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1784 331 (1784)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0075 and id is 1 raw text is: congress autborized to probibit Imbortation & Exportation.  331

To Inveft the United States in congress Affembled, mpm           N..
with additional Powers for a limited time,                Sib 1784*
JHE R EAS the United States in congress afembled, more
efelually to Jecure the commercial interef/s thereof, ought to be
invefed with power for a limited rime, to prohibit the importation
and, exportation of goods, wares. and me r chandizes to and from any avanne.
of the United States,in vefels not the property of the States, or the
fubjedls ofa power wbojhall have formed a commercial treaty with
TATIVES in GENERAL-COURT convenea, That the United
States in congress affembled, fhall be, and they are hereby
authorized and impowered to prohibit, in any manner they
thall think proper for any term not exceeding fifteen years
the importation and exportation of any goods, wares or
merchandize, to or from this State, in veffels belonging to,
or navigated by the fubje&s of any power with whom      the
United States fhall not have formed treaties of commerce:
And alfo for the like term to prohibit the fubjeas of any foreign
State, Kingdom or Empire, unlefs authorized by treaty, from
importing into this State, goods, wares or merchandize
which are not the produce or manufaaure of the dominion
of the fovereign whofe fubjeds they are.-Provided, that to
all Acts paffed by the United States in Congrefa affembled, in  ,,.
purfuance of the above powers, the affent of nine States fhall
be neceffary.
This AH jhall commence and be in force as loon as each and every
State in the Union jhall pafs _Fmilar Alls, and as foon as the
Prefdent of this State, Jhall be notiffed that each, and every Stare
in the Union have pafedfimilar Ads, he jhall, and he is hereby
authorized to iue his proclamation declaring this A5 in force.



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