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1789 466 (1789)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0148 and id is 1 raw text is: 496 1789.
SAUTEL    At a GENERAL           A&SEMBLY, begun and, held'!at. layettevill', on tlle.,e-
Governor.  cond   Day of November, in the Y             ar of our Lord One Thousand             even
jiuncdrel and Eighty-nine, 4n'd in Je            Fourtecith Year of the lidepety
dence of the said State: Beirg the ljirst Sqssion of this Assemily ,-
cir. 1,  An al direcing the manner oreleBing rep refentatives to reprefent thi flate in congref/. REPEALED, 2., 2, 12,''
cu,. 2.        An a3 dire7ing the mode of choof/ig/fnators to reprefnt this /tite iri the congre/ of the United staes.
annt 1c.   I. (   E it ena(ed by the General 4imnbly of the flate of Norih-CA-rolina, and it is herebj enacted by' 'ibe autho
fcrsc ng     .    rity ohfae, That the leglihiture of lis flateflll at their annual meeting, wlienever a fena-
tor or fenators are to be chofen, at fuch time during their feffions as they tfiall appoint, by j6irit ballot of
both houfes of the general affembly, elcft fuch fenator or fenators as'may be neceilry, under the infpec-
tion of two members from each houfe; and it fhall be.neceffary to have a majority of votes of botl houfes
to elea any perfon for that purpofe.
How commis.  II And te it urther cnaLed by the authority aforrfaid, That the perfon or perfons fo elecled fenator or fe-
siouicd.   nators, thall obtain a certificate of his or their ele6tion, figned by the fpeakers of the twolioifes, and fhall
be commiffioned by the governor for the time being, With the great feal of the flate annexed to the com-
CHAP. A. An act or the purpefe of cding to the United States of Anerica, certain we/lern lands therein deferibed.
W      IIEREAS the 'lJnited Statbs in' coiigiefs altrembled, Liave repeatedly and earneftly recommended
to the refpe6tive flates ii the unionclaiming or oxNii g.vacant weftern'territory, to make ces-
fions of part of the fame, as a further meais, as well 6(hallening-the extinguilment of the debts, as of
eitablifhing the harmony of the United States and the inhabitants of the faid weftern territory being alfo
defirous that fuch ceffion thould' be 'maie, in order to obtain a  camtpl ' teCion than they have here-
tofore received : Now this flate being ever defirous of doitig ample' juftice to' the public creditors, as well
as the eftablifhing the harmony of, the United States, and conping with the reafonable defires of her
Citizens :
eraonsce      I. Be itenaaed by the General 4ffinbly of the flate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enased by the autho.
powered to exSt
ecute deeds  rity of thefamne, That the fenators 6f this flate in the congress of the United States, or one of the fena-
ceding to con- tors and any two of the reprefentatives of this flate in the congress of the. United States, are hereby au-
gress wcstern thorifed, empowered and required to execute a deed or deeds on the part and behalf of this flate, con-
jan's.     veying to the United States of America, all right, title and claim which this flate has to the fovereignty
Boundarie,  and territory of the lands fituate within the chartered limits of this Rtate, weft of a line beginning on the
thereof.   extreme height of the Stone Mountain, at the place where the -Virginia line interfeafs it, running thence
along the extreme height of the faid mountain, to the place whore Wataugo river breaks through it, thence
a direa courfe to the top of the Yellow Mountain, where Bright's road crofmes the fame, thence along
the.ridge of thid mountain between the waters of Doe river and the waters of Rock creek, to the place
where the road croffes the Iron Mountain, from thence alongthe extreme height of faid mountain, to'
where Nolichcky river runs through the fame, thence to the top of the Bald Mountain, thence along
the extreme height of the faid mountain to the Painted Rock, on French-Broad river, thence along the
higheft ridge of the fid mountain, tq the place where it is called the, Great-Iron or Smoaky Mowitain,
thence a!ong the extreme height of the faid mountain, to th  place where it is called Unicoy or Unaka
Mountain, between the Indian towns of Cowee and Old Chota, thence along the main ridge of the faid
Cirditions of mountain, to the fouthern boundar of this flate, upon the follo ving exprs conditions, and libjeLI there-
.eIC cssion,  to : That'll tof, ,

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