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1778 [i] (1778)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0334 and id is 1 raw text is: A't aSESSION of- the GENERAL ASSEMBLY
of MARYLAND, begun and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Tuefday the feventeenth of March,
in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred
and feventy-eight, and ended the 2zd day'of April:
The followinglaws were enaded.
THOMAS JOHNS                  M4.1'fq  G'rn~
C    H     A    P.     I.
An ACT      for the fervice of the United States.
To continue until the ioth of June next. Expired.  This adi provided for the colcLioi of live cat-
le, beef, pork and bacon, for the ufe of the army; and' the manner 'In which thi'5 collelion is to he
inade is limilar to that dirie&ed by the al ofqOober, 1777,. ch.;4. -It, alfo authorifd the governor
and the council, at rates fixed in the a&, to hire or to imprefs, carriages, teams and drivers, or boats and
hands, to tranrlort thefe articles when collce:qd. And certificates given by agents, or their affiftants, werd
di countable out of the public afl'effment 'if that year.
C    11   A     P.     II.
An   ACT     to direa thu recording of a deed to John Raifia.           PR.
C    H    A     P.     III.
An ACT      to revive and continue an ad       for enlarging    the powers of the governor
and council.
C    H- A       P.     IV.
An ACT empowering Robert Richardfon and Thomas Kemp to fell and difpofe
of the real cftate of Philip Wetherell, deceafed, and to apply the money ariling
dercefrom  to fpecial purpofes therein mentioned.         PR.
C    H    A     P.     V.
An ACT to procure troops for the American army.
'his aiprovidesfor raiiiiig 2,rqn2 men, including the two artillery companies already marched to camp,
aid fich voluntcer ecruits as have already been procured. This number of men is apportioned on the
tbver-a counties accordnir, to the number of riilitia in each. As it may hereafter be a matter of curiofity
to inquire wllt w;i Cit1eCLM'd the proportion .t this period, between the feveral counties, with refpe& to
population,-'it imv not be ;uniCf to fit down tbe number ot men by this a& required from each. Saint-
.vMary's I4Q,.Keitt i2S, Anc-Arundcl i85, Calvert 74, Charles 145, Somerfet 13o, Dorchefier 158,
flatnmore 281, Prince-Gcorpe's 163, C eil 145, Talbot/o5, Queen-Anne's 45, Worcefler 138,
Fredrick 3b9; Hzrford 163, Caroline ioS, Wafhington 12o; Montgomery 156.
Each countr is entitled to a dedu&Lion from its quota for all able bodied men already enlifced, or who
inay hereafter he eolifled under the a45 of la feflion, ch. 8. The recruiting fervice is direlted to be
continnied, aid all recruits are to  pafs inufter beifre the lieutenant, or fome field officer of the county.
If in any county its quota fhall, not be raif& before the 2oth of May next, the rehall be a general touf-
ter of the militia, which is to be divided into fo ny clalles, refpe& being had to property, as there (hall
IVc n cii wanted. A draught is to take place in every claks that does not procure its recruit within five
dJys, the pci rn upon whom  the lot (hall fall, (hall ferve nine months, or be liable to be fined at the
dicretion of a court niu ti-A, which, however, has'a power of exculing him at difrretion , and the exccu-
tiv  are azthori:i-] to appoint five exempts' in each county as , ourt of appeals from the court martial,
Any two militia niev, providing a recruit to firve three years, er during the war, or for nine months
after his arrival at c.,nij, 1hall be exempted from this draigh:, aod irum all military duty out of the flate,
,hirii, the time for wlich their recruit has envaged to rereve  and a total exemption is given to any one
nilitrl_ man linding a reurit to ferve three years or during the war. The taking up and delivering to the
lieutenant, by the 20th of May next, a deferter from the continental arm- procures an exemption from
all draughts for the pifnt year ,  and taking up more than one deferrer xieipts from all draughts tot as
many years a. the number of the deferters Ihall amount In. To favour the good people of te flate as
m-, a,; pofiibl, every vtara'it or man above 1I years of age; able bodied, and having no family, fixed
h2u.bt,.++o t  n iNb,'lc ,'ieaus of fubliff'nce, is l.Ial, to be.apirctendd and carried before the- licuctan,
Cc c W

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