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1784 342 (1784)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0143 and id is 1 raw text is: Pit 1784.
ALExADrn  At a GENERAL ASSE MBLY, begun and held. at Hill'Aofougfi' oh'the'
Govcnor.     Nineteenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven:
and Eighty-four, .and in the Eighth Year of the Independence of the said
State : Being the First Session of this, Assembly.
CHAP. 1.   An aRl to amend an aR entitled  An -& for afcertaining what peoperty in this flate flail le deeriied tail-
61. 2. 6, 47,            ble propert , the method of affelting the fame, and colleding public taxes.
., s0, so,106,  I. II. Otherwise provided for, 1786, 1.
216, 170.   III      ND be itjurther enaled by the authority afcrfaid, That the flieriff of endc and'every county fialil
Justices np.         within forty days after the pafting of this ah, fummon the feveral juftices of the peace within his
pointed to re- refpcO ive county to attend at the court houfc,or ufual plAce of holding court, within ten days after the date
.eiv lists.
Ante p. 312. of fuch fumn.ons, and the faid juflices, or any fivc of them fo meeting, are hereby aiithorifed tnd dircded;
to appoint one juftice of the peace for every captain's difnria in fuch county, and where there hall be a town
one for fuch town, to receive lifts of taxable property in fuckr diftrial and town refpeaively, and the juf-
tices when fo appointed, fhall without delay fix the time and place in each diffria and town for receiving
Ntice of the lifts of taxable property ; and in order that all the inhabitants may be apprifed in due time that fuch lifts;
time.      are to be received, the juftice of each diftria and town fhall- order and dire& one of the conftables to warn
every family in fuch diftria of the time and place appointed for receiving lifts of taxables at leaft five days
previous to fuch time. Provided alswaysr, That if the court of any county (hall fit within forty days after
the palling of this a&, then the theriff ihall warn the juftices to attend-at fuch court for the purpofes a fore-
faid, and the court fhall appoint the juftices for the feveral diftri&s in their county.
1otiao1fnts  IV.  nd be ifurther enaed ly the authority afo) eaid,:That the inhabitants of the refpeCtivc dtrias in!
how to give  each county hall attend at the time and place fo to be appointed, and fhall return on oath in Writing to
lis-t.     the juftice appointed to receive the fame, the quantity of land, the particular tra&F, the counties in which
the lame lie, with the number of free males and fervants twenty-one years old and upwards, the number
of flaves male and female between the age of twelve and fifty years, which to him belongcd, or who lived
in his family, and the number of town lots of which he was pofleffed on the fift day of April then laft paft
and the oath to be adminiftered by the juftice receiving fuch lifts (hatl be as follows i.
Thcir oath.  c Y OU1          do fwear or affirm (as the cafe may be) that this lift by you delivered,. contains a 'f
T   and true account of all the property for which by law you are fubjeO to pay taxes, to the Left
9of your knowledge and belief'                                     SO HELP YOU GOD.
crsos to va-  V. Aid in order to afertain the value of town lots with their improvements, Be it ena~ed by the autho-
lue town lots. rity aforefaid, That the juftices of the peace when met upon the fumoons of the flieriff as aforefaid, or in the
county court, if fuch court fitould be held within the time herein before limited, fhall. nominate and appoint
three freeholders in each town within their refpeaive counties, who being duly fworn, (hall value the lots
in fuch town with their improvements to the full v-alue thereof refpeCtivelY, and fuch valuation (hiall he fub-
Lots how     n tax. je  to public taxation, as follows, to wit : The fame tax hall be paid upon every hundred pounds value
cd.        of fuctj   town lots as (hao l be paid upon every three hundred acres of land, and where they (hall not all a-
gree in the value, the agreement of any two of them thall be returned as the true value, but where they all
difagree, then the lifferent valuation of three hall be added together, and one third of the amount of the
whole hall be deemed the true value of the property.
Teniants to VI. And whereas there are generally in the towns of this flate lots and improvements the property of
ive ints   perfon living at a   diftance, or without th bounds of fuch towns, by reafon of which fuch property if re-
turncd only by the proprietors would not come to the hands of the affeflors ; for remedy wheroof, Be it
ena~ed by the autority afordaid, That all pioperty in the feveral towns f(all be returned by the tenants or
occupiers thereof, unlefs returned by tt proprietors thereof, or the agent, attorney, truftee or guardian of
-the proprietor ; zud when returned by the tenant or occupier, fuch tenant or occupier fhiall be liable to ray

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