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1788 447 (1788)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0147 and id is 1 raw text is: 17S8. 447

,t t GENERAL ASSE               MBLY, begun and held at Fayetteville, on the Third           AMUEG
Day of No       sixber, ii the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven                Hun-      q Govenorr
dred and Elghiy-eight, and in the Thirteenth Year of the Independence of
the aid btate i 13ellig the first Session of this Assembly.
As 48fir kevying a tax /or th! fupport bfgovernment, and forthe ridemption o/ the old paper eurrency, continen- CHAP. 1.
tol money and ecie and other certificates, and jorfinking they ate currency. Vol. 2, 6.
(-Temporary or provided; or byfubgrquent: ~es xcept the VII. JeLRion.]
V      .  ND be it enaed, That if any juftice of the peace (hall receive any perfon's lift of taxable r1eonty on jn.
property without taking fuch perfoi's oath or.affirmation, as the cafe may be, thercto, the  f org-
juffice or jutices fo mifbehaving, (hall be deemed guilty of a mifdemeanor, and upon convilion in any
court having cognizance of the fame, fhall be thenceforth fufptnded from the exercife of his office.
Ar ai to prevent the diminution of the public revenue ?fthis./Lte by the neglec7 of the county courrs.  ChAP. 2.
fi)s e, daing t; co cautr'-js Jfaxre.

'An a to confjrni the rights and titles o/feveral citizens of this Rate in certain ne. roes therein de/cribd, and pre-
venting unjuj and vexatious law-fuits.
HEREAS ii the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-one, fundry of th2 citizens of this
flate did enlift in the fervice of the ftate of South-Carolina, in the brigade commonly called the
Rate troopsi commanded by brigadier.general Sumpter, and feveral of them agreeable to their enlillment
ahd fervice did draw negroes, one for each private foldier, and officers in proportion to their rank, which
negroes were at that time taken from the difaffeaed citizens of faid flate by order of general Sumpter,
for that purpofe ; and the general affembly of the flate of South-Carolina did fince, to 'wit, on the twenty
firft day of March, one thoufand (even hundred and eighty-four, pafs an ordinance to indemnify briga-
dier-general Sumpter, and the officers ad1ing under his command during the Britifh invafion, in the fe-
cond feaion of which ordinance it is ordained, that in all cafes where any property hath been taken from
any perfon refident in faid flate, and appropriated to the public ufe by order of the (aid brigadier-general
Thomas Sumpter, fuch perfon or perfons (hall apply for redrefs to the legillature, and not elfewhere; yet
the difaffelled citizens of that Rlate, from whom thofe negioes were taken, have fince inaituted fundry
fuits againft the citizens of aforefaid of this ftate, for the recovery of faid negroe3.  For remedy whereofJ
1. Be it enaaed by the General 4fimbly of the ftate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enaaed by the authe-
Wtyof rame, That where Any citizen of this ftate (hall have atually ferved in the aforefaid brigade, anl
drawn a negro or regroes for (aid fervice, if there is or hereafter (hall be any fitic or fuits for faid negroes
commenced againft them, or any o them, or any perfon or perfons claiming by, from or under them, or
any of them, on the faCk being proved to the ftisfadtion of the court and jury trying the caufe, that fuch
negrb or negroes were regularly drawn in confequence of faid fervice, a verdia and judgment thall be
givedi for the defendants; any law, ufage or cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding.  Provided tverthe-
left, That nothing herein contained (hail be conitrued to veft the property of any negro or negroes, taken
by any perfon or perfons of the aforefaid brigade, and not fpecially delivered to the faid troops for their pay
in the manner aforefaid for faid fervice  And provided alfo, That nothing herein contained thall preclude
citizens of other Rlates, except thofe of South-Carolina, from recovering their negrres, if any may have
been taken for the purpolfes aforefaid, who have not applied to the flate of South-Carolina agrecable to
the diie~tions of the aforefaid ordinance for fatisfa~lion, and received the fame.

CHAP. 3.

Negroes secur-
1-s to those
whn received
them~ tnr ser-
vices in Gen.
sumiptr's Lid.
g-le, &C.
Irov so, for
Fee citizes cC
cittwr statt,

An aa once more to extend an act, entitled, c an acl to pardon and confign to oblivion the ofTences and mif. CHAPw. 4.
condu6t of certain perfons in the counties of 1Va(hington, Sullivan, Greene and Hawkins.     Ante p. 423,
I.     E it ena6ed by the General .4fa'nbly of the Rate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the auth_- Pardooextend.
JJ   rity oftbhfame, 'That the laid aft, and every claufe thereof, hl(Ml be and is hereby extended to all cd( rie.

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