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1779 235 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0212 and id is 1 raw text is: S8O   E P h   REED, Efq. Prefident.                235
of th Common.
L              A               W                 S
Enadted in the firft fitting of the fourth
general affembly of the commonwealth
of Pennflvania, which met at Phila-.
delphia, on Monday, the twenty fifth
day of Oc7ober, in the year of our
Lord 1779.
C H A P T E R      CXXXII.
,In A C r for regulating chtnney Jweepers withbi  the city 0/
Philadelphia, the dilIridI of' Southwark, and the townJh/ip
ol the Northern Liberties of' the city of Philadpbia.
SECTION I. HTHE REAS the hou fes and efla(',s of the vrcamble.
V inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia,
the diflri& of Southwark, and the townfhip of the Northern
Liberties of the city of Philadelphia, are frequently endan-
gcred by chimnies taking fire, and blazing out at the top;
and great complaints have been made for want of a proper
regulation among thofe who undertake the fweeping of
chimnies : For renmedy whereof,
SECT. 2. Be it tberefbre enaited, and it is hereby enaCled, No perfluo
by the reprefentatives of tbefreemen of the commonwealth of to fo1Iow
Penqglvania, in general a//embly #et, and by the authority of fwcphing
the lame, That no perfon or perfons from and after the the city,
&C. unlels
tenth day of December ncxt, fall follow the bufinefs or lie regiftler
occupation of a chimney fweeper, either by him[W, his iiinir rfr-
frrvants, negroes, or others, within the city of Philadel- vants, &C.
phia, the diflriL of Southwark, or the townhip of the
Northern Liberties aforefaid, without having filrfi made
application to the officer herein after direed to be ap-
pointed, and having regiftered, or caufed to be regiftered,
his or their name or names, and the name or names of his

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