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1818 129 (1818)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0135 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS
State of New-Hampshire.
An act for reviving an act entitled an act to incorporate a
company by the name and style of the Proprietors of the
Lime Bridge Company, approved June 24, 1809. Approv-
ed June 12,1818.
AN ACT for the preservation of Alewives in Exeter river.
13E it enacted by the senate and house of representatives in
general court convened, That from and after the passing of
this act, no person or persons shall be allowed to fish for
alewives, in Exeter river, within the limits of the town of
Exeter, in the county of Rockingham, with any seine or
setting line, or with any other implement whatever except- No person at
0loed to fish
ing a dipnet, without first obtaining a license or permit in winh any im.
writing from the selectmen of the said town of Exeter. And thn a di
net Withoutn
every person offending against the provision of this.act, shall cence.
for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, pesay.
to be recovered by action or information before any justice
of the peace within the said county of Rockingham, to the use
of the said town of Exeter.
And be itjfurther-enacted, That the selectmen of the said town
of Exeter are hereby authorised to grant a permit, or other- may grant
wise to license any person or persons to fish, in said river
within the limits of said town, for alewives, with seines or

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