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1780 [i] (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0340 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of
MARYLAND, begun and held at the city of AN-
NAPOLIS, on Thurfday the  twenty-third of March,
in the year of our Lord one'thoufand feven hundred
and eighty, and ended the i 6th day-of May: The
following laws were enaaed.
THOMAS Sim LEE, Efq; Governor.
C    H    A    P.     I.
An ACT for the adjournment of the general court for thc caftern hore.
From April to the 4th of September next ; and the court may continue the caufes that cannot then
conveniently be tried to the next term.
C   H     A    P.     if.
A   Supplement to the a(% for recruiting        the quota of troops of this ftate in thr.
American army.
to any perfon, enlifing between the rfi of April and iff of Auguft next, the Lme bounties,
,.M i.ud cloathing, as are allowed to recruits under that aa.
C    H    A    P.   ,.Il..
An ACT      tlaid tbe procecdiigs of the commiffioniers of the tax, and fol other
puro. fes.
The aflffiment aq not having been tranfmitted to rome of the counties in time, the commiffioners had
inr qualified, and the eolleaors could not, by the' periods limited, coinplete their colle~tions. This a.
appoints other days, &c. &c.
CH        A P. IV.
An ACT to compel the attendance of the members of the general afiehnbly.
ly a fine of,(. 25 on each member for every day's abfence, without fuch an excufe as thall be admit-
ted by his refpe~tive branch of the legiflature, or a written refignation. The clerk of each haufe is direct-
ed to fenl the relie6tive fheriffs a copy of the orders for fuch fines, to be collected and accounted for as
if they were part of the affeliment.
I'o continue until the end of the next feffion. Continued from feffion to feflion until it expired with
the fellion of Oober, 1780.
CH        AP.         V.
An ACT to veft an eftate of inheritance in fee-fimple of certain lands in Anne-
Arundel county, in Bafil Burgefs of the fame county, and to enable him to
fell or otherwife difpofe of the fame., PR.
C    H    A    P.      Vf.
A Supplement to the ad for the ereting new warehoufes in the town of Bladcuf-
The original alt not having been tranfmitted in time, by reaflon of a fire which happened In the print-
ing-office, the alidflinent was not made at the time direded, but earlier, the juflices having heard of the
a    ndt, ; rniftakn the day. The afliinent is hereby made good ; and every perlon therein concerned i,
C    11   A    P.     VII.
An ACT fbr the relief of Robert Long. . PR.

. 0 6 6

C? 1  A P,

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