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1781 508 (1781)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0219 and id is 1 raw text is: His EXCELLENCY

Tb' flfib rear
of the Common.
Ena&ed in the fourth fitting of the fifth
general affembly of the commonwealth
of Penz/y/vania, which commenced at
Philadelphia, on 2ueJday, the fourth
day of September, A. D. 178 r.
An ACT to incorporate the German Society, contributing
Jor the relie of direjed Germans, in the flate of Penn-
.ylva ia.
Preamble. SECTION I. ATHEREAS the arrival of Germans
V from Europe, and the numerous
fettlcments made b- them in Pennfylvania, have grcatly
contributed to the prefent wealth and fRrength of this
Rate; and the means of encouraging thef  foreigners
to come and fettle among us, by removing or leffening
their diflreffes in a new country, have, on findry occa-
fions, deferk edly engaged the attention of the former go-
vernment of this country.
SreT. 2. And whereas a number of German inhabi-
tants of the city of Philadelphia, and its neighbourhood,
by their humble petition to the general affembly of this
fRate, have reprefented ,nd (hewn, that fome time in the
year of our Lord one thouland feven hundred and fixty
fbur, fome of the petitioners and divers other perfons,
all Germans by birth, or defcending from   Germans,
who had fettled in this flate, moved by the fuderings of
their countrymen then newly arrived, formed themlelves
into a charitable fociety, under the name of -The Ger-
man Society of Philadelphia, in the province of Pennfyl-
vania, and by voluntary fubfcriptions and flated contri-
butions from time to time, fupplied the poor, the ick,
and otherwife difireffed Germans, brought to the city of


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