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79 IRET Congressional Advisory 1 (1999)

handle is hein.taxfoundation/iretcgadv0076 and id is 1 raw text is: At
April 9, 1999 No. 79
The slightly improved outlook in the 1999
Social Security Trustees Report does not change the
fact that the Social Security
retirement  and  disability
programs still need to be    The slightly ill
fixed.                      1999 Social Sec
Thanks largely to recent  does not change
strength in the economy, the   Security  retirei
Social Security Old Age and  Programs still /I
Survivors  Insurance  and
Disability    Insurance


the fa
,ed to

(OASDI) are projected to run operating
-  taxes in excess of outlays - through

2014, a year longer than in
last year's Report.  The
deficit spending  authority  lIn 2035] OASD
given by the system's trust  taxes and taxa
funds is expected to cover
subsequent  deficits  until  coer onl 73%
2034, two years longer than  s
in last year's Report. At that  payments on tim
point, how-ever, OASDI
revenue from payroll taxes
and taxing benefits will cover only 73% of benefits,
and the system will not be able to make its
payments on time.
Long term, the annual    It is not tre, as
OASDI     shortfalls  are    a2percentagep
projected to grow very large.  tax wouldfix th
The deficits will exceed 5

I reve
tio n
o b
be a

oint h
e' systt

percent of taxable payroll by 2035, after the baby
boom has retired, and over 6.5 percent of taxable
payroll by the end of the 75 year planning period.
Ultimately, either the payroll tax will have to be
boosted by more than 6.5 percentage points, or
benefit growth will have to be trimmed, or some
other tax revenue will have to be diverted to
OASDI.    (Add in the deficits projected for
Medicare's Hospital Insurance program, and the
increase would have to exceed 10 percentage
It is not true, as some may claim, that a 2
percentage point hike in the payroll tax would fix
the system.  The OASDI system is sometimes
(unfortunately) summarized by its 75 year average
annual surplus or deficit. The 75 year balance is
now a negative 2.07 percent
of payroll, less of a shortfall
Ioutlook in the     than  the  negative  2.19
TiuisteeRep~ort    percent of payroll in last
Truste Rort        year's Report. In past years,
at teSoil          advocates of the status quo
afor Social Security have
be fixed.          claimed that the 75 year
average deficit indicates that
the system is not in serious
trouble, and that an immediate but (in their opinion)
modest hike in the payroll tax of a bit over 2
percentage points would fix
the system  for the long
nuefrom payroll     term. This is misleading.
of benefits will        The 75 year balance
enefits, and the    adds together the current
ble, to make its   trust funds, projected short
run surpluses, and never-
ending deficits thereafter (cut
off at 75 years, with a target
end of period trust fund balance), and expresses the
result as a percent of taxable payroll. The trust
funds (past OASDI surpluses
plus interest) are only a
may claim, that    record of money that the
ike in the payroll  government has spent on
iother federal programs. The
projected near-term surpluses

Institute for
Research on the
Economics of

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