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1801 169 (1801)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0160 and id is 1 raw text is: 1801, 169
At a GENERAL            ASSEMBLY, begun and held at RALEIGH, on                       the six.
teenth   Day of November, in the Year of our Lord                One Thousand         Eight
Hundred      and one, and in the        twenty-sixth year of the Independence of
the said State.
.dn al for purchafing up the Principal of the Certificate Debt of North-Carolina.
'1,    E it ena'ed b the qeneral Afimbly of the] at ' of North-Carolina, and it ir hereby enactedby the autho. CHAP. 1.
rity of the fame, That it hall and may be lawful for the Public Treafurer for the time being, and 1reasurer ta
he is hereby authorifed, to purchafe in for the are and benefit of the People of this State, after the firft day rnrchw liI1*
of April next, the Priniipal of all the Certificates heretofore ifflued agreeably to the aas, and under the  ;
authority of the Legiflature of North-Carolina, which thall be prefented to him, on or before the Lrit day 1802,
of Otober next ; thofe ifflued at Varrenton in the jear one thofand feven hundred and eighty.iix, thofe
ifiued for fervices in the weitern country, and.commonly called Chickamaga Cci tificates, and, in fine, all Time, limnied,
thofe at prefent not receivable at the Treafury Office, excepted ; paying and giving for each pound of the Exceptions.
principal of the Certificates, which thall be prefented to him and purchafed as aforefaid, not more than
the funn of fifteen (hillings, and granting to the vendor or holder, a Certificate or Certificates for the In-
tereft which thall have accrued thereon up to the day of fale ; which Certificites to to be granted as a- To grant a car-
forefaid for intereft; (ball pafs at the Trefury in payment of lands cntered, and (iall be in all refpeas of tilcate for the
the fame value with the intereft on certificates previous to the purchafing in the pi'incipal as aforefaid :interest.
Provided nevertheleft, that if certificates of the defcription above mentioned fball be prefented for fale, to
fuch unexpeled aniount as (ball exceed the fum of fifteen thouland pounds, and (hall, in the opinion of Limit to pur.
the Treafurer, too nearly exhauft the public cheft, then, and in fuch cafe, he thall be, and hereby is chases.
vefted with difcretionary power to purchafe from each of the vendors or holders, in fuch proportion as in
his opinion fhall bell.tend to do equal juftice to all.
H. And be it further enaced, That fuch certificates as the Treafarer may ifflue for the intereft on the Ceirtifcates not
principal.of Certifici.tes, as by this a6d ireed, thall not bear any intereft, and that the Treafurer infeit tobcar interest.
the fhme on the face thereof.
An aR to amend the feveral Land Lawi in this State.
W1~THEREAS by an a& of the General Affembly of this State, paffed in the year one thouland reven CHAr. .
VT    hundred and ninety-feven, all lands entered previous to the firft day of January, one thoufand fe-
ven lhundred and ninety-eight, that may have been paid for as by law direaled, and not farveyed and re- 6t p 8,
turned to the Secretary's Office by the firf (lay of January, one thoufand eight hundred and two, are de- 116, 137.
clared null and void, which, in many inflances, will tend to the great inju-y of many of the good citi- 1803, 14.
zens of this State: For remedy whereof,
I. Re it enacted by tke General dembly of the /ate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enactedby the aut hori- Time for lands
ty of the fame, That all bona fide entries of lands made in this flatc, previous to the firft day of January, to be surveyed
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight, which have been paid for, thall have until the fir(f day of and cictered.
December, one thonfand eight hundred and two, to have faid lands furveyed and returned into the Se-
crptary's Office; and all Lch lands not furveyed and returned into the Secretary's Office by the day afore- Q ortime.
(aid, (hall become void, and is hereby declared lapfed lands to the State, and may be thereafter entered
by any perfon, as other vacant and unappropriated lands in this State.
11. And be it further enac7ed by the duthority aforefaid, That all fuch lands Co firveyed and returned into if norperrea.
the Secretary's Office, the claimants thereof thall cauLfe the fame to he perfealed into grants, before the e1, to lapse.
firfit (lay of January, one thouand eight hundred and four, otherwife the fame (hall become null and 1d03, 11,
void, and are hereby declared to be lapfed iands to the State, and may be entered again as other vacant
and unappropriated lands in this State,

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