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1798 115 (1798)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0157 and id is 1 raw text is: g798. 115

At a GENERAL            ASSEMBLY, begun and held at the CITY of RALEIGH On SAMUEL ASHEi,
Monday the nineteenth Day of November,                 in the Year of our Lord One Esq. Govenor.
IThousand      Seven    Hundred      and    Ninety-Eight, and of the         Independence
of the United States of America, the twenty-third: It Being the FIRST
sssIoN of this Assembly.
An afl to raie a revenue for the payment of the civil i// and contingent charger of t!h government, for the year CHAP. 1.
one thou!fandfeven bundred and ninety-nine. .EutPoRARr.
An aR to amend the revenue laws af repects the land tax.                  CHAP. 2.
HEREAS the prefent mode of felling lands for the taxes thereof, is infuflicient to fecure the col- 179 *25.
leW6ion of that part of the revenue : For remedy whereof,
I.   it enafed by the General Afemnbly of the jate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby ena ed by the author- s lrl'sart in
ity of the fame, That from and after the thirtieth day of March next, when any lands fhall by the laws of for taxes.
this flate become liable to be fold for the taxes of the fame, it Ihall be the duty of the Sheriffs refpe6ivelY Ante p. 6, 23,
to fet up the whole of the lands belonging to any one perfon or company, for which the taxes thereon and ais cited.
thall be due, to be fold to the perfon who will pay the amount of the public, county and poor taxes, with
all charges for advertifing the fame agreeably to law, for the fmalleft part thereof; and he (hall firike off
the quantity fo bid or offered to be taken, for the amount of the taxes and charges aforefaid, to the perfon
'offering to take the fmalleft number of acres of the land for the taxes and charges as before menti-
II. And beitfurther enafled by the authority aforefaid, That the perfon purchafing lands at any Sheriffs Purchasera
fale, for the taxes tunder thig aa, thall be at liberty to make choice of the quantity of land fo ftruck off to may make
him, out of any part of the land offered for fale, to be laid off in one compaa body as nearly in a iquare choice,
as can be, and adjoining to fome of the out lines of fuch trads or parcels of land.
III, And be it firther enafed, That when any perfon (hall purchafe land under this act, they (hall with-
in ninety days after fuch purchafe prefent to the Sheriffa fair plat of the land they make choice of under Iow toootain
fuch purchafe ; which plat (hall be made by the county Surveyor or his deputy from adtual furvey, with tie,
the courfes and diftances fairly fet forth and certified under his hand ; which faid furvey (hall be made Anmondd,
at the expence of fuch purchafer, and the Sheriff thall execute and deliver to him a deed for the       .
IV. Aid be itfurther enaaed, That if no perfon thall bid a fmaller quantity than the whole, then the suchi lands de.
whole of the faid land fo fet up thall be confidered as a bid for the Governor, and the Sheriff thall ftrike volve to the
off the fame to him accordingly, and execute agood and fufficient deed of conveyance to him and his fuc- state in certain
cellbrs in office, in manner hereafter direced, for the ufe of the flate.                          cases.
V. And be it further enaled, That it fhall be the duty hereafter of the feveral Sheriffs refpectiveli, to sheriff's dinty
perfea the faid deed or deeds by figning, acknowledgiig and delivery thereof, ill the prefence of the next in convcying
enifung county court for the county where the faid land fliall be and the Clerk thall accurately regifter the Same.
the fame in a book to be kept by him for that purpofe, which regiftration (hall be deemed valid ; and it
dhall be the further duty of the Clerk after having recorded the deed as aforefaid, to certify the fame Clerk', duty.
thereon, and deliver the fame to the Sheriff (who (hall call on him for the fame) within twenty days after
the rifing of the court at which fuch deed fhall have been acknowledged ; and the faid Clerk neglecting
to perform and deliver the fame to the Sheriff as aforefaid, (hall be liable to a penalty of five hundred pounds,
to be recovered againft him by the Attorney or Solicitor-General, for the ufe of the flate, in any court
having cognizance thereof, by motion ; firft giving to the faid Clerk ten days previous notice of fuch Penauy.
. VL And be it further ena led, That it fhall be the duty of every fuch Sheriff before he fettles his account Furtier duty
with the Comptrolldr, to depofit fuch deed or deeds in the office of the Secretary of State, who thall of shvrnil.

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