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1780 [i] (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0341 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION of the 'GENERAL ASSEMBLY
of MARYLAND, begun. and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on'Monday the twelfth of June, in
the year of our Lqrd one thoufand feven hundred
and eighty, and ended the 5th day of July: The
following laws were ena6led.
THOMAS SIM LEE, Efq; Governor.
C    H    A    P.      1.
An ACT       to authorife the commiflioners appointed by the ad          for the iimediat4
fupply of flour and other provilions for the army, to hire or impreLi veflls and
See the aq of November3 1779, ch. 32.
C    H    A    P.     II.
An ACT to procure a loan.
This a& appoints feveral of the moll rerpeffable men in each county, to folicit loans, in bills of credit,
tobacco, or fpecie, for which they are to give receipts. Upon fuch receipts being produced to the wefi-
ern fhore reafurer, he is to ifiue to the owners certificates bearing interel{ from the day of the loan, and
payable (if for fpccie) within one year after the conclufion of tJle war, or within three years from the
date ; if for tobacco, within three years, and to be difcountable out of the public aflcLfment ; and, if for
paper, payable by the firft of January next, or difcountable as aforefaid.
All monies borrowed on a late requifition of the executive, with the interefi, to be likewife difcount-
able out of the affeflinent of the lender, or paid him out of the firit: money that fhall come into the trea-
fury.                             C    H    A    P.     III.
An ACT for a new and fpecdy enrollment of the militia.
This atQ is only fupplcmentary to the militia ad which has expired.
C    H    A    P.      IV.
An ACT for the relief of Zachariah Forreft, colletor df, the tax for Saint-Mary'z.
C .H      A    P.      V.
An ACT for the ,'ayment of certain certificates.
Viz. thofe iflhed under the atq of November, 1779, ch. 32. One half to be paid by either treafurer
out of the /.. o tax, which is to be brought into the treaiihry by the loth of July next.  The other
half out of tie fecond . so tax, to be brqught in by the ioth of December.
C H      A    P,     VI.
An ACT for the relief of Thomas Williams, colletor of the affefinent in Prince-
George's county.
C H1 A P. VII.
An ACT for the adjournment of Charles county court.
From the 27th of jmne, inflant, to the 5th of July'.
C    H    A    P.     VIII.
An ACT for finking the quota required by congress of this flate of the bills of
credit emitted by congress.
Thki aR bein; with the following preamble
Whereaq, on the eighteenth day or March, in the year one thourand feveen hundred and ci'hty, con-
greh. pafledi ;uS aq in the following words   Thefe United States having been driven into this juft alid
Ilecelly war, at a time when no regular civil governments were eflablifhcd, of I(fficicnt energy to cn-

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