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1784 1 (1784)

handle is hein.ssl/ssvt0076 and id is 1 raw text is: A   rTS      AWoD    LAWS.
Commiffrolvers to make Reprifal. Nefhobe.



Paffed by the General Affembly of the
State of Vermhont,
At their Seflion at Rutland, in         Odober, 1784.
An    a&   to  eflablifh   the doings of a         certain   towr-
meeting held in the town of Ne/hobe, and to alter
the name of the faid town of Neshobe.
7H E R E AS, the inhabitants ofIthetbwn of Nehobe, in the month 4f
March laf, were not fufficient in number to organize themfelves as a
town, and choofe town officers as the law dire fs; but upon the increafng of
the number of/aid inhabitants, they did on the th day ofOelober indant, meet
and choofe town officers. And whereas the inhabitants offaid town have re-
quefted that the name of the/faid town of Nejhobe, be altered to that of Brandon.


E it enafled, and it is hereby endaled, by the Reprefentatives vf the Freemen
of the State oj Vermont, in General ,fembly met and by the authority of
the fame, That fuch proccedings in thesjhoice ot town officers as were had
and a6ted by the inhabitants of the town of Nefhohe, nn the 7th day of
this inftanE Oaober, 1784, which would have been good and according to
law, had the fame been had and done in the month of March, as the law
direts, be, and they are hereby eftablilbed anI cnfirmedi as legal and
authentic, as though the fame had been had and done in the faid month of
March : and, that the faid town of Nethobej fhall be ever hereafter called
and known by the name of BRANDON.
An aa appointing Commifflioners to make reprifal in
a- cafe therein mentioned.
F/H   E R E, S, Micah Tfownfend, of Brattleborough, in Windbam county,
E/qr '-e, has reprefented and proved to the fatisfalion of this Houfe, that
he has been arrefled in the State.of New-Tork, by Seth Smith, offaid Stale,
in an adion of trefpafs, wherein thefaid Seth flates his damages at One Thou-
fand Pounds-that the faid Micah was obliged to give bail in the faid fult,
in the fum of Two Thouland Pounds, for his appearance at Court-and that
the faid juit was commenced and profecuted again# the aforefaid Mcah, folely
,for hir adling in the line of his duty, as an officer and fubjea of this State:
And whereas, this LegrYlature view themfelves bound, by every tie ofb onour
and juftice, to protett and indemnify the jubjefts and o04ers of the State,
while ading agretable to their duty:

Paled Oft. Adb

Digitized from Best Copy Available

Proceedings df
Nethobe o Ot.
inWk. confirmed.

PalTdO0& 25,

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