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5 Pitt. Legal J. 1 (1857-1858)

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        -+A                                         AI                        - --------------

VOL V-No' 1.                                 . 'OflY EYP.LNG                             1857.                                . P .IC .iB

           19 anLat18a DV9Y SATnaDAY ZVEINO,
   At Union Buildings, corner Fifh and Smithfield S!reeI,
     JOaN II. BAILEY & CO., Prcprletors.
     *B- A remittance of Five Dollars will entitle the scerdor
   to receive a Paper for one year, and to have a baoties
   card of four lines inserted for same time.

    One Fq'are ot ten lines one, insertion .................... $ 60
    Each succeeding Insertion ...................................  25
    One equere. three  so uh  .................................. 100
      Do.     six months ............................ ...., o
      D,.*    one year ......... ............... 0,03
    air All Advertloemonto must be left at th, office before
    12 o'clock at noon, o Saturday, or they cannot appear in
  that day's paper.


  JZLInED a. M'ALMONT............................. ThOMS J. acEAN
  10'CALMONT & KEEEAN, Attoineys
*  tVIjat Law, 181 Fourth street, above Smithfield. Pitts-
  burgh.                                 jel
  JO1  J. MITCHrLL .......................................  MUtL PALtMEc
  ]/1ITCHELL& PA.LMER, Attoroys at
        Law-Office, No.87 Fifth street, batweenSmitafleld
      Grantstrests, Pittsburgh.

    •  . Ii. . ,        ..            .

 T- RIDDLE ROBERTS Attorney a'
     L Jw, has r-.mored lie (4111 to No. 63 Grant Streit
 bew,,n Fourth ,tret anld Court Ifoure.  mh3o:dtf

J 0SEPfI DiDONALD, Attorney it
t.   n T,,w, Ehenoburg; Cambria County, Pa  jel2;lyd

W7A ILLTA 7I T. B IS HOP, Attorney at
  T V    T, a IfrriNburg. Pa.
  5'0 Attends to prnfeFslo. inss in Daurbin and
Lioon C untle4.  Col''Ota,  moptly attendod  to  eat
remittd.         -                   my26:htj;
r'      . 1,J       . :ttoinr    _id Uounsl-
    a  or t La-   .   on, Pa.
  _Practtee :t     nrtgot Cambria, WeRtmorelend
Stmocsot, and ilo     i .        .pQ :ydA w&j5

I   AWUE l             C:. 'TWELL, Attor.
   R A  a;o           rsig ,  trong county, Penn
sylvanni                                Up25.j
  Joaols t.,                    WM. It. MAtKLe.
CLA, '               'Pi- -.   . ttorncys aid
t_)  Cou:.                   .,1. .     ap'23tj
  JOtH P.               ....P...... . i T t T.
  ENN,                          orneys and
P    Cun:'!                     a h4 FourlIbtrot
Pitt9borgh.                     .       ap23J
i IWor. nlT.'wotr            ,    . . n CASPl'L.
     n[a x, ,   +,,. . . .       a' , o.   nttor-
B    nyc a, ic+ j         ..       , No. 75 Giant

    Y    A. GORDON, Attorney at Law           and.
    #F • Notary Public, KITrANNING, Amatrrng conuty,      [I. 2.. WA   L.    l), Attorney at Law,
    Pa. Any business entrusted to his care will be prompty  W   Oherfield, Pa.. will attend to protessional busl-
    attended to. eer to Ion Garrick Mallory, Philadelphia. nose in Clearfield end a j Muiag counties, with fidelity aud
                                       feb2:j       dirpatch.                          JV20:uhjlm.

    IOEN L. OUTTLE, Attorney and Coun. -ODWARD                     P. JONES, Attorney and
    CJ selor at Law, CL1ASYIELD, Pa.. will attend to prefdaition 12 Counsellor at Law, 141 Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
    at bueiness in Oleatfleld, Elk anda Jefferson Counties, end  3 6:j
    will gle dAierlptione of laude, asnd  eto the payment of
    taxes on unteated tands.                          A ] PER, E. BRADY, Attorney             and
      AMES MoCAHON, Attorney at Law, C) Counsellor at La.-Office, No. E9 lifthPLreet, 'it,.
   J   BROXVILLE Jefferson County, Pa              burgh.                                     3j
     Will attend to all profeelonal busncee entrusted to h -
   eare, in Jefftreon. Clarion, Elk, and the adjolnlog nounties  B B. 9W  'ZER, Attorney atLaw-
   .co~leetions attded to promtly.         je3j,   11    Offlce n Fourth street, nearly oppooi the hlayor's
                                                   Offite, Pittotnrgh.                      ap3J
       ,ILL[AM      B. KNOX, Attorney at
   .     Law DNTot1, Michigan. JWSpe 141 attention   Ain. DU ...........J otN STAIIan
   Ivan to collections.               •          .     RUM     &   SILANARD,       Attorneys at
   taefer to G and I II Shoeoborger; Curling, Robinson nnd . Law, 70 Fourth Streetnr Grat.1'ittaburgh, Pa.
   0o U .  '                            .    .       jyI,,:dFjty
 1.11    W. ZIEGLER, Attorney at Law,               LDW[N       H. STOW'Ii, Attorney         and
                                                   B ,pCounselor at Law, 126 Fourth st., Pittoburgh.
      BT.Oooxysota, Pa. iMAll prof-sional bulnesop In ynyfij
   J, Iffison, Clayton. and the vjoinlog Counties, atteidel to
 , Promptly. Collendo will rcelo partlicular attentiun.  OS i;P--I KNOX, Attorney and Coul.
        .JeS•l            .                           oeller at Low-.Ufca In Dakewei Bluilding -,aot

   ' FP.' MoKENZIE, Attorney at Law and tot, Pittebur LA.                        l'        1 4123j
   SCommlslocer for'tte State of Ohio, 1.Q4 Foutrth
   street, Pittsbugh, Pa                mb7:lyj     A  USTIN CORBIN, At6rney and Colin.

                                                        . ellor at Law DAVx.,1PsTr, IowA.  fe 22j
   A+DMOND c5SNOWDEN, Attorney and
       O.osellor at I No 142 Fourth stteet Pitrcburgh  T (  CHAPIN, Attorney at Law, Rldg.
  Pen3. tnd                                           a way, BLk County. Va.
                                                    N U.-Speelal attention giren to Collecting and etcurlug
       MOS MYERi, Atttorney at 1i w ac utts.
  AmlIONfs Pa. 4a-111,noeso atteende  o &0ITO Jeff-rson
  °     tl     Pa. *W'f ineoa      oto    ~mh            , I     1'3CO & MIOKEI2, Atteryol
  oont...                             ttoI o,             at LWald Sol1citors In Channery, d Ge nec.
        BRIADY AV~ILKINS, Attorney,.at Land Agentr, Montezuma, Powechlikcounty, Iowa; wyil
        1w-No, 101 Flurth at Pittsburgh.  ap23:j  give PrOmlt attentiOn A all hilaA,84 ontruwt,d to the
                                                  care in Powg4h4ek, Iowa. Ponton Thana, Marshal, Jspi
   A  LBX. M. W       TSON,A ttorney at Law       Marion, Meheooa, end Kook uk coun les.. jel3jly
       ' -9 1 co'No.73Gratqt,Pittaburah.  ap2Sj      13. M'COMB, Attorney ak Law,
                                                  .io    NEW ChTcE, Lawrence eounty, Pa.
        P   FLELNIIEN, (late of Union-              tor to Gov. Pullock, lierrlsburg ; 4'os. Allibone and
  :'  *       - town) Attorney at Law. Office lakewell buill. Jco.C. trubba Cu, Philldelphia  ooll:lyj
  :1 Hit, Grant aftrt Pittsburgh.
    a-Wili.attend to business before all the Courtsof thii AWREN    EV'LLE        PROPE      R
  d adjnina Cuntie.      :            : jeS       1   FOR SALE-We have two lots in Lawrenceville, eah
                          O ,Attonney at Law, and Lo ent frnt on Elm street by 110 feet deep to an alley-
        MO BROWN,                  aO oneiof which there i erected. a two etorv Brick HonUe
      As, Comnissioner of Deeds for New York iWioeouoin, containing seven tooms, large hall. and collar, stable,
  lows, Miomurl, Marylan'. Virginia, Tennsste, Louliaa, carriage house, slaughter hreae and ,a two story framo
4 and othrStatPe-PcsnuonoH, PA         .   jd0:y  building use for other purposes connected with the bus.
                           :11081- -             la-e.; a well Ofexcellent wat, r tthe door: and on the other
        'A#,SHALL     7SW'RTZ         ELDE R,     ot there is an Ice loume, tries, a. Will be oid low,-
      'Attorey at Law, and, Commaisiioner of the court    Apply to
  ,fITa'.   O.,No 170y Jourth atrest; between t:bo         BLAKELY I     HEYaltale rokern.
  a lley ldd Gant steest.                sop22:1        ls o,                                   A




  L     ex--fftcio Justice of the Peace-Office, No. P9 Grant
  etrmet, near tne Court lione, Pittsburgh. All buslnees
  c, nneotd with his ffi(ce will be attended to wit prompt.
  neea. Conveyanoing ofro  ainds done with legal accuracy.
  auch as Deieds; N.ortgages, 1o1ds, Powers of Attorneys, Ao*
  itiS to Real Estate eamitne. To the members of the
  liar. he tenders ta services e Commissioner to take Depo.
  oaltiona to be read In tho'everat ,Aourts of thi State and
  eleewlira.                             ey21lj
   A TREATISc cn the Law of Contracts, and fIII ght and Llai-
   brltici ex ronlraciu, by C. G. ADDIPON, of th Inner
   Temple, MmArrister at Law. Second American, from the
   fourth London edition, with copious Notes, and Riteferne
   cts to American Caste, by EdWard tngeriooll, Eq. In
   one large royal 8ro volume, containing more than 1200
   From the lion. George W. Woodwird, Aseociate Judge of
          the Supreme Court of Penneylvania.
   R It SMALL, Esq:-Dear Sir-I have looked through the
 copy of  Addison on Contracts, setond Americn, from
 the fourth Lundon Edition, which you sent ne, with much
 eatifaction. The sutljoct 1i one that comes hom  to thi
 -business and boteo, of the million, and the author's
 arrangement end dicustiou of it are srtilful, accurate and
 In good taste.
   Mr Ingerooli's Foot Notes and References to American
 authoritiec, add greatly to the value of the book . and on
 acoiunt £f their compreheneiveness will make it iqually
 useful In every State of the Union. Tae mechanical exe-
 cutton It hibhly creditable to your house.
   No law book can be more useful, then a well cootelvedi
 nd A well executed work onOontracte, and &THIS IS THN
 LIANDS,           Teuravery truly
                      GEORGE W. WO3DVAiD.
                  From the lion George Sharawood.
   My Dear Sir-ADI)tON ON CuNrHACTS, 18 TIHE
  N TIHiAT SU BJ LCT, aud you have brought out your edition
  of it, In avery hand Owe style. The notes by MEr Inger-
  soll, the Amoilcan ,lilou, 'how great judgment a well a,
  industry, and add vorr considerably to the value of the
  work to the proloton in thic country. I trust the eats
  wdI hfloly repay your outerpilse.
      Very truil), yours, CEORG SIIAlISWOOD.
  Rtobert It. Small, Balq.
                   From the American Law Reglster.
   Mr AddlcntA ',reotieo on Cottracts is the most useft
 Etglich Lotk in Ibis hraneh of the law. It Is better art
 ranaed, more thorough and comprehends a wider range of
 subjects, than lost of the late Mr Chitty; and better
 ad ped to the ne,,sites of the praeolelng lawyer. then
 Mr Smith'o otherwlee invaluahle lectures. A vast body of
 law Is colleeted in , cimpaet and convenient aorm, end we
 may add, et.ted alwys with clearnes and aiouraor. Itq
 value cl much increamed to the prnfearacu of the'Uite4i
 States, by the lerned and careful notes of Mr ingersoll.
                   ROIBERT H. SMALL. *
           Publieher aed Importer cf Law Books,
 •           No. 21 South Sixth Street, Pbiladelphia.
 N. Dt-R. fr. S. has always on hand an oxtensve asort-
 meat of Law Books, comprising Treatise, Digests, Reports,
 An, which he will sell at the very lowest'prtte,, Goalle.
 mea about to Increase their libcires are tinvita. to exam.
 ne his stock. Inquirles by letter promptly attended to.

G EO. S. SELDEN, Attorney at Law-
IJ   offic, No. 12,Fourh,.stnst, Pltlbogh.  ap2j

Digitized from Best Copy Available



 JOHN A. PARKINSO              A deman, No
 cV 472 Pson street, Filth War1, 'i.tt rgh  ap2,3j

 J    ME    TNoO UAE, A~di.n       , No.,765
 .  Peonstreet, Niathn, Ward,, t'ltisburih.   p,2.)'

 1)APTRIOK blol[10NAI A.ldernian,
 .,Thl:d Ward. Oflt:e, corno FiRh and flrar:., etreeta,
 .+o ito the Court1.House.. Offic opdn during butimema

        JOHN NAJO0R, Alderman.
AI1D .XOF.P1c1o .J:U ST 10 id OF TB IO P RAO I
O   FFICE,. Nos. 122 and 124 Wylie St.,
corner of Waghinicton, rittsburgh.
  AI1 bugineosi couneted with his ire, will be attended to
oith promptouee. Couveyan-ea of (al] kinds done with le-
g,) accuracy -u.h on Deeds, Mortegsgee, Bondst Powers
of Attoruy, etc. Tiltle to Real Astate examioed.
  To th members of the Bar le tender, blArervios as
iomuil,piooor to take Dpohitioue to be read in the Sviral
Courts of this State ande'newhere. OIls office is oneof the
mo Iloliro httatch ns of the city, and consequaently hiffacil
itee in coecuttng buliness of that kind are very desirable
    fel :]

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