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$SSE1   A7*rg TERST SERSTON or giv908               EN   RA~
C H A P T E R I.
At; A.T direbi'g the mode of eleflinq repreentativer to reprel i, thU
fl.zto.in the Congre. of the Unsitea Statej. (PAs DIPT - 7 )'
. Saion I.    E   enacteak the General   fably of the State of Tenneg,!
That an eleason (hall be hod at the retipelivev mu't-
hottfer, or ufnal pccs of holding court. unlefs other wife provided tots
by law, in each county in this flate, on the fecond Thuitfday in -0Rtw
ber next, and on the fucceeding day, to ele'9 one replefentative. to re.
prefert t, is flate in the congress of the United States.
Sec, 2 Be it ena7ed That the next eeleion tar the purpofe aforefaid
fhall be'held on the irli Thuriday and the Inac'eeding dayin Augut.
one thoufand feven hu dred and ninety nine ; and 'afi cleionsin fu-
tuor thill be held o.nce in t vr y two years, or the firf.  fdiv and
the fucceeding day in Augult as aforeftid, and be con6uP ed uIder Ihe
fame rules,regulations and refiridious as eledions for membei of, t
general affembly..except where it is otherwife provided for by'this an.
Sec. 3 Be it enacted. That no perfon thallbe eletcyd, . hu hes rLot
been a citizen or refident of this flaie three years nex immediately pre.
cedir.g the day of ele8ion: Provide, Thtt Ols (hall not be contrurd
to as to litend to any pedon wxho was an inf.abtant of ths. flate at
the time of making the c nfliution thereof.
Sec 4 Be it cnacted That immediatey after the clofe of the firRI clec
ton in each county, the theriff or other retuniog fffi er, fhall, in the
prefence of the inipe6fors of the eleaion, .make oi ,two corre  Vitc;
ments of the number of votes given to each candidate in his:' cuary
which two flatements (hall be certified by the returnipg fficnr-and a
,pajorit.y of the infpeRors. one 'which (hall be filed in tie office of the
clet k of the cau-ty by one or more 'of the nfpelors; and the returnig
officer, b) himlif or deputy, thall attend with the other on the day and
at the place herein aftermentioned. *
Setc. q; Be itenacted, That the returbing <fifcers for 'the feveral
counties in ih, diUita of Wa hrigroi, by themketves a'r deptities,fhfl
meet at Jontfbarough, on the Monf'ay neit enluing the election, and
in the piefence of three jullices of the peace, to be flmarioed for that
purpofe, proceed to eidnine and compare the feveraI' certified Rate.
ments ; and (hall make out and certtfy, under their handls ard feals, z
general tiatement of the number of votes'givmn for each of the cindi-_
dates in the'feveIal counties in the faid ditrict'which flat.rp'nts that
alfo be certified by thejoflices attending as ilorefaid: And in T:ke man-
_W, a the  turaing cficrs for the 'fveof countic whi.s t-difiricii ,

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