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1783 [i] (1783)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0347 and id is 1 raw text is: W I LL 1.A M  PA C A, Efq; Governor.


of MARYLAND, ,begun and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the twenty-firfi of April,
in. the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred
and eighty-three, and ended the ift day of June:
The following laws Were enaaed.
Wi.tIAM     PA6A, Efrq; Governor.
C   H    A  P.     I.
An ACT      refpeaing regifters of veffd-s, and to dire& the entry and
clearing veffels from    and to 'the Britifh dominions.
HEREAS flbce the tretity of 'peace between Great-Britain and the Pr,.iihk.
IXT United States, it is irn~roper to prevent fubje&s of Gre.at-Britain from
holdin   proper  in veflels beldnging to and owned with citizens of
this flate, and veels ought to be entered and cleared from or to any part of the
Britilh dominions:
i.. ft..,natet, by the geneia afremh' of Maryland, That hereafter, in Resitder, to
granting regilters,' futch part thereof as prevents the fubjets of Great-Britin ,.-'
ftbm holding' fhares or intereft in vefrels, one third wheredf belongs to citizens of
this ftate, ihall in future be omitted, and every regifer hereafter granted flhall be
correded fo as only. to prtvent fi4bje&s pf any fate at etimity or war with this
ftate, or the United States, or any of them, from having property in any veffe
declared by law to belong to this fate, and entitled to privileges as fuch ; and
the oath reqired of the iafter of every veflel, on entry, fhall alfo be amended in
the fame manner    m imd It-is hereby deilared io'be lawful for any naval oitcer to
enter or cleir any veffel from or to any part of the Britilh dominions, in the fame
manner as to any other kingdoin or ftqte in peace with this fiate.
.C .H    A. P.      1.1.
An ACT for' the relief of John Buckman, of Saint-Mary's county.      PR.
C   H        .'   III.
An ACT to change the furnames of Nicholas Maccubbin, junior, and of Jires
Maccubbin, to that of Carroll. PR.
C   H    A   P.    IV.
An ACT to make valid a deed of bargain and fale executed by Abraham Davis
and Elizabeth Cromer, of Frederick county, to Jolhua Gift, of faid coun-
ty.  PR.
An ACT     for laying out a road from  the wind-mill and dwelling plantation of
Nathaniel Manning. of Dorchefter county.
Until it interklb the main road leading from the town of Cambridge to Edward Noel's. It is to he
a public roads and kept up at the expence of Nathaniel Manning. Three commiflioners are appointed
to lay it out as a waggon road, 2o feet wide, and to afcertain the damage done to the perfons through
whore lands it &all pafs; and this damage fhall be paid by the raid Nathaniel Manning.
I            C  H    A   P.    VI.
An ACT for laying out a road from John Groff's mill in Frederick county.
Until it interfe6t the main road leadin; from Marfli-creek to Baltimore-town, at Michael Derr's farm,
one mile below Pincy-creek; alro, until it interfe6 the main road aforefaid at .3,61rph Myer'% farrn, about
three miles below Pipe-creek, in Frederick count). This road is to be laid off by three commiflioners,
tamed iii the W5, as a public waggon road, twenty fet wide. It i% not, v.ithout the conlent of the
nwner, to run through any orchard, meadow or garden, and whatever the conmrniflioneri fhall determine
to be the damage occaflored by it, ihall be paid to the perfons concerned by the 1itl John GroV.
C   H    A   P.    VII.
An ACT to authorife and empower Fr1-nik Leeke, of Princc-George's couinty, to
difpofe of a tradt of land. called Well's Invention, for the purpoi  therein mcii-
tioned.  1'R.

S fff

C I IA P.-

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