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1777 1 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0157 and id is 1 raw text is: At GENERAL ASSEMB LY Oegm at 65s captoC
the 2Cta    ag, of  Qctoger, htfe Sear of           orT LOA     17774
Ai A C T for fpcedily recruiting the V I R G I N I A R E G I M E N T S on the continental eflablOh-
ment, and for raftng additional troops of VOLUN TEERS.
1- E R E A*S it is inuflfpenfably necefriry that the regiments of
inantry raifed by the laws of this commonwealth, on continental
eflabliflhnient, be fpcedily recruited, and fuch alterations 'made
therein as may nflimilate them to the regiments raifed by the other
United 4rnerican States for the continental army i Be it therefore
enaeted by the General A4ffembly, that fourteen of the faid regiments
be reduced to eight crmpanies each, and be completcd by rccruits
or draughts in manner herein after mentioned ; that the cfficers of the reduced companies be
provided for, by appointm'nts, to fill up vacancies in the remaining companies, as they fhall
happ,-n; and that the battalion on commonwealth efablifhfnent, under the command of Colo-
nel Gc. Tc GitbJbn' and now in continental ifervice, be continued in the faid fervice inftcead of the
ninth Vi.gf nia regiment, nude prifbners by the enemy in the battle of Germ ntouw, until the
officer.; aiid men of the fhid regiment fliall be exchanged, or the time of fervice of the men
iii tlv Fild fidft battalion fliall be expired.
AND it isfwrther enaeled, that the officers of the flid fourteen regiments, as well as thofe of
thi: idl niath regiment, if they (hall be exchanged, fliall ufe their beflt endeavours to re-enlift
all the mc therein whofe times of f-.rvice are near expiring, to ferve for three years, or during
the prefent war; and each of the men Co re-nlifting, as well as thole who have already re-
crlificd, (hall be entitled to a bounty from this commonwealth of twenty dollars, over and
above the continental bounty, and the Governour and Council are defired to take fuch meafures
as to them ftAll feem belt for enabling the officers to pay fuch additional bounty out of the
publick money in the hands of the Treafurer of this commonwealth.
AN D as oue numbers in continental fervice, which, according to the proportions heretofore
flated by congress, fhould be eight thourand one hundred and fixty men rank and file, may for
'Came time he deficient ; B 8 itfcrther enait.d, that the troops raifed for the fervice of this com-
monwealth, by' an a~L of Affembly paffed in the year One Thourand Seven Hundred and Seventy
Six, and intituled An at for making farther proviion for the internal fecurity and defence of this
country, fliall be forthwith regimented by the Governour ard Council, who, for completing the
work as fpecdily as poffible, are hereby authorifed to transfer the men enliftcd by fuch rfficers as
procure the fmihleft proportions of their quotas to fuch others as come neareft the raifing their
fullquotas; and that a battalionoffach troops, to confift of eight companies, if there be fuffici-
ent to mike fuch a battalion, and if not, then fo many as there are, be marched to join the
grand army, there to continue till a fiufficient number of recruits may be raifed to make good
ir juft proportion, or until the terms of their enlifiments fhall expire. And the officers and
foldiers of the fAI troops, ard the officers and foldiers of the ftid battalion, under the com-
mand of Colonel George GibJon, Ihall be entitled to and receive the fame bounty, pay, rations,
and clothing, as are allowed to the officers and foldiers in the continental fervice, fo long as
,t.¢contliue ther~irt.•.
-isfarther enaetfed, that, for fecuring the completion of the Cud regiments, a number of
1' flhall be draughted from the fingle men of the militia of the feveral counties, and the city
of *liialnjburg, whether officers or privates, above eighteen years of age, who have no child,
in the following proportions, that is to lay: From the county of ,ecomack forty eight, from
the county of 1lbemarle thirty fix, from the county of Amelia forty four, from the county of
.darguJa ninety fe,en, from the county of 4mherfl thirty two, from the county of Bedford
Jfifty fodk from the county of Berkeley-fifty two, frora the county of Botetourt fixty, from the

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