5:8
Ohio       15.3      9.3       6.0
Wisc.      15.3      8.2       7.1
lInd.      14.9      8.7      6.2
II4. 144             86       5.8
Conn.     13.2       7.5      5,7
Del.      12.8       8.0      4.8

1960 Tax Bite in the Eight-hourDay

011 average,  ach  i us works twi hours and 16 nminusItes o every
eigblbbur workling day to iei our tax bills. Only one sour, 28 1in.
sites of wiSink is iettleicd to Ileet Iftil costs. 1i 11958, two huts aid 12
iiiltitcs of work was re1iiiredl its usec  taxes.
(2atOlsl risis svailts t wilhll s-has-ge ons ' elsu)

Welfare Took
10% of G.N.P.
Old acuiiit tanics  wonri't lie
forgot ill 1960 as ste rae o tax
(or ()ld-Age Survivors' anl Dis-
ability insuranre reachels its
tet aind greatest lieilhi, accord-
iig to 'lax Foundation, fic.
Ai 3 pserceist rate, to lie paid
lty hth eniployer suIsd etstl)loyce
oil the first $1,800 oif iioile,
has, shice jaiila ry I, repilaceid
tine hOr::ier 2V2 percetit rate, At
estlislsaitei  75 tiillion  jieltoiss
will ire alfected lay the rise.
The itew rate rellect- the vast
grows    atnItl srope of the Fed-
eral goveretis's insuiriltie
priircigsi sitice its inaiuguration
in 19:37. Niore issl iore elderly
isersois sire drawving utore lilser-
aimed leiiel'ias, s Iinui si thalt
iayielt:s have exceeded re-
ceils for the past few     years.
Apslication of tie tew rate is
calctlated itr britig fiyinents
and receipts more nearly even.
Its fiscal 1937 when    OASI
taxes were first collected, re-
ceis  itioitionted to $252 imil-
lio. I.eseil s lass year, (1959)
wee $8.5 billion.
It is estitisteil that illore lsall
111/2 bill-io will lie 1)aidl Iront
%,it sits ttiss fnlds aundl Federal
ili atriaittns in fiscil 19110 for
hJelili ts atl set cires io she ahlgeJ.
I is estihnaeil thai more Ihal
$50.I billion hiss been palsl to
).\SI Ibeneficiaries since  itn.
h'lie ulward srend of spend-
lug-aid taxig-lor iociil vel.
fare irogratts is also relleceld in
a receie iotpilation ly site U.S.
liceartinent of Ilealth, Flica.
I on aid Welfare. It shows tlhat
spetiding in fiscal 1958 (Iatest
year availhaile) for all social wel.
fate pirograsti  nit|it ied to $14
tilllon, or muore Lhi teis per.
ceti nt fthe lhen gross nationIl
roshttct, $135!/ hillin. The
Isrevions fiscal year, it s 8.8
percent of GNI'.

You 'Owe'
$43 More
Ahhough you've left 1959 be.
hind forever, you'll carry one
of its problenms into lue new
year, satys 'lTax Fonthsion, ic.
I'liat's your itise of total gov-
ernnent debl. The research or.
ganiio lnlis ethis each
of its owes $2,007 iii iccoiss
of sotal gross governitieut debs
-figured as of the entl of fiscal
1959. That's $43 asose shan in
1958 aisl four tiutnes per caspita
thebt 20 years ago.
The total gross governmelt
dlet, Federal, state and local,
grew sin estintated $13 billion
bet seen tie end of fiscal 1958
atit 1959 whet: it sas $348
Of this attmtosunt, the Federal
t overnieit' share was $285
illlot:, the stites' share smut esti-
tesased 17 shillon sd local gov.
eritlents share, $i6 iillion.
Oil tile basis of these figures,
the individtal Aneriean's
owings on at count af Federal
debt i fiscal 1959 increased by
$20 over fiscal 1958 when the
per capita figure was $1,623: lis
'uwings for state det were
$99. uDp $9 over fiscal 1958,
while his indebtedness on ac-
cotunt of local governmlent debt
was $261, 1tsp $13 over 1958. The
figures ly selected years:
Per Capita Debt In Selected fil Years
Year  rodsril Slate Local  TIta
1950   1,731   36   127   1,893
1955   1.702   69   205   1,977
1958   1,623   90   251   1,964
s1959   1,643   99   264   2,007
'Estinated Io shale and ocal.
Asi 18,000-foot test hole is to
lie bored it so the earth's mat tie,
tIis year, part of all effort to see
what's utderteath, Renportedly,
Congress will be asked       to
Iudget $3 million to help the
work. Wisth Federal debt $291
billion, this idea     deserves
leep thought.

See Fiscal 1960 Spending
Reaching Record $156 Billion
All previous governsecut spending and taxing recoids scint
likely to be broken in 1960, Tax Foundatlion, Inc. estimates. Fed-
eral, state and local governments' total spendlit; may reach 5156
billion during this fiscal year, she research orgasizalon calculies.
The last actual year figure available (F.V.1158) a ordin itto a
(:etsus Bureau survey, showed total sletling at $131.9 illion.
If tie estimates are istsrlt
Quizzes: $8.8 Million             out, the 5jetl.ing figure will
reptesent a Mtew lugit of arounlidl
An   estimate made by one       $2800  er fauisly. As recentl' as
Senator as tie 861th  Congress    1918, te total expenditilc but-
ended its Ist session, indicated  des per family was onily $1,19l.
that money autholsiation,, for      Total Fetletal spendiig lit
Senate and    lassise cot11111i see  the lincal year will likely winl
investigations and lo sen prr i  1: at $118 Iillitn on the basis
poses totaled $1.8 mil lion. I    0   the It:-eat:' survey figies
The S1it is equivalet to le  (whih icliude expelitures o[
Federal individual itictinetaxes  trust fuInds aiil gros e iI Ciull-
paid by 27,000 Aiericats (itar-  Lt'es of slte 1st ollice atti ihller
ried, witlh two tildren, earning  gtvcrnnient citeiplikes). Iilis
$4,500 a year).                   will be abisit $12 billiu iiitu
thIan in fisessl 1(158.
State siettdiing  [orn  owi
sources (excltdiig ls' hoi
other govertimetsj, tile oisuin-
dlaion essinates,  ntay reaih $28
billios it fiscal 1960, or alisse
$5   sillion above stail 1958
a-                  .        spendiiig. Fin!!, Isis al sltild-
htng  (front Olvil %souiceS.) is
likely so hit $30 hsilltt0s as ussi-
pared whit  $26 billisn in 1958.
l'oil Feleral, state aitsd Iial
tax collectionts it fiscal 19111i it
to        esthnated at $126 billion (ex.
c iidi  governeiest elite: it 5e
receipts asnil istlax rvetiele).
' ' a,          Outlook 'Forbidding'
As we enter the dectasl s!
tile 19601is. said Ir. Itobeil I.
WVORKERS. It the period        Frenich. Foisldation ti'eside,
195-1.59, total payroll costs of  lthe liittiehiate fiscal outlisok is
Federal civilian agclies in tie  folbihllg. Alisoigih tie iew
Execsitive lranich a site goverit.  Federal bsudget Isoliosed (or fis.
nient itcreased 35 percent, firom  cal 1961 provides a slibstsit:al
$4.9 bililis  to $.13) lbillion. Tle  sarplus, spe:lling pelessilt's ls
tet increiase of over 83,000   couiless in ateleclitin year
sentrkees in these elviliin age:-  could easily obliterate that illar-
eies disring this period, accord.  in snd  hiltlge itn titter ilto
gil to she Byrd Coninitce, te   .    At  i   l      i      ld.
silles! 0 frost: getteral growth  ing illel5tles beflre (:isllgli
attil exlansion in 36 ageiees:  dwarfs tie 1oi  el s I islts.
tle reation of 2.1 new ageicies;    Nuci of     I li  i I lit
general decrease or cirtailhnent  so uiclease its Fedel Spending
of 17 and abolition of 17 ageti-  over the piast five )eais is i iI
ties.                             the delesse atrea, if which oiust
over-all  litl ases  ste  s;I'u alk  al
P.O. laig.st worer irleii  tributeed, bit it i anit ) ii ls  ie'
lay civilini agsncy   i  r deqssrv,  in coistrollable doiiestic slvild.
tiresit it, the 1954.59 fenriod, lIg ptograns - for latitn subsi.
40,J37, :,,as in the Post Ofire,  dies, vetera::s, housingand lvai.
This is more than thein individ.  otis net and cosils Fedile:l aids
uaal slate pnsonalio  increases  to states ansd locaities.
in 1950-56    it Malise, New        I tite states, 17 legisls
llarnplhire, folil  arld Soulh  unetillg it: budget sessiois and
Dakota, Idahn, Ohllahsotsa or   six others scheduled  for slgulsi
11yont tit    .    •             sessions iii 1960 sie cot:oiled
with  tite  usille ptoblemsl that
LOGITIC]S. 111 recent coal-    [llI led tille statles thicitigh [ihe
pitttlion, slte U.S.  ilitary still :-  tsexllitlds oeltsi that
ply systesis hal st: invettory :ss  Outpates revettestsl sli tliat.
warehouttes ;is ulelso.  ctoughl .  ens further slistaiutial in i w
Oit the world valed at ablsit  i reol slelt.
$47 illion-t  cottniingeq  ip   n f te    liwatl   slseislitig
Inent sich as planes aitl 5hlilts.  trend at all levels   gsvse:iI
The materh! is stocker], world.  went is pelititted to  dililiale
swide, at approximately 2,700     the new    decade, our hli:sly
isilisary insta Ilat ions.        heavy sax bisldent will se taillir
.   .  .               increase.  otlllllll hlIas u.
IN  AND    OUT. Barl    year,  inottey except what it gei, listisi
hitug osh view  fits: tan d r .  PseipiAe.
air anld orierhisd, about $15     T lIe isolle and heir Is-gis.
)uli  tUio rth of material is fill Iators it laslhiigsino and ilt.
into this supsly syslent. Sisul.  state capitals luist first islig.
taneously the ntation's operaling  nize site lrtelenl Trentils il tse)
forces rositsllte, sssear Out an  waiti  to  keep   goverttlsletls
equal asmounst.                   speniding (rain gettiig enttsely
0   -  0              osie of isasld, Not only the pris.
SURI'PIUS. it 1958., tie De.   eist and prosp ectve tax  li:it ,
partinclit of D~cfse ilisjsosel of  brie the continued tIhreat si
$8 billion worlth of susrplus sit'.  really lisastross  itiiilli Isir
telilail, a eirdiug toaspokes,  vile  ctiiells asdil  lgishl sit
h11i3:, exce: i to di lose of $10.  alike the stringest kisil of it.
$12 billion more cach year for    centive   to get goversinient
site tiext several years         spiendl   n ittller control.

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