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3 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1959)

handle is hein.tera/taxfeaturs0003 and id is 1 raw text is: TAX FOUNDATION'S

January 1959
Vorume 3, Number I

Capyrfie 1959PS by Tax Foiindniphan, hIc., 370 Rttekelellee Plaza, Newv York 20, N. V. Maerllmay hearied ivida proper cedil.

Gov'ts Now
Taking Taxes
Out of Air
I nets (.11 he-uid nire-liter
ill v  pirktl Iitt oh  tite  air, ay  s
rit:  l'ilililai tiil,  I lie.  ISs  tlai'-
ill  iI    c   il  l d  in t tilet r
Ite re1111111iii 1 (  11e  Ctil- Cllu
liol jolunue5Il$ i Illotrull
galiflillell tit, Thy iiil l
!l;il ll 1Ll 'ollecl Met Ol
taerh c iii  I t41 i is  ll Iii  1.
hi lii :!68il II, the loiteral gol,
(.TIIIIIIII 5 i111dl ld  31.,1ll.it
hloll  hitil   1 t     i es'llli
2ellleillr Ito il  loilli. htalll
t as   ol  I Cll i e  etl l l frot
:1lc i:l 7c 1,(!l gl;Illllimil oil aili-
lvio li irile bt i lioll  C lit
oI1 t  liCI. t
I ii 5lilllliolly  it c ic 'let
hlitiilmI tkllt  11110 Ilill iii ii  t
;I io iorlv 17Tbilh'IJl
 lli   ltcl al Inliekl, it I'i
Silie 1 iil toll  tle Federi
liv toi &ill tin b  llik] I o
jc  r 111 Il4 l e  rh iig  ill 501
1i 5710 inilllion ii urc. Thle A..
lllhl{tralil, lcronlig to I-c.
lifi lil t1(,I it   tl itl r
I   lie   ,. i'A t    i  :     o11.
I111 lonaxe oti r.i,' latl w fueiltli
ilig ;I lici 3 1/2-n-gaIloll Itax, all
CIL         i     l, Isr
i li Ceal 1958, it  is esliilc1e
Ihe I aile ,i llpail i2.911 Itti.
Slll It1l5 l Itlxe  OIli   i[tlar  riL
W'iS Jllie[l SNi g~eler:llv
k.loltll, I.Vow el, is door .  [oil.
.xILS$ k f ,hilllelld to tile pa)cl'i,
cithlier Il the Federal IOT State
gill tOi  l   tts   51tlii' ll r  Fel  is
it  hoc tiitr than higllway
liill   lill e' .
A.ltilisigh 2i1 ii[ ire Ferltuil
j i) lil icftixttbllc. tle Ic
Ve qtlli levy added Jie iONi
i Otl Isiliitvls, it is refund.
Allt if itusedl ir olfflliglliway pur.
itIeS, ilrchilhi.g Ii~lillatIC1.
(llir It,'o staten, Aslalilillc
ii'liw'ro tIle rrti stll gasuulitte
it% is 7c tid Vurltot (1tlc,
:ix  a'is-i;it lus ii tiiie l  t  lil
liIllll I l5 lli  tat  rate.
'I hhl Iy-ile stles atid I ils.
it iet Ill C0iilluil grallt hill tax
Icl iel oll glalite Iltect toe nvil
11li til  lttlir~ls- t la' iciest te-tlin
<gil,1 i ilsill i itf ilol[h foci
11itli l  slll  ar  xcli er.l~
SPi'ell ist1ten Igr ltll r  lit  ar-
lli estiptotl or paltil re-
Iliilui  ill  tle  ,5r<)Ilo lli  il i
11m tii oi  artloeit,  i   ittli
ftlr d'   III  lie,  Flih l  c  l a ilh' l' l
;:istlill  I..  is 1il/,  per gclollo ,
i   ituitrx  fitct  ulily  pt i Ic of
tIlV In'-i tilr deciealer atlliics
for 21 xefund  il5cor tsite fI1C
tas. Sales of iitel lIsigliti for
tlhiltl[i .ri 51ilJjEtt to it tiler
iclilld -l tlll'/g of [hri iiI it
Eight  sius   t alx  avisi ii  il-
I[IIP it it low'.er wae iin the
t  il  'iasuuliur  a  'l  1-111-
ItLill clinics fixlir tiollllC tril
lilaIl i1 111w ii   cile  91111 t' ',ite i ns[ie
sitir  h rII de I  IVel  Iiiltler  (i  1 l -
%1l1 it I it I ol/ c er illit.
I oir er, il 1thl  tie l uel Cire
I  i  T  it Io iS l  iti rer'tnis
Sr'1 . t i xeiC   Ftor.

$1 Billion Gets You $20

I is exstiiated isy I ax FtIIII]a ion Inc., tlht e e cry $1 Ii lion
ee1C~itiills ill Feilersl spenfdirg neiretin  $1121 hsx cut for thr
average Ainern araIily.
(TrwJI cr.al, a,xifllil i.'li,~ clare ulri *l4 sell)
Say Annual Job Hike Cost
42-'58 Ran to $J'A Biiii-ii

al'ls -T ax Fouatmlatiuii,
hit., sssilv h Iplcii if a stock-
holider'S tiilCIiig wxas told axic
of tle c oi.xIay's ileps istrit
lhod heci rcorgaillietlot  y
lldilnl  le I it iont. bill by
the    tlowritg lsevrlopiliwnls
Ilie rirg.inizltion previdd
Far, I I timtel o  tlillsectiolts:
I IC li ,tltle.tl liidlsestil $)
wa;s I to ed;
Ilts iti lm iitte arl nret+ (ii)
Il TIVe Ciiol.lO'es were doil9
ti  'ork (orimarly done b y tie;
Cost OF tile ltin- r y til
rltivi i 'tWii oltilost 5iibl  d.
All this was siaid lu he iii ini-
eoYt tlh at StCllti'i llSr.
ill hoe dillermices in jah lruii.
i      l ill i+l tillin ame Federsl
Tleii.l l ,  ti!c.. i.l.. ig.r   I i   ,o   re
(cic  I     le atsuollitilii hi ii-
5clitpalihg Federal jPbllcoldeis'
MINIMS ilel+ lIii iktO5.
''htcugiiahiiois, Itecitielil re.
i hnni ill joll isidiards . . Il
ilcrease Iin siipergrders :laid
oilier top-lenel jobs (aAnul It
five-fol inciiCrease  lt 1 94hI2-
1r'),°said Chaini Il  [vis$
,ll ha,. hll ;nllitillry ci
I I:.' 1(11t1 praietices reslsLiei ill
ill eiutiile ll'roll iltrwlie o1
11011t 411/4 hillions A1 )TyH ovel
the 16year period it wis sald
'I it etiiorL cites Iii a i.
log rcitalliallnl be Olte' red-
ciu l  l l t  nrtI tlt    Ml I  iNIhiil y ,  ,
'd itori~it'l hislell ll ' t gimile
c.is (I 1!1511 salaryllgo1111: $8!1190l'
$11I,110). lUmlee huh were riglii
dlivisfiillc.'leil by si.n enlIloy-
eta iii grade 0S-II (57,1110-
5$1t,,'(), ore in 05-9 (557,985+
36.99,85), 21n11 UriC it CS,7 (SI,.
'lilillll h ut iCII l llili' l
itt' itlIt fo lisi 'lellilll, lientI-
t l lilI ll  lll ($.ll il l l,
lI e gai lilee Cg.l I iisllsits
, iilin~cld o Idh'~nlp, II

wirezict. sip, ptia ill alhilhlirri.
tire rifriee, Tihere were then 7
5,1 I's ilt1e.ll of 6. 1itlltwoict
GS-12'  ($1111 $9,550), aloeg
with riva( GS ls anda GS-7. Tle
lIt lerisr  a nilaries cisere$5h,ll0l
.k yenr  tefore teocganizllioll.
Alter it, they totaled $10.,000
I)it l 01 '.
hl  11/i iillioll a yea: in
crise is eIuivllCnt to all tie
ilil lllal I11100 IIXL )ltid by
sl1Dllt 4 lillitil (tllield viilli
LWO Chilhll) ly itil Alepvri a
cililOyOCt e0l llig$lil1 is ai,
I1COldilog o t Ie Frliltlliiofl,
JIG  .9IIATI. Sleniltng by
the Federal government itl fisc;.
19 8 rep resen te i 1 e e in o
'hi 9I~s<rlilnClll 1il,5St j- (Fedl
erall, state, local). Stair spentul-
1i vas 17 .o tie total,
I-IOUSI 5j101 . [iit  lir  cl
ol tire over I iaillior., new, Vn
lart  lailal ,   it atiallle in
1957 wIlts ililtrwrtIetli lay tle
leilerl I5(l-h:1lt   either
thlmoilgil  ct lel  ui  ngc1111
Alillinis. iittill tile th1 Veta sa1t'
Adiinisirintliau 'lie'l FHA tn-1
d,'uole, 16[1,4011 of tire total;
VA 128,300.

Thumbed Out:
27% of 1958
Bond Issues
A silIore cluillls ivtgiIilly ill
cOi Il IruIIeI  S  t'ilill cWillq It'.
Ile til in lie Asilil l vitiel
rejtcli of 27 perrilI it chi
32.3'+ lull  Y1 il of it!    alitl
hci!l bond 151is  in 1it N n.
$nlier's lcetinll, nltet  Tax
Fiolilldatioll, llt.
In 15156, jist over 1210 mil-
liver, or 1 ilieetli of tie 42.7
billion  ultered  was 5tjericil.
Illieteli iil 1958. $131) trillion
Wisrejerle tll it litic iit nLcli
silallee tol.
'['liet42.3 btillion lllltlCrcd tie
voters last year was Ill1 second
liipllrt liir icoyrrtiL't 11111.
I'lie 27 jItCn  rojilctiin -
1011ih  e evcelpilin al t 61 i1Cr'
it    Iletllttlli i $ 1ii  illi u
Worlih Oflerel ill 195,- l tile
largest  rCjecllon, jlrcenlge-
wi5C, &11CC 1c 150, says rh Foul-.
lforliitlig lrllolsai ofiet nd
byi statst, gei ei ally. fared better
thlan those ill lo'il govl iiliclit.
01 $1 ..1 bill~ka iii irolrl d 1 lae
11i0l [1 ilt, I19 ll<t~iit, or $$25
litililil - al in llinois - Were
rejected.  I.o nal intl I 3U511
lllinglll [if Ian ti 111lld 4$16f
nmillli anlzd $307 iilliern Wotilh,
or tibtnethi~ird, wvere ie'
lfiYftIiltb'ililtg ,  l   ill'i
te lie I II dlilil tr tlslliii  of
liorxl ilies 511n1itird, ]9411-58:
Year  SihIiltulid  ippoliri Rejltie
-        Million
1958    32.322   11,50    $630
1957      940       71     IG4
1956    218     2,472     210
1955    1525       556     967
154     1,58!    13917     192
I153      921      9so      7S
1 1     1.61.    11,242    270
151    114Z      1,89T     45
i50     sh:       654     3D4
1849     1 6H     1,342     2&5
18      1,:23  7         585
'Resulas an $12 millin unkaile
Hook of Arrtp. Sfeel
Named TF Chairman
Chilliet R, IHook, Chirman,
ARtittO, Ste cliiiioi     Was
clectd Chlairmln of hli     'lax
]Votilitlation llniot of Tristees
;it its i 11Ii111I  ineting iri le-
loud Wnrp!lcr, Cltuirmanl,
Vice Clieola ii iof Ilic laird,
Roivell lagill f Xleitlori,
Coisn., ianriir r lidieriecretu Iy
iif the  U.S. 1i roalla remains
is FiiandiiliOlli!Peesirleitt.
Codll Ca'liitd, Vie  l'rei
dellil, oliu  Ilhill Cheiiocal
Corlliaiitionii 10t5 ele   oxI Iole-
ilation Vire lrefdeti. Joh iW,
ilalics of Olin  l  atlrlesli COil'
1Owe1s  a Gilaonia      of   tie
lloard's Exectutive c0o1illliteee.
(1)11cr olfixis t tClasled werc:
5. 51021 Colt, Bllkers iriEst
(kalllillly, 'l'oclsilnlr I lcrlsert
. ,I l1er, xe tise Director
i1111 Alfred Pfarlr  ecretary.
Title  leadca' DigeJl  for
Jaiiui try feat lli ll article
DOa YOU   911 W a~  1clli-et
1)11 law?, a eodllsdelitioll l
ill original .S c/rday r  ile.
2la~illll, T,'l' ou oIllation

'Grim' Fiscal
Outlook Seen
For New Year
Ninclcit Fi-lls'litic, iInli l
il by  .illig ol il1 till lfklly
be folhoive  b)I eicitlr li]i
of tle failty la1ikr1i Iai esti-
InllI     e. rt O(I g~ot crllilt'vl
31taildl l=il t  ll,   l llg  cljiill,  1'.
IIw   highs. ''ax  Foutin:i11111,
Fly Jtlle 118, 1 t9T5 oil tf [IU
lisctll clue fil Fedrral,.cttle i1l
hosel gomx  ixtllii I ii11 ;11 .I llill-
Juig 1ia lad, $1,1 -  tiliot  t!
Iilt l  Cllgiallt5 ill .eimiclt.
T is scii i ih 1 ill riirclui
-1 nru ll liigh of $1t770 per Famlily'
oill the  lii]. (if preentll wlililiics.
Aml turenll' at. ]11, 11lt Irdc.4
lir ce nlily was oly .1,2.11,
'11i  IilllitiOi Lll sil  Il-
anidl Ioal IInc  cill. lug lit  ill
of tile is.l ))e1r, lilt the 31111
billUnus Vial k, orl Ilte I iute u
$2.1050  i  lul     I   I11 it
wlias ,lljliolllntlll 11I,2001 lo-,
I le fiscal iouLlul isI
said   Rotivel fliagill, lot tit
'l'eeli try  UtsilleFto-t li at :ixii
lirexiifeiit iii lilt F'oiil,i mlh
T'I  sit lie  U39114 tEIiiiuii I uIt II I
Itliies'let nlieal I 'l, ;liiut tlr
ic      ll o h iil set lit eFilil
i+sill' lie  IF'ohlei  itsh 1ldio
elyi 1,0 11i Ic ll 1i1<..1 ICi
tlhan $111 1 ba fioe [O fiscal 19611
by i Luiagioss lai tl'ki (i0  l e
It I  i  u all the goierilaiJlt
sorr         fill  il i'iiltlhitihe
with till Ihbe uiieltuse i li, l Ithe
Arry. Navy -11i1( Air Ioir  cotln
it is %illilic-llltl tiit ihe.
pos i Wor yl ')ea, FeEI- 4 r ', '11 .
I Ilis incl tiase Ilb) Si, hill ollll,
lrge l} liilI aigh tt il'ilii
Ilor  uth  'irti l   i  tv Vi ci aI
5tlilici ls, t  ui 'liral aitl alithe
series ailld hic-ililim.t Iliil
riitih lltu isli-te fliUlgsicl itlui il
Ill l   l'll  lIstin   treI lt:!1,,11!
dlit meat I    5  $110 billion lIvi
ilSi Ic fl vi1ge atil ii lie iii-
lIn  lilstios. catie -Iil ltgis
ltillcs si'e lt d  I iil  llilliie .
cilleid  liqu:il 1irolello iiri ;Is l  uII
eat it rl i t. iii  f t i i   ti ll   t v ix s
a  u   ild rccori slate debtl.
If ie lit ii roritihtie. the iulll
ocss-ilile oimlliti  l m111L lil.-lit
fiscal lrelli is higher Itax io
evLrhoi    less i Ililll  1 Itiii h
of iOs Ca alilt Irir iir ilrsuliialI
liec.Csitit's, tiii a Icai-:iillsdhr
valuiale tollar. Iliet tuIx tio I
mot 5 oll l    iilt weat Ildotill ll
evelty i ll he aiks fl iuipll l'-
erilmeict Siish   Iill iii'1iiii Ili
t   hWtll(fiotmi%  l 91t1e 1e i1tl
Ow iiiiliedtl  I .....ll dir' lethi liii
go'erlliilt ill  the  falll  il
graliit   h an atil, ie is rolili 4 Ills
a liratier lIi  hliltill oili in
,tell an  oil i fis helltt  cii i..eii.
FCirral esviriltlilei  iitl
ir hroughr tlotli to $711 billicni
i  t    llt  slilp  bill   tI1 i hll-
psibls CI  tt lpIiallIo t. Ilui   isn
to  accolmllish .1 $75   billon
htildget foe tlhr IIn' ri¢c  is jr
hegioniiig oii itly II 11, wse
sltu  Ihiree io revere a steslg
fiscal incil:; ,iid  hi  ilmiini
iTc sict ll Ite to  lit l tile
el15  C 'tiigmess ltiar uw'e ixldit
ritlit iiaE,  a soitull illlt  ail
IIIlis~i itai  te   lllhii9 iii
a'll i reet i~lt+'

Cs           S
eS  -Ii'

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