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1786 407 (1786)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0145 and id is 1 raw text is: 178. 407
' a GE14ERAL        ASSEVIBLY, begun and held at Fayetteville, on the Eigh- R
teenth Day of November, in, the Year of our Lord One Thousand Feven Ea Gvetnor.
Hundred and Eighty-six, and in the Eleventh Year of the Independence of
the said Siate       B6,ing thdfirst Session of this Assembly.
An act for rafring tr4s for the protection of the inhaiimrts of Davidfn county.  cHA . i.
HEREAS the frequent ats of hoftfility committed by the Indians on the inhabitants of Davidfon
county for a confiderable time palt, render it neccffary that fome meafures fliould be taken for
their prote&ion:
1.lBe it therefore enaded( by the General Afinbly of the flate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby anacted by 201 men to be
the authority ofthejame, That two'hundred and one men (hall be enlited and formed into a military body, E tn ie
for the prote6tion of the inhabitants of Davidfon county, ini fuch manner and form, and under fuch regu. day of 1h1ve
lations and rules, as are herein after mentioned ; wh6fe time of fervice fhall continue for two years, com- Ttndezvous.
rmencing from the da' of their firfit general rendezvous at the lower end of Clinch mountain, unlefs fooner
difbanded by the general-affembly.
II.- And be it further, ena&ed, That tlhe aid troops, when raifed and embodied, (hall be formied into three how ofriica.
companies, each cotmpany cotifdting of fixty-feven men, and officered by one captain, one lieutenant, one
enfign and four ferjeants ; the whole to be under the immediate command of one major : The major,
captains, lieutenants and enlign. to be eleaed by joint ballot of both honfes of the general affembly, and
eomniftioned by his excellency the governor for the time being: the ferjeants to be chofen and- appointed
by the-coinmiflioned officers, or the majority of them, being affembled for that purpofe by the command-
ing officer.
III. And be itfurther enacted, That each captain, lieutenant and enfign to be commillioned by virtue of 0.Tes ap.
this a&, thall upon the receipt of his commiflion, without delay, repair to fuch place as Ghall be dirrmed ps'i id to en.
by his commanding officer, for the purpofe of enlifting troops, and afe his utmolt diligence in to doing:
and fliall from time to time and as often as pollible, give information to his fad commanding officer of
the progrefs he thall have made in that bufinefs; and the faid commanding oflicer, fo foon as he (hall dif-
cover that a fuflicient number of troops have been raifed, thall give intelligence thereof to his excellency
the Governor for the time being, who with the advice of the council of itate, (hall give orders for, the Dispostion of
marching the faid troops front time to time, into-the Cumberland fettlements; and the prefent field ofli- t1h4 trooPs, &c.
ters'of Davidfon county are hereby authorifed and required to give direfions for the difpolition of the
aid troops, into fuch proportions and at fuch places, as may be deemed moft likely to intimidate the Ia-
diaihs, and prevent their incurfions into the Cumberland fettlements; but neverthelefs, the commanding
officel of the [aid troops, in cafes of emergency, or when the fituation of aflfirs or alteration of circum-
flances fhall make it immediately neceflary, may take fuch other meafures, and make fuch other difpofi- Commanding
tion of -the faid troops, although not direaed thereto as aforefaid, as may be deemed moft conducive to rity.
the fafety of the inhabitants aforefaid.
IV. And be itfjurther enaaed, That the faid troops, when raifed arid entered upon fervice, thall be train- Ditcipline.
4A and difciplined according to fuch modes as the commanding oflicer (hall judge moff proper, to enable
tfijnr to 6ppofe the Indians in their manner of fighting with fuccefs; but thall be fubjet to the fame rules wlies for thcir
with yefpe& to their government, as were eftablifhed in the time of the late war by the congress of the governmC~t.
United States for the goverhment of the continental army.
V. And it be further enac7ed, That every able bodied man who (hall be enlifted into the faid fervice, and what eact
ial ftirnifh himfelf with one good rifled or fmooth bored gun lit for fervice, one good picker, fhot-bag soldler shall In
and powder-horn, twelve good flints, one pound of good powder, and two pounds of good leaden bullets cenitd to re.
cei v.
,or buck Lhof SJitable to his gun, fliail be entitled to receive from this ftate on the flrft day of October, in Als

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