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1 Monthly Tax Features 1 (1957)

handle is hein.tera/taxfeaturs0001 and id is 1 raw text is: TAX FOUNDATION'S

Jadioary 1957
Volume I, Number 1

Copyright 1957 by Tax Fonidation, Ioc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y.

1OI'S'. lit 1955, the   li1
1.e, icld 68.,728 paiis of gyt'
shiS at a   t ipluti goods sale.
T.hv Iigioially cast $57,813. A
It- wr'rs latet, the ,J.F. $soIld
21.s 16 piis. Sonic nionths after,
thIr Aiv sold 7,306 pairs of
'ath leti's h oes.t lI we reun used
withi iii lotreseeable need for
tMcn. 'rauwhile, a Senate coint.
notitre ftitrl, the Navy was lii)u.
ing it filial 1955, VW15 Iairs of
athletic'' shoes-ur as the Navy
pt it, hahethall shoes.
WO't)RKERS. Itn 1955. there
%.( aotit twice as nmany Fell.
elal ris'ilian uoserllnienit cni.
plo tcsin California (230,0110)
a1 list' %et e    ill tile cap.
itha fit% Sof ai actto. -life
itntlti'hi of Frderal empiloyees I
thi  tII(i' aipiiroximnated those in
:ihc Ihsti i(t of Columbia.
lD. Statisliliani calritlate
that sit' I    l   War II's Wil
ah.,. the Fedeial goveinnient
loi     rd ei  taxes amonting to
I4 I billionii. rFroni 1796 to 1945,
',dlraIl laxes levied amounted
to 5253 billion.
SP)NGES. The Federal gov.
cl:ilielit is reporird to have
sitiied a olte.)car, $211,0010 coll.
tlit iwith I Florila laboratory
It,-  Ie a Ilibiological study of
ihe state's sponge grounds. A
$ oIgi'e c ihlhc111c hail affected
ti Is nllgeq aull reduced tile
vr~ l k ~   l r q a ot i t y .  P r e v i o u s -
Is. q53,ttI sas tsed for biolug.
i;Ial Isesalh ill tile Gulf of
adii   oi  a stoidy rf tile causes
aiii control of toxic red title.''

Tax Burden
Now $1,900
Per Family
Tn *tal goveriienIt tax receipts
itt the U.S. are or tie first time
in tile cotlty's listor y, reachin g
the 51 0 billion trat k. This stui
tials $1,9110 for each American
I't elititittary estimates by the
lax Foundaltion Inicate a lei.cc
otdbicaking colleittion of $99.8
billion. The $1010 billion mark
liuy Ie plisseid wliet all final
igires are Ialtiiled.
The ealy estitsates calctulated
that the Federal government
woul collect $72 lillion, the
state governmnits neatly $15
Iillitil, aitil local goverl itetits,
$13 blliio. The total was al.
most eI tiues as nttich as was
collected hy all levels of govern.
nisnt only 211 tears ago. At that
title, tire per family tax btrden
was am estimated $330.
'ax recripts weic higher at
all levels (if govetlunten   fiscal
19516 than ili the preceding year.
At the Federal level they selt
ill about $9 billion; at tile state,
a tou t $2 billion, and only
slightly leis at the local level.
Fisleties iif the increased
take'' at tie Federal level are
gitcit in the figures: lit 191,1.
Federal tax receipts wecre $38
billion; 1))y 1956, they had
climbed to over $72 billioi.
Give References
On Plant Location
Factors 'lfertiug  Itiistial
Location, a new, tt ).totdate lib-
liograhlhy which includes 100
selectled references relatitig to
taxes iull oilier factors import.
aits in lsucIthill new indlstrial
sites, has been issued bty tile Tax
References lit the bibliogra.
)hy are groupel under general
luoks and tntiugeai is; article4
its perlodicals, aull ibllcations
by states anl regions.

Another Year Older, And...
)t on ate $2-1 less hi debt than you iere last year.
.%;s's tire goveiftnellt, anyway. Seems lour population has
vilii st  in the yas yeCar that tile ;lUlniot each of IliS owes
Il deblt ol Federal, state aid local goverimeitt is flow
$1.   1iscal 1955, it Was 31,933.
lul Ilter is cold comifort ii that $21 per caflita retctitn. Eshe'
tilh s   thci Ion figurte that the owiegs of A  governtet ;ire at
a11 ill tit' high. At the etd of fiscal 11156 (last little :10), they stood
at €'.21 billion. lilt V  billlion i a single year's little.
'p at ite top-or botto, if you  irefer-was thre Federal gov-
iciul, stiiig $273 billlon. Next, the lIocal govertnients owed
$1 h illis. And last, the stateswltli collectively oweil $13 hillion.
\   c'ntly as 19 i, according to the Tax Founlationi, the aver.
age iti ii tti ed otlly $97 oil local government deht. By 1955, per
(i itvi'eing hai risen to $201. Awl there's every irospect thtat
a1156 figures will sho  the per caphta share of local debt to Ie
liighcr,. A, of fiscal 1916. die average citizen owed only $17 on
sirii sht. As of fiscal 1955's endl, t his figure was ip to $69. Ile Ire
;e.ih. intli tal its are triat by the tithe filial figures ale ill, the
lit t il la aluount oti ,'1etI oil state debt will increase.
hil) lils ler capita for interest oil the Federal debt aire ex-
s,( fll it ' hi i re(ord high, too. The figure is estimated to lie
$11.87 fii fi cal 1957 as against $11.3,1 in fiscal 1956. Back in fiscal
Iii3-1shiit tlit iuterest paynmeits tere $23  tillion (as against
19i.'7's att tilmted $7 lillion)-the per capita figure was 2,1 cents.
11,\  iilot ge. the overall debt total can lie attributed to ote
sh  lie fact-all levels of governmset have been spending aid
inrtiactiiig to spend more than they collected in taxes. More
Gl ehnl tlIsughlt-followed by a conscious care for how the public
Itu 'uicy I% spent cmld reduce this staggering debt total, and perhaps
Itu  tat tities $24 in the pockets of each of sit.

With Ilis Issue of Monthly Tax Feotores, the Tax Fon-
datlnn, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y., presents
a new puliletlion. Material may lie re-nieed with proper I
credit, without specific request. However, forwarding of I
ter sheets will be nppreelated. Suggestions for nuserial [
for use In ITF will Ile welcomed.
THE 1957 TAX BITE          IN THE 8-HOUR DAY

The avelage $4 ,50.a-)ear ttu tist work 2 hours aud 26
mlintes of his eiglgthouir day to pay for his taxes, according
to tie lax Foitidatio. As tie clotk stows. Itiore time is spcnt
working for taxes than for foid alnl oilier items.
(2 Cot. Matl Aalabe ot teqsrr)

States Count
On Sales Tax
Two little letters, like p.t.
aill have afill   -,portait bearig
oi a state's fnnss.
The records show    that io
1156, 36 of the 48 states levying
sales, gasoline liquor, incoime,
property taxes. etc., collected 50
pIercenit sr more of all their
taxes fronm the sales or gross C-
elpis tax. ($1.98, pihis tax).
A percentage distribution of
state tax collectitns illustrates
this. For examtile. West Virginia
took i $1,4 million in taxes of
all kinds, and gleaned $122 il.
lion or 85 percent of the total
froml the sales or gross receipts
b\Washlington swas only slightly
bhnd Vest Virginia. Of $338
nmillion collectel all told, $282
itillin, or 83 percent came
from the sales tax/gross receipts
tax siource. Illinois, which racked
ti $6,11 million in all kinds of
levics, took in $523 million or
82 percent of all tax revenue
froI this otie soutirce.
New Tax Study
The Tax Foutdation will
iublish in February as Its first
Project Note of the year, a study
of the effects of changes in the
tax rates ott ilcome reported in
tie years 1916 to date.
Entitled Are High Sitrtax
Rates   Wl'ort/nwhile?, Project
Note No. 41, will contain a dis.
etissin of the arguments cot.
erning the top marginal tax

Te7 Say:
Whenever the mortgage
talket is tight. tie social and
political pressure for putting
the governmtent directly ilito
mortgage lending is very
gr eat. That we sliill avoil
just as far as possible. It
hurtis tie blidget, delays tax
reductions, and has all the
disadvantages of extending
governmenit paternalism into
tite lives of out peolple.
-t'. ltandltph Ititrctg, Ustur
Acretlay i/ the Tueattr.

New Budget
Is Labelled
Noting that there arte soni
very dilsturbig factors in the
Iropiosed fiseal 1958 Federal
uidget. 1lcher j. Miller. Exce.
titive  )irectoi of the Tax
Foulation Issued the followig
comtent Otl the budget:
While taxpa)ets call delive
soetle degr  of sitlslatilOl in
that another balanced budget is
forecast, theilrate alit, siise 'es iy
disturbing lactors.
The new budget is lialaui rtl
at an extremely high level (it
expelllitire ;fti taxatio  Iith
it tax reliel in sight ill the
Ineset. A relatively igi  hll  i
Inie  l~l~Ca tivity llght 11pset
the 1balacetl budget lorelasis.
A  itelitniiaty exaunationt
discl ises ihat tihe $71.8 billion
s lelitfilig Iolal (ilOt inchlinig
I c .51.7 billion I lit' speut Ii
tCs ligliswas  wlicli is oiisile
the Mitgetift hs lear Inr Ille fiist
tiue), tlioselv apliroces tie
Koreanl War'peak tot;al.
Th le dowutnol In b Felela;l t'x.
KetiitailiS whii his :\mii.
Iratl n  ithi  e   in  Iilv  li,(.l
)Cars 1951 attd 11155. Ias, fihs
revriscd ill filual 1956. :full Fed.
cial spending 11:s heen steadily
risiig cvcr si c. 'I lie nis' tiotal
is sigulitanll) abve tile 5111.6
billion total in fistal 1955 -ithe
low Elsetilusiver )ar-ald iiii a
farcry [t) the ostWolid War
I low of 5:13.1 billion.
While estimated reven c htIr
the fiscal year ($73.6 illitn) is
the highest in listiy, ilh' Ino.
IsedI ploglaill dhoes ut permit
Isotli tax atful lebit t O tit.
Eually dlisturhig is ile fat t
tha tis ttbrdge[ calls for an cx-
panlsiollin ci lian progtramns lie.
Spite tile high exlpenditre levels
also proposel for dlfeltse.
With state aul lucal gotcel .
ments facing groh lg lemadlis
for iincreased exietitutes, thlis
high Fetlc al tax burden greaily
cotnlihties our ploblemns. ' lie
Federal governineis shoul au
must lead thre way by scarclilug
out eveiy possible essitiy  aI'lt
by coistaiiily reviewig its IpO.
grants aitnl activities itake siure
ihey are absolitel) esettilal.

More Tax Bills; No Tax Relief
It used to be that tax bills in tie U.S. Congress wei tion.
ceined exclusively with raising mney to pay lor go'crrtlcit
spending, says tire Tax Foundation. Ammig the 500 or so bills
introduced in the Ilouse of Representatives on the first day
Congress met this year, here are some of tire listed piioses of
various tax (?) measures:

IIR 35:
ifIR 36:
Ilt  .12:
fIR 43:
lift  128:
IIlt  7:

to assist small business
to encourage equity investents thlotigh tax io.
to etcourage the provision of Imising.
to assist individuals to provide financial security
upon retiremnentt.
to tcicourale sinall.lstnsiness conicerns tIo engage iii
foreign trade,.
for the purpose of discouragin the growing cowll
centration of business itnto a let,' giant cotpora

'Ile liscotragiig part is that whluile everylsody aiil lis lrtotlie
seems to Ile tryingi to use the tax system to s  otte faticy job sit
another, there is little or no progress in getting the terrific tax
btrden off American backs. It may be modern ietesy to say
so but Irliaps our lawmakers iecd to rrtietieler that the fita-it1
mentaljaIurpose of taxes is to raise money, flot to tedo Ilet
economic or social systems,

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