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1779 260 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0138 and id is 1 raw text is: RxcxtcAnn.CS. M R General ASSUMBLY, begun and held. at Newhern, on the ?Qurteentb
covenr.     day of April, in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and
Seventy-eiht, and from thence continued by Adjournrinents and Proroga.
tions. to the Nineteen.th Day of January, at Halifax, in the Year of our Lord
One Thousand Severt Hundred and 4eventy-nine; Being the third bes
sion of this Assembly.
CHAP. 1.                    An a1l to regulate and elablijh a militia in thisflate.
1Pauvided for by subsequent aas.
CHAP. 2. An at#jor rat/ing.forces for the dejence of this and the neighbouring flates, and other purpofes Merein
mentioned. EXP,

.HAP. 3.
uovided aor by
6 ubstquent 2616

An atlfor ofcertaining v hat property in this Jfatefiall be deemed taxable property, the method of afef.
fing the fame, and colleding the public taxes, and other purpoes,

CHAP. 4.    An act to rerulate and a/certain the fees of clerks in the /hberior and county courts, juf/ices of the peace
Pt ovided forby   and attornies, in this [ate, and directing the method of paying the fame, and other purpofes,
subsequent aas.
except the 4th,
5th, 7th and  IV.  AND be it further ena5ed by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the clerks
29th 9.       e       o   te ou    and county courts, on the fees not being paid by the party from  whom they
,sxe f  m   e  ue, tall      execution, direed to the (heriff of the county where the party refides, and the faid
alevy the fame by virtue of the faid execution as in other cafes; and to the Laid execution
fhall be annexed a copy of the bill of coffs of the fees on which fuch executien thall ifflue, wrote in words
at length, without any abbreviation whatfoever ; and all executions ifhing without ,the copy of fuch bill
of colts annexed, (hall be deemed illegal, and no flierift (hall ferve or execute the fame.
Continuance.  V. And be itfurther enaed by the authority ajore/aid, That whenever it thall be the opinion of the court,
thai the party praying a continuance (hall not obtain it without payment of all colts attending the fame, the
whole of thofe cofs thall be paid before the continuance is granted  and the party paying fuch cofts (hall
not be entitled to recover them, although the judgment of the court thould finally be in his favour.
Clerks fees.  VII. And be it ena-Red by the authority ajorefaid, That if any clerk thall during the fitting of the court
whereof he is clerk, demand eth r or greater fee3 than by this a& allowed, the court (hall immediately on
complaint being made thereof, setermine what fee or fees thall be paid to the faid clerk by the party com-
XIX. Repealed, Vol. 2, 155.
CHAP. 5.    An aS to carry into efel an aR pafed at Newbern in November, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and
Ante, p.243.  feventyfeven, entitled cc An af for conlifcating the property of all fuch perfons as are inimical to the
and afts there  United States ; and of fuch perfons as (hall not, within a certain time therein mentioned, appear, and
referred to.  fubnit to the (tate whether they (hall be received as citizens thereof , and of fuch perfons who thall
Repealed by   fo appear, and (hall not be admitted as citizens, and for other purpofes therein mentioned , and for other
3, 1779, 2, the  purofet.
operation Of       HEREAS it is enaded by the a~l aforefaid, paffed at Newbern in November, one thoufand feven
,.easc6 is inde-i.  hundred and feventy-feven, that all the lands, tenements, hereditaments and moveable property
itety auspended v thin this flate, and all and every right, title and intereft therein, of which any perfon was feized or pof.
1781,4.     f
, 178o, G.  fefred, or to which any pqrfon had title, on the fourth day. of July, in the year one thoufand feven hundred

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