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1802 190 (1802)

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3AJZ^ TVR  At a GENERAL            ASSEMBLY, begun and held                at RALEIGiH, on       the fif.
>IER, Esq. Go.
vernor, teenth :Day of November, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Two, and in the twenty-seventh year of the Independence of
the said C tate.
CHAP. ~ ~       ~       ~       ~      ---.m AjamtbcrybtoasA ...B                      7b n
CIAr. 1. An aal to carry i'nto !e a contraa beAtween the fate of North Carolina, and Phineas Miller and Eli Whitney,
HEREAS Eli Whitney, the inventor and patentee of a machine for cleaning cotton from the feeds,
commonly called a Saw-Gin, has propofed and offered, in behalf of himfelf and Phineas Miller,
algnce of one moiety of the patent-right to faid machine, to fell to the State of North Carolina, the fola
and exclufive right of making, ufing and vending the faid machine within the limits of this State : And
whereas the cultivation of cotton is increafing in this State, and from the invention and ufe of faid machine
kely to become a valuable fraple article of exportation, it is expedient that the State of North-Carolina
do purchafe from the faid Miller and Whitney, the patent-right to the making, uling and vending the faid
new invention of a machine for cleaning cotton from its feeds, commonly called a Saw-Gin, on the terms
and conditions herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, that there fhall be laid and colleded by the State of
Terms of con- North-Carolina, on each and every faw-gin which thall be ufed in this State, between the palling this aa
(rU.       and the firft day of April next, a tax of two fhillings and fixpence upon every faw, or annular row of teeth,
which fuch gin may contain  and a tax of two ihillings and fixpence for each and every faw, or annular
row of teeth, which thall be ufed in faid gins, in each and cvery year, for the term of five years thereafter.
Pateut right to Provided, that the aforefaid Miller and Whitney, before they (hall receive or be entitled to receive any of
be lioduced.  the money colle&ed by virtue of this a&, thall produce their patent-right Aforefaid, and fatisfy the Trea-
furer that they are the true proprietors of the fame ; which tax, when colleaed, to be paid to the faid
Miller and Whitney, or their order, firft deduffing the Sherii's ufual commifflions of fix per cent. for col-
leaion from year to year, for the term aforefaid ; The firlt payment to be made on the firft day of De-
Tem of pay. cember, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and three, and the laft payment on the firft
day of November in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eight : For which purpofe,
Faith or the  I. Be it enaaed by the General A.rsembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the autho-
State pledged  rity of the fame, That the good faith of this State be and the fame is hereby declared to be pledged for
for tiw collecti. the due colleafion of the (aid tax for the term aforefaid, and for the regular payment thereof, from year to,
year, on the day and days before mentioned ; and for the pafliiig of fuch laws as may be necfffary for
the due and faithful collection and payment of faid tax, and for the purpofe of carrying this contract
into effea, according to its true intent and meaning.
Provisions pre.  II. And be it further enacted, That all perfons who thall ufe, from and aftdr the paffing of this a&, any
paratory to lay. faw-gin, (hall make return thereof to the firft county court which thall be held in each and every county
ing the tax.  of this State, after the firft day of February next ; which return (hall be made on oath, to be adminiftered
by fome Juftice of the Peace, and (hall Ptate the number of faws contained in any gin which the perfon
making fuch return (hall have ufed fince the pafling of this aa, and before the time of making affdavit
as aforefaid ; and the returns thall be filed by the Clerks of the reflpeive county courts, and a foranfcript
or lift of the fame (hall by them be forwarded to the Comptroller, within ninety days after the rifing of
their refpective courts hereby appointed for giving in ; and another tranfeript or lift, within five days
after the rifing of each and every court as aforefaid (hall be delivered to the Sheriffs of their refpeaive
counties, which thall Rate particularly the names of the perfons who have made returns, and the numbers
of laws by each perfon refpectively returned.
Tux of2s 6d, III. And be it further enaEed, That a tax of two fhillings and fixpence (hall be, and is hereby laid on
on c vry saw. each and every faw, or annular row of teeth, in each and every faw-gin for ginning of cotton within this
btate, to be paid by the owner thereof, who thall have ufed the fame after the paffing of this act, and pre-

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