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1787 453 (1787)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0081 and id is 1 raw text is: Slitting-Mills,



To encourage the ere&ing of Mills for Slitting,
Rolling and Plating Iron, and to encourage and
promote the Manufaauring of Nails within this
lWhereas the Slitting, Rolling and Plating of Iron, -and making Nails
within this State, would prevent large jums of Money being drawn
out of the*fame 1a foreign Countries: Yherefore,
E it Enaned, by the SENATE and HOUSE of REPRIL-
ills, Forges and Engines, for Slitting, Rolling. and Plat-
ing Iron, with the neceffary buildings appertaining to them, and
Nail Houfes or Shops ereaed and properly calculated for the bu-
fhnefs of making Nails, which hall be fct up, ere&ed and com-
pleated for the buifinefs for which they or either of them, may be
defigned, in any part of this Rate, within three years from the paff.
ing this a&, fuch Mills, Buildings, Forges and Engines, and every
of them, fhal be exempted from all Taxes, Duties and Impolitions
whatever, for the term of Ten Years from the time of their being
et up and compleated is aforefaid.
Provided always, That the benefit of this a&, fhall not he ex-
tended to any or either of them, for longer time than the fame (h0l.
in the judgment of the Seleamen of the Town, Parith or Place,
where the fame is fituate, be uflually and properly occupied and im-
proved in the bufinefs for which it was ere&ed, conftruaed and
fet up. .
§ 2. 4#d be it further enaaed, That the Owner or Owners of
any Shtting Mill, or Forge for Rolling or Plating Iron (fer up and
ere&ed within three years as aforefaid) fball have an abatement an-
nually for the term of feven years in his, her or their taxes, for as
many poll taxes as he or they fhall ufially and ufefully employ of
proper workmen, to the fatisfadion of faid fele&men, in flitting,
rolling or plating iron.
S 3. And be it further enafled, That if any perfon or perfons,
Thall within one year from the palling this a&, ere& and finifh any
mill for flitting, rolling and plating iron, which fhall be in the judg-
ment of two of the jultices of the fuperior court, properly confiruc-
ted for the bulinefs for which it was ere&ed, and (hall be fo certi-
fied by faid juftices, and that it is the firft of the kind in their judg-
ment corpleated in this flate, the perfon or perfons fo conftruding
fuch mill within one year, being the firft of that kind cre&ed, fet:
up and finifhed in this flate, and producing fuch certificate thereof
to the prefident and council, the prefident with advice of council, is
hereby impowered to give an order upon. the treafurer of this fate,
for one hundred pounds, to be paid to fuch perfon or perfons fo (irft
coftruding and finifhing fuch mill within the time aforefaid. And
the fame together with the priviledges on which it may be conftruc-
ted, fhall be exempted from all and every kind of duty, tax or im-
pofition, fo long As the fame fhall be occupied and improved in the
bufinefs aforelaid.
And to promote the bulinefs of nail-making;
D                         Be


rarea Sept.
Z** 1787-

slitting mills
&c. .xempt.
ed from taxes
Owners or
&C. to have a 2
abatemen of
A presnum
of Cyoo for
the fira flit-

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