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1777 50 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0156 and id is 1 raw text is: so                   Anno  Reipubfice  Conditi  P R I M  0.

A D. X777.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the Capitol in the

City of Williamsburg,

on Monday the 5th day of May,

Year of our Lord 1777.

Repealedbythe al
ofOdtober 1784.

Had ints ef8.

C   H  A   P.     I.
An aa for regulating and dfciplining the militia.
C   H  A   P.     II.
An allfor the morefpeedy completing the quota of troops to be rajfrd in this common'wealth for the continental
arng, and for other purpofed.

C H A P. Ill.
Sufipofedto be no  An aal to oblige the free male inhalitants of this Ilate aboq'e a certain age to give ajurance of allejiance to tbe
longer in force.                                     fame, andjor other purpofei.
C  11 A    P.    IV.
dn all for eflablfhing a Loan Qfle for the purpoq of borrozwing money for the t9re of the United States, and
appointing a Comnqffionerforfitperitendin.g thejhme.      (a)
 I. q     HEREAS the General Congrel, on the third day of Oaober laft, did refolve that five millions,
X        tof t ontinental dollars fliould be immediately borrowed for the ufe of the United States of
Preaml.'e.       Wmerica, for the re-payment of which money lent at the end of three years, with the in-
tereft annually, at the place where the fame is lent, the faith of the United States Ihould be pkdged,
and that for the convenience of the lenders a Loan Office Ihould be eftablilbed in each of the Unitcd
States, and a Comm*lfioner appointed to fuperintend the fame, fubjcd to the regulations therein aud
herein mentioned.
II. AND whereas, on the 14th of .7anuary 1777, they did refolve that the further rum of two mil-
lions of dollars liould be borrowed on certificates of two hundred dollars each, and that the Commiflion-
ers of the Loan Office Ihould be direded to receive the bills of credit heretofore emitted by the Rlates in
which they refpe1ively hold their offices for fiuch fums as they fll be ordered b; the continental Trea.
lurer from time to time, to pay for continental purpofes within fuch Rates refpedively, for which monies,
fo borrowed upon either of the refolutions aforefaid, the lender is to receive the annual intereft of lix
ber centum: For carrying into execution the fitid refolutions of congress in this commonwealth,

Loan Oice, corn-
mni/ioner o; ap-
for borrowingm mo-
nup,   on   certain
term,  for the
United States.
Certificateiform of.
Gommi7iuners dvty,
and reward.
To be gor,.-rnfel
1 the contine'ntal
T  , rfrer, .-'02n to
./t9p rntising.
Cer.#ti/nto forged,
pun j//.nelt for.

Ill. BE it enased by the General A        that William Armn/lead, gentleman, be, and lie is hereby
conftituted, a Commiflioner to fuperintend and manage a Loan Oflicetobe kept at the city ofilliayburg
for the purpofe of borrowing; who fliall enter into bond, with good fecurity, to be approved by the
Governor and Council, in the film of fifty thouland dollars, payable to the I-Ion 7ohn Hancock, Prelident
of the congress, and his fucceflbrs, for the faithful difcharge of the duties of his office. And the lfild
Comiillioner is empowered and required to receive from any perfon whatever fum of fpecie, continental
paper dollars, or bills of credit heretofore emitted by this commonwealth, he or fle (hall be willing to
lend for the life of the United States of America, upon the terms and in the proportions before Keeitcd,
fl as. fiich fim be not lefs than two hundred dollars lent by'hny one perfon, and to give the lender a
receipt for the money lent, in the form following, that is to lay: The United Statej of Amenia ackno;.u-
ledge the receipt of  dollars from    qubich tIey promjfr to pay to the faid  or bearer, on the '
day of     cwith intereji, at the rate of/ix per centum per annum, agreeable to the re/blutions of'the United
States ppa d the third day f Ocftober 1 7 76, and the.fourtentb day of January 1777  Witnefi the. hant of
tbe Tr-eafjirer, this  daI of     anno doam. 177  ; which Ihall be ligned by the contincatal Trva-
furer, and tranfinitted to the Commifflioner aforefaid il a book containing a counterpart theicol, out of
whch the faid Comniiliner lhall, as often as lie receives money lent, cut a certificate indentwife, fill
up, counterlign, and deliver the fame to the lender, keeping the book as a clcck in his office. 'he faid
Commiflhouer Ihall, moreover, keep regular books, in which due entries fhall be made of the funms br-
rowed, of the time when, and of the names of the perilns by whom the faid fums of money were lent;
Iliall once a mouth tranfmit to the continental Treafiu'er an amount of the calhi in his office, and anfwer
all dranghto of the faid Treafirer to the amount of the calk which lie at any time fliall have in his Iantl;v
allowing him to retain one eighth per centum on all monies received into his office in liel of all clains lic
may have for tranarting the bulinclb thereof.
IV. PROVIDED alkwars, that when the faid continental Treafuirer (hall order and dlir-t the flid
Commilfioncr to forbear receiving any more money upon fuch loan, he fliall confmrmn to fuch dih t:tions,
anti not thereafter receive any money into his olice, or ifiic certificates for the frane, as aforefaid, bu.
Ihall return all certificates rcmainlng iu his hand3 to the continental Treafurer.
V. AND be it further enaled, that if any perfon within this commonwealth fhall forge or counterfuit,
alter or crafe, any certificate of money lent as aforelnid, or transfer any certificate to another, or de-
niand payment at the office of principal or intercft thereupon, knowing the fame to be forged or comm-
terfeited, altered or crafed, every perfon lb offending, and being lawfully convicItcd, ihall fulfi-r dcatlf
without benefit of clergy.
(a) See May i 8o, chap. .*,1; November 1781, cia,6. 2g.1

in the

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