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1776 39 (1776)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0155 and id is 1 raw text is: An :no     keipublcr        C  ni P.0              rM    0
X, 1776.
/At a ' GENE  R A-L: AS SE MBLY           ,begun ii•id •held: at .the :Cap itolin n:t1.;:;-e   :- !  ,i:ii(ii -::.
•:  City <of• Willimsburg,        on   ,Monday     the¢  7th   day <of Ottd oer, aiihei:i : ::: i::; :
A                 H, Aj.       '1
.. 'An.. al frtevic'ngflverai u/ c'd& ¢''rho:5fs for th~e reeeption of tobacc6, and othert ~pfb r~t~:.  E    ir c7d. :l'  :
An  all for  extntptint  the   dj -rct fec;,tk.,s  of  13 , ,- .ters  from   eaoribabig  to  the  -port  andh ai naten~ance' _  . .. : .  :: .
.  of  ibe WGharh  as  4~i 1/ace  c/d @iiA ,d,  peed it, M]ihnj/le s,  ard  for  a/lm r p 'ope/cs  t e' enm jotized.:i -  : :  7  _  : .i
I.         -ERAfeelolpr,,-.ie aS      fPrann       L~L n    eiinha,-e bee fnnelycued
/-anid: doubt.a h,-e stile,) and may ivi-aftcr arif~e, whether the looic arc lb forc& within this. -P-r.ew.....-e
-W/    ComonWelt2I or 1o: Por ptrrention wh~et-tE; -Be it e0alled 4 te General 1.jrembi, fter
eonw ;onquea  It/. .     ..                  . o   V irg nia~  an a h  i  .,  b r,-b .y  z n . X ed  by,the  au¢I orhr.  of  the _ frm ,  that    all'..and   e . ver y' .  a d.  o  f  A il  r s  o f .  P ark~ar '
Parlramet,t by whatev'er tie lknown or difingnlaledwhich renders crinilnal the maintainiing any m.od for pubroJ/mg-
opini!ons :n matter; of re:lgi,] Ilwarrto, re .IO1pair to chur,  or the exercifig any mode. of worflup roi- ra  oonsnJ -
Svharf'oeer, or weich prcrcibcs pianibhtents for the flame,, Ihall henceforth be of n' vatlidity , or force c.  c'..dlared owa.:
Zlid                               the,
* within this conmonw.....h
IL ANPD whlreas there are within this. commonwealth great numl~rs of dilfhnters from tbe.cburch  :'      '
diablithed by law who lae beci, hea-elofore taxedfor its fupport, and, it iscont~rary to the princeiples of  ..- (  . r
* -eaon  rndutlU~ ce  that any  Ihotnid  be compelled  to  contribte  to thenm intcnance~ofa-chdrch  iqth  whichl. .  .  .... ;  i:
their confcen ccs will not perotit themnto in, and frtvi l rhch t c an te~o&rcf  o..    -,    -        -
,1;r  .,e oed y   'w iert'1i  and  th,at  eTq tal  liberty,   a    wvell  rreligious  as  c iiil,  'm ay  he   uni ,v-erfally  e:x ftnded t o. 6 . .  ''  l r' '  l:
all ther goodt people-or this cinmonwveahth, Be, it emaaled by 'the Gnrtral -.4rli-mb/.y of ru~e comonw~taealth of : ... '' : :'i
Virginia,  anit is.. Ot ei en/d by. /i/az an/l.,eitc; oft&bre, that ill dilkanters., of'whatt~ver  denom;im i .,..-- ion  D2. nt..rs   IexetP
froimthe Laid churcthat!iil, from[ and af'ter the¢ paflingi. this ad, betotally free and cgempt fi-ohm alllvt i',..frontewests'ards..
taxes, 'and irapofltion; u,-l~atever, to rards fu~pprting and maintaining tihe (aid church, as it ndw'is or. fnion# iof the  ..
herc --.iter-.  .  my  be    eflablilid,  a nd  it-s n-'ifers .  .  ** • :  -- ..:  .  -c- i -.:-
IlL.-PR OFt DE D n cv,,rklc.ktfr red€ k is firt/ir tssified, , rthe atrtborft:nf'ezfor.,n,4fthat.thc icflrks of.  r ::::-.  i
the fer-eral p~ar:ihes, wh~ere the f,-,e hath-not been alr'eady dlone- (h'ill andi ma, and they  a;r hereby' •  Exgception ls :to
authoried, and reqoired:, at ftch :time as they lhal appoipt, Ito le-v and ahrersobn all tithablesa ,iiii  .arr-'  of fd a #-r,.
their-refpedi'Ve nari!es, ar 'veil diflb:nters as others, all uceh:liaaries-anidarrears- of-falaries asare--or::en.gagemenisralrta -
rmaybe dueto the minift'ers-orincumbhents of their parihes for fe'rvices to the-firft day 'of yanuanext ' ;iot ?entered' intoby
moreover to make fuch afflffinents on all tithahkes as wi:l-enable. 'the (aid vefti'ies to r~miply with their re/I   i and p-pO,
'lep~il parochial, eng,_agements alreadlyentered into; and lafily, tobcontinue- ficie~- ftnjro,ii for' thei lo ora: thep-oor.:
•poor    th  refpcdive parithcs as they have hithierto bj) law b~een iicenftdmied to make; ,  --.. :..:.--  r .::.'
' IV, AND be itft'ber sun~ed, by the athtority afore.fedd that there (hialt in: all time. c~ gS:£vd  -::
and rrefervedl to6 the ufe of'the church :by law eftabifihedl the fevera|l tad2s of f!€bel'annda a v'fared.:... :...r :'
the chu~rches and chapels already built, and.!fitch as tiere begun or contiraded- for. before h  palling_ ,;  of€ :0/des- , &e.jav-
-thi a, f...or the aift of the pzrifh~es, all hooks, pla;!te,. and ornaments, belonging or appropri ated to the ed to thepar j/hes
ufe ffof.tbe faid church, and all arrear.sof money ot tobacco atifing from former affeflinents or citherwafe,  ..  
and thatthere fhall moreover be fared and referred to the ufe of fijeh pari flhes as may have received pri-:  °  .'. - : 
v ate doationasfor the beter fuppor't of the Laid church andl its minifters, the perpetual'beuiefit and en-  ..{: .  : -!
 *.oment.ofallLOfLh donatios.
S .'V.: AN!D whereas great variety; of opinions hfi arifen, touching the propriety of a general afiulfmenr,.:  :::
,.or Whether: etery religious fociety, fhanl he left to voluntary contributions for the ibpport-ah~d main te- Qsc/ielon.bnizecn
naof the feverl minifters and teachers of the Gofpcl who are of difti~rent~pertualions a4nd deiiomina. genc ral aA?enis.t
Stins, .uiad this difference of fentiments cannot now be well aecommodted- fo that it is thought': mol 'mu-- 'el-zdnryeo--
pruden~t t|o deferthis matter-to the difeuflion and' final determination of a future Af emhy, w hli'tribr adeferred
-opinions of tlie country 'ngeneral maybe better know n : To the end, therefore, that foimporttantl a.-.- :: '
.fubjed may in rno fort be rreiudged, 1B: it cntedti  by the athtority aforefaid, that nothing in lhi~ ad con  -. .  -
taied:fliall be con.frued to aff.ii& or influence the fajid queftion of a general' affeffment, orvoluntary: .;  ..
contribution, in  any  refpe&  whatever.   .                                 -  .       w.--_  w:  ...  .   .r.   .
.-I.  ..AN  D whereas, by the exemptions allowved diflenters, itimy be too burhemfome iifonie:parifles ' fleall:-f a.s,
'tothe mnenibersof the clablilbed church if they ave-ftill compelled to fupport the clergy by certain lixeil. Ceo I-I chabp' S,'
.falalries, and it is judged heft th1at this lhould be done for the prefeutby. voluntary: contributionet ile it C- tjyfufpe da
':therefore eca/d, bythe auchora'y afo,-faid, that L muchrof an ad'of the Geeal'AfIhmblyxfiado in the -:-  r
  -twe-ity-Lecond year ofl-th!e' reign of King George the feecond,: entitled An. al/hr tbh ppnrc ofrthe'i ¢f :.'-lerqy,' : :
anldforr' the regularkolleli-q' and, paying- thepar j.leuies,' or any. other-.ad. as: provider :falaries . for,  the:  r' :'
.minifters, and authorizes the vehries to levy the'fame, except in the .afes-before dieded,IM all *. and
14le fae  ASerb  fupnei untlth   d of th Ica  efin fAfeiby
I. AND   ewhereas 't i0s reprefented lhatin fome countes ifts 0ftihables have been omitted to be
• taken:' For remIedy i vherieof, an S-the regular liting all tithable perfons, Beitfurter en9tl  that
thecort ofr every:county, Where liftsof the ttnbles,-agrecable to tie direCions 'of the-l nw n w i  r r e
force, aren  already taken, it ll ad-may bq Ian ful-Thy the courtsof ich. cointies, and th- e
here. requrdird at th:iit-or   fecund court after he end--of thi. fellon of 'Aflmbl,- tt ul-:- di tur
.  counties into convenient-precine, andappoint-one ofthe Jju;tict,. t'each prcdn&  to takra-h.o ,       r
al t M~he tithabies thierein ; and ever~yftch Jufie: fo. to hie app~ohted;. lialgiv;e'publc- notice of-Ins bheing ....  : ..
. -  :f o   a p p o i an e d , ._a n d   a i~w lia t  p la i e   o r   'p la e s   b e   in te rn d s   to  ore c e iv e   t  ei i ~ . b ¢ a v t  i e ~ n  -  p ; a   . -  ~   . .; . .. .  ' .
thraeut oor  htve r churehel n w metn'our~ diffn  'e~  ye lits Pyditiemns    ~                      j/iet
theparifi where the preminn iesandialal.i a  in  o P
ingiyatiend on the Laid'arby liirtore appointed, and at the feconjd .i co, trnest following l dli
''eOnarlf o'h     ae    n nub       roftep tthurbyhn taenr  the   lerk, n  e of th ort who on i -ourm

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