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1776 1 (1776)

handle is hein.ssl/ssri0406 and id is 1 raw text is: Decem&er,  776.'                 I
At. the General Affembly of the Governor and
Company of the State of Rhode-Ifand and Pro-
vidence Plantations, begun and holden (in Con-
fequence of Warrants iffued by his Honor the Go-
vernor) at Eafl-Greenwich, within   and   for the
State aforefaid, on Tuefda the Tenth Day of
December, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufanci
Seven   Hundred    and Seventy-fix; and from
thence adjourned to Providence, where the fame
was held, on Thurfday the Twelfth Day of the
fame Month.
P  R   E  S  E  N   T)
The Honorable
Nicolas           Cooke, Efq;
G 0 V E R.N O R.
The Honorable
Iilliam   Bradford,   Efq;  Deputy-Governorn
AMzi.osE PAcE, Efq;,
JoN SAViLER, jun. Efq;
JAMES ARNOLD, junl. Eflq;
Rouvz J, iZnuL, Efq, Deputry-ecrctary,?

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