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1778 29 (1778)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnj0221 and id is 1 raw text is: A               C              T              S
OF       THE
OF       THE
STATE            of NEW-JERSEY,
C  H   A   P.    XIV.
An A C T to divorce Ebenezer Stiles, of the County of  Morris,
fiom his Wyf,,.
HEREAS Ebenezer Stiles, of the County of Morris, by his Peti- prcamb1.
tion prefented to the Legiflature, hath fet forth, That his Wife
Abigail hath for many Years paft fo behaved herfelf as to for-
feit the Refpea and Efteem of all her Neighbours; -that, by exceflive
Drinking, wicked Lewdnef  and Unchafte Manners, fie is become in-
famous ; and that he, being no longer able to endure the Mifiondua,
Extravagance, Drunkennefs, Lewdnefs and Adultery of his faid Wife,
and deifairing of her Repentance and Reformation, for which'he has
vainly hoped many Years, is at length conftrained to afi the Interpofi-
tion of the Legiflature for his Relief, and praying that a Law may.,be
paffed to divorce him from his fiid Wife : AND WHEREAS it appears to
the Council and Affembly, by the Examination of Witneffes, that the
Fa~ls fet forth by the faid Ebenezer Stiles are true, and particularly
that the faid Abigail hath acknowledged that fhe hath been guilty of
the Crime of Adultery: AND WHEREAS the Council, and Affembly,
compaffionating the unhappy Situation of the faid Ebenezer Stiles, are
delirous he lhould have Relief; and there. being no Court of Law in this'
State having Juriifdidion competent to the Bufinefs;
Sec7. i. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and 'General Afernbly of this Divorice.
State, and it is hereby Enaled by the Authority of theJame, That the faid
Ebenezer Stiles fihall be, and he is hereby declared to be divorced and fet
free from the faid Abigail; and the faid Ebenezer Stiles and the faid Abi-
gail his Wife fliall be, and they are hereby refpedively declared to 'be,
from henceforth, and for-ever hereafter, feparated, emancipated, fit free,
and totally difcharged from their rnatrimonlal Contraa, and from all
Duties and Obligations to each other as Huiband and Wife, as fully, ef-
fedtually and abfblutely to all Intents, Conftrt6iaions and Purpofes as if
they had never been joined in, Matrimony, or by any other Contraa

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