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1 Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberiae Decimo, at a Session of the General Assembly of the Colony of New Jersey, Begun the Twenty Fourth Day of September, Anno Domini 1723 143 (1723)

handle is hein.sstatutes/anregbf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: /4J

Anno R

Magnx Britannia,






Franciz & Hiberniz




At a Seffion Of the General Affembly of the
Colony of New fcrfev, begun the twenty fourth Day of
September, Anno Dornini 1723. and continued by Ad.
journments to the 3oth Day of November following, at
which time the tollowing Afts were Publifhed.

Printed by William Bradford in the
I  2  .

City of Perth-Amioy,

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