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1742-1755 121 (1742)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0290 and id is 1 raw text is: Anno Regni decimo quinto GEORGII Secundi Regis.                          121
A. D. sis.
At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the                                  W
Capitol, in the City of JIflliamsburg, the 6th Day G
of May, in the i5th Year of the .Reign of our
Sovereign Lord GEORGE 11. by the Grace of
God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King,
Defender of the Faith, Ccc. and in the Year of our
Lord 1742, being the firft Seffion of this Affembly.
CH     A  P.    I.
An A8 for the Relief of thj/e Perfins who were Suferers in the
Los of the Records of the County of      Nanfemond, whofe Cafes
have not already been provided for. (a)
I. W 1E R E A S it was enaaed, by one Claufe of the Adt made in the
twelfth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for the Relief of certain Per-
fons who were Suferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanemond,
that, to the End other Perfons who had not been able to produce Witneffes,
before the Commiffioners appointed by a Commiffion iffued under the Great
Seal of the Colony, purfuant to the Ad of Affembly made in the eighth Year
of his Majefty's Reign, intituled An AH for the Relief of fuch Perfions as have
Ji~futred, or may fufer, by the Lofs of the Records of Nanfemond County, lately
confmed by Fire, in Relation to their Deeds, and other Evidences, which may
have been loft among the Records of the faid County, one other or more Com-
millions fhould and might be iffued, and continued, by the Governour and
Commander in Chief of this Colony for the Time being, for examining other
Witneffes, and perpetuating the Teftimony thereof, in Relation to all Deeds,
Wills, Inventories, or other Writings, recorded in the faid County Court, where
the Original has been loft, piurfuant to the laft mentioned A of Affembly, to be
executed and returned, as in the faid Ad is direded; and whereas, purfuant
thereto, a Commifflioh hath iffued, under the Great Seal of the Colony, bearing
Date the twenty third Day of December, in the twelfth Yeat of his faid Majefty's
Reign, to William Wright, and feventeen others, direded, who made a Return
of the faid Commifflon, but it does not appear that they have taken any Depo-
fitions purfuant thereto; and to the End that thofe Perfons who have not yet
been able to produce Witneffes before the faid Commiffioners, in Relation to
their Deeds, and other Evidences, which have been loft among the Records of
the faid County, may be relieved:
II. BE it therefore ena~led, by the Lieutenant Gover our, Council, and Bur-
ge//s, of this prefent General AFembly, and it is hereby enatled, by the Authority
of the dme, that one other or more Comiifious thall and may be iffued, and
continued, by the Governour and Commander in Chief of this Colony for the
Time being,. for examining other Witneffes, and perpetuating the Teftimony
thereof, in Relation to all Deeds, Will, Inventories, or other Writings, recorded
in the faid County Court, where the Original hath been loft, purfuant to the
Ad of Affembly made in the eighth Year of his Majefly's Reign, to be executed
and returned as in the faid At is diredted.
(a) See 3 Geo. z. (1734) Cap. 4-
H h

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