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1 Admission of Dakota, Montana, Washington, and New Mexico into the Union: Report 1 (1888)

handle is hein.statecon/admtwanm0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
M1TH       iuss,   HOUSE OF REPRESENTA1I VES.              REPORT
   1st   ssio.                                             No. 1025.

               NEW   MEXICO INTO THE UNION.

MARCH lB, 18S.-Committedto 1e Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
                     Union and ordered to be printed.

Mr. SPRINGliR  from  the Committee  on the Territories, submitted the

                      [To accompany bill H. R. 8466.]

  The  Committee  on the Territories, to whom were referred the follow-
ing bills:
       H. R. 1276, to enable the people of Dakota to form a constitution and State
          government, and to be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with
          th6 original States;
       H. R. 1955, to provide for the formation and admission into the Union of the
          State of Montana;
       H. R. 4430, to provide for the formation and admission into the Union of the
          State of Washington, and for other purposes;
       H. R. 4431, to provide for the formation and admission into the Union of the
          States of Washington, Dakota, Montana, and New Mexico, and for other
 having had the same under consideration, have instructed me to report
 the accompanying* bill as a substitute for all of said bills and recom-
 mend that said bills be laid upon the table and that the substitute there-
 for be passed. The substitute is entitled as follows:  A bill to enable
 the people of Dakota., Montana, Washington, and New Mexico  to form
 constitutions and State governments and to be admitted into the Union
 on an equal footing with the original States.
   This bill provides enabling acts for the people of the Territdries named,
 by the terms of which constitutional conventions will be held in the
 several Territories, and the constitutions framed submitted to the peo-
 ple for their ratification or rejection. All persons who have resided
 within the limits of the proposed States for sixty days, and are other-
 wise qualified by the laws of the Territories to vote for the representa-
 tives to the legislative assembles thereof, are authorized to vote for
 delegates to form the conventions.
   The governor, United States marshal, and United States attorney for
 each Territory are authorized to make the apportionments for the dis-
 tricts in which the delegates should be elected; and the governors are
 authorized to order elections in etch of said Territories on the Tuesday
 after the first Monday in August, 1888. The number  of delegates in
 each Territory is to be seventy-five, except in the Territory of Dakota,
 in which the number of delegates is to be one hundred and fifty.
   The constitutional conventions will assemble at the capitals of said
Territories in September next, and when  assembled  they shall adopt

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