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1778 78 (1778)

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78                         Anno Reipublico              Conditm       8 B C UN D 0.

AD. 1778.

At a GEEr! tAL ASSEMBLY begun and held'at the Capitol in the
   City of Williamshurg, on Monday the 4th day of May, in the
   Year of our Lord 1778.

                           C'H    A   P.     1.
             .An a,7 for ralJing volanteers to join the grand army.

                           C  H   A   P.    11.
                    An atl for rai'fn, a regiment of horfe.

                         LC   H  A   P.     fi
A aa f.r raijns a lattalion of infsftry for garr/in duty, and for other Purpofel.

                           C  11 A    P.    IV.
  .4uau for recruiting the continental army, and ote 'purpof,. tlrein mentioned.

                           C   H1 A   P.     V.
               An a, prov'ding a ftpp for the psthlic exigencies.

,-See May 17779
Ch,10. 7.

   Pines fir cerlaim
voencej m tV Ita CecI
6 Iaoakipap.

                                     C   H   A   P.    Vt.
                 An al to amend an all for providi.1 Rqah.,1 in-vJ4ou and infurrelion:.
I. W      11 It E A 8 hy an adt of General Aflembly, entitled An an l for prvidiag a.kaijfO imuafons
           and i,/ierr.iiopm, it has been found by expcrknce that the i.ne to be inflieed on any officer
    V V    or fiddier guilty of mutiity, defertion, difobedhvicec of command, abfence from duty or
quarteri, negleat of guard, or cowardice, is by no mcans fullicieut to deter defaulters from commiitthl5
all or any of the faid offences:
  It. BR it tIhrelfre endaled by Ih- Ge.neral dlje-w-1/r, that it flall and may be lhwful for a court martial
to iliOt any line upon fuch deliuqutnt as they lhail dtrmiac rcafuable, fo as fuch fine do not exceed
lix Inou0ths pay.
  IIl. AND he it furrer ena8~d, that fo much of the laid ad as relates to the fine aforefald fhall be,
and the ftme is hereby repealedr

C H A P.


   S:. ct. 1777)

   TIT 7iuc., e r
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pint the clek    im'a'
fu i-sin, iole n ii. r-
WOmvS lcC(,JN via-

JhnII'eD' 11~i/i lerpj

  17ititti-m of ap-
penal tai thi, Court,
by Paitioma.

.4  aR empowerq tike 7.mu4es qf the High Gwurt of Cha vcerr to /. I- certoin  newant %0eei, malkyi, a
  temporary p ,avi/on for the clerk 11'reaf, and r/lahl6 imn a method q' cppua /vag to that cout in pa ti¢.,ar

. [' E it enma ed by the Gonrral 4f.dj l.ai, that the Juclgc of the Iligh Court of Chieery, or any two
   Dj of them, may lhefore the ncxt term appoint a c!crk thcreof, im the roem :t i,im wh latcly Jivd,
   B    by writin; unuder ,lhcir hands auml 1als, and at any time hereaftter, vhca tiat offlcv, or the
office of Srqi.tnt at Arms, flall by any mcans Lect.ne vacant, may ini like maincr appoint a lilc.'lhr;
nul fitch tucceeding clerk or 'crjeaut, having in any cmrt of record takcn the oaths rqcired by law,
fhl:dl exrcil'e the Clie power, perform the faine duty, andl he entitled to the f n  I ,er and protits, ,, lie
mnight have vcxercitfd, performcd, and bet entithd to, if he had becn appointcd in tcrm time
  1H. TlE clerk of the ligb Court of Chancery iall be paid by the Treafurcr out of any putlic .mo.ney
that tory be in hii hatidn, a falary at the rate of one hundred and fil'ty pound.i by the ycar, unfil Ihbe
General AIt1mbly Ihadl make fach other provition for Im as will encouragc a man of fullicivut ability
to accept the olliie.
  Ill. ANY party thinking himfelf aggricved by a decree of the court of a county, e;r, or boroilgi
in chanctry, auld not haviumig etercd an appeal from the decree at the tihn- it was pron.utincd, may :ip.
Peal from f111-h decree at any time witlhn three months aftcr pflling this ad, ur witlhi'i  nmlc munth afte
thle decrrvv jWolluliccd, b'dgiug fuir that purpoife with the clerk of the High Court of Cthaucety a cnp)' of
th procedlhig.; inn the fuit, and a'petil ion flggeftig error in the dccrce ligued by F'm nimcui attun,;].:
th6 High Court ot'Chancery, and alfo Ii , inl with the petition a bond executed Iy thlie app'.ll:t or h!'
a'ent, aund a ilrety our Ihrctih,, with the like condition as is anmnexed to othmer appeal boud, and aui'l:,vits,
o1 folh1imi al|'rltati1n1u, verifying the fuifliciency of the fureties; and the cl'rk lhali tlhci-cupon  a
ftlnln la andldl the appellee, .reuiring him to appear and anfiver the |tid ptitim1n11 apla al, anid thall
al1 iflic a fif.erlbdc if ticcltry, to enjoi from proccdiul- in exctution 'r li1  vvc, and th-Z coUrt
Imitl and may h. all, det cmine the    ipp';.-all the falle manlcr as if the appe.al hud bocia et.cri~d At tl
t~ilu the decree was pronounlecd.



   E xeiuted.



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