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1776 283 (1776)

handle is hein.ssl/sssc0098 and id is 1 raw text is: of    apot.ttCarolina.                                   283
t Zft to ptti         ff) th   ~te t   o~ fbiallcourntefeit        or utter A. D. 1776,
intoloing tb~et to be counterfet tthe certiftcates, N.. i18,
(futh bp te late JLoufes of affrablpy or the cot-
ttnentalt or Colonial Currencp, toi)b tad) been
alreab?, or ffall be Iereafter tffutb.
W       HEREAS the late commons houfes of affembly of this colony, in order to fupport the  Preamble.
credit and fatisfy the creditors of the public,. did - adjudge it neceffary to iffue certain
notes or certificates for the afcertaining their refpcaiive demands, and the faid notes or certi-
ficates have-been fince paffed from hand to hand, and obtained a currency in this colony;
And whereas the late colonial congreffes have deemed it expedient for the public fervice, and
for the defence of this colony, that certificates or bills of credit thould be iffued for defraying
the expence of the unniatural conteft, into which the defpotifm of Great Britain hath involved
the good people thereof, and for other public fervices; And whereas the Continental congress.
hath alfo thought fitto iffue their notes,ordcrs, certificates or bills of credit for certain purpofes,
and the fame h twe obtainied a currency throughout theunited colonies; And wereas. it might ma-
terially wound the credit, and prejudice the interefLof America in general, and, ofthis colony
in particular, if the faid notes, orders, certificates or bills-of creditailfued by the- authority of
the faid late commons houfes of affembly. or late congreffes of this colony, or of the Continen-
tal congress tbould be counterfeited, razed or altered: Be it enaced, That any perfon or perfoiss  Enaded.
who (hall counterfeit, raze or alter any of the raid notes, or certificates iflued as aforefaid,. by If any perfon
the late commons houles of affembly of this.colony, or any of the faid certificates or bills of counterfeits, ra-
credit iffued, or to be ifrued, under the authority of the late congreffes of this colony, or any  eS0alcers
of the notes, orders, certificates or bills of credit iffued,. or which fhall'be hereafter iffued,. by cates of this
the Continental congress, or (ball utter, or Qffer them,. or either,.or any of them, in payment State, orofCon-
knowing the fame to be counterfeited, razed or altered: and every perfon and perfons who  fs, ifued or
fhall affift, abet or procure the counterfeiting, razing or altering any, or either, of the notestony withu,
certificates, orders, or bills of credit above-mentioned, being thereof duly convi&ed, is and clergy.
are hereby declared and, deemedh guilty of felony, and hall fuffer death as a felon, without
benefit of clergy.
Speaker of the General Ajebnzl~y. Speaker of the Legifative Council-
9th4Apil, 1776.                               JOHN     RUTLEDGE.
an ft to pretut tbittoin, anb punithf. 3ufurgett%
3   fturberofthe             Stoblic peace.                          n1
W       HEREAS a horrid and. unnatural war is. now carried on by the miniffry and parlia-
ment of Great-Britain againia the United Colonies of North America in general, and  Preamble.-
this colony in particular,. with a cruel and oppreffive defign of robbing the colonies and the
good-people of this colony of their dearefl and moft. valuable rights as. freemen, and reducing
them to a flate of the moft abje& flavery and opprellion: And wr,?eas alfo in order further to.
accomplifh the faid impious and unwarrantable defigns, every means has been adopted by a
wicked adminifiration-to fow civil diffentions and animofities, and to.create diforder,. confu-
fion and bloodfhed amongft the good people of this colony, by employing fecret emiffaricmta
fir up in the minds of wicked and evihdifpofed perfons, perfuafions and principks-inimi-
cal to the ties of humanity, and the common rights of mankind, and thereby inducing then!
not only to difturb the common peace, fafety and good order of this. colony, but to take up
arms and fpill.the blood of their fellow citizens,.who are only aaing in defence of their lives,
Liberties and properties, againft the hands of a.lawlefs and defpotic power.: To the intent there-

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