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1794 [i] (1794)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0362 and id is 1 raw text is: 1794. NOVEiMDtR.               LAWS           or MARYLAND.
begun and held at the CITY of ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the
3d of November, and ended the 27th day of December, 179+s
the following laws were enaaed.
C   H  A   P.    I.
rafl : th of An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year. Lib. JG.
Dcc. 71     No. a. fol. 137,
C   H  A   P.    Ii.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court of Q0een-Anne's county. Lib. JG.
No. a. fol. 137.
C   H  A   P.    Ili.
An ACT for annulling the marriage of Schoolfieid Parker, of Worcefter county, and Sarah hia
wife. Lib.JG, No, . fol. 15.3. A Private Adt.
C  H   A   P.     IV.
An ACT for building a new prifon in Worcefter county. Lib. JG.
No. 2. fol. X58.
Veimble.         HIREAS it is reprefented to this general aflhmbly, that there is no other than a much de-
V      cayed prifon in Worcefter county for the reception of debtors or felons, which i3 very injuri.
ous to the peace antW curity of the faid county; therefore,
luftices to levy  11. Br TT FiACTED, by the General .41]inbl of Marylond, That it fliall and may be lawful for the
money, ic.  juftices of WVorcttcer county, anid they are hereby authorit'ed and required, to afl'ets and levy, at two
cqual alrefhnents in the years feventeen hundred and ninety-five and feventeen hundred and ninety.
fix, a rum nt exceeding fix hundred pounds current money, together with the fiterif's compenfition
of fix per cnt. for coll,.in, tflt: Camme; which laid monies, fo to be alffid and levied, fliall be col-
lceled by the faild flieriff of Worceuter county for the time being from the inhabitants of faid county,
a1d others having proporty thervin, in the faie manner as other public levies and county affefflments
are by law collecled.

&lpq~ Cd c.

Il. AMh i . rr I rACTEr, That Meflicurs Samuel Handy, James R. Morris and William Selbyz,
(S. 1.) flall be and they arc hcreby appointed commnifioners to fuperintend the building a new pri-
tion at Snow 11 ill, in the county aforefaid, on the public ground that has been heretofore appropriated
f.ur tlj life of a court-houfe and prifon, on fuch part of the faid ground, and of fuchl materials, as
the faid 'onmmithoners, or a majority of thetm, fliall think proper; and that the faid commlfioners,
or a majority of then, are hereby empowered to contra&i for materials, and agree with workmen, to
build and finifl the (laid priton, which, when completed, {iall, by the faid commiffoners, be put into
the cuilody amti pollellion of the flheriff of WVorcelter county for the time being, and io flial remnain
and contin;1c in the cultudy and poftr'flion of fuch flIeriff, and his fucceffors, as a public prifon for
Worcetcer county.

Whearenrall  IV. A~tn I. n T MNACTrn, That the commniflioners aforefaid, or a majority of them, be and they
on thtv {Iltifi', are hereby aithorirI'd, on the twentieth day of Q0ober, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five,
lit!ad Reilteen hundred and ninety-fix, to call on the Ieriff of the faid county to pay the fbum I
levied, which tiz faid comnifioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorifed to receive, and to
give macquittanco therefor, and apply the raime, or'[o much thereof as may be neceffary, to build and
complete the faid prilon.
And lay beflhre  V. ANn Al: IT r.ACTrn, That the fid commiflboners fliall lay before the juffices of the peace
1thejitmices U  of the county aforefaidd, at the levy court annually, a fair and dlifind account of ill monies by them
fair,      received andepended fur the purpo'C aforetaid, and the furplus, if any, alter completing the build.
in-s aforefiaid, lhall be applied towards defraying the county charges; and if the faid comaanifioncra

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