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1777 [i] (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssmd0332 and id is 1 raw text is: At a SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY
of MARYLAND, begun and held at the city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the fixteenth of June, in
the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred
and feventy-feven, and ended the 29th day of the
fame month: The following               laws were ena ted.
THoMAs JOHNSON, Efq; Governor.
C H A P. 1.
An ACT to continue an a& for fufpending the power of the cominiflioners fqr
building a court-houfe and prifon in Harford county.
C   H   A   P.    II.
An ACT dire,'Iing the juffices of Frederick county to afcertain the number of
taxabics in Wathington and Montgomery counties, and to enable the theriffs
of thofe countics to colled their proportion of the public levy, as fettled by the
juffices of Frederick county.
The court of Frederick county is dircaed to meet on the toth oF July next, to afcertain the number
of taxabls in \Vafhington and Montgomery, and to tranfmit a copy of their proceedings to the juflices
of each of thefe counties, together with a lift of the infolvents, fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, due in
each for the )'ears 1775 and 1776, and a trnfcript of the levy for 1776. The juftices of the three COun-
ties are then to fijrnilh copies to their rcfpe.1iive theriffs, who are authoried to make their colleaions by
diflf& and fC, uotwithitanding the law refpe&ing the deiivery of duplicate accounts.
C H A P. Ill.
An ACT to enable the corporation of the city of Annapolis to fell
or Icafe certain lands, and to enlarge and afcertain the jurifdiqi-
on of the mayor's court of the faid city.
HEREAS the ground heretofore laid out and referved for the building Przanbi.,
of lhips and other veffels within the faid city is found to be inconve-
nient for fuch purpofes,
If. Te it clin-cb, 1y thfo genral a/c'm/y of' Maland, That the corpo- corporation
r0tion of the city of Annapolis, and their fucceffors, fhall have full power and  ay (c, l or
tthor t  fel :tnt dijtofe of the faid ground, or to leafe the fame, as theyihall reirved for
think n'mll advantageous, and to nake and execute any conveyance or convey-  , ild-ng
ances, lcaf  or Icafes, thereof, or any part thereof, as they may think proper, un- &c.
der the fl of the corporation, and fitch conveyance or leafe fhall be good and
efl'chftsal iii law, if recorded within the time limited by law ; and that fo mus:h of
the monies ariling from ihch fales, and of the rents to be referved on any leafes
rcl'pcting the preImiles, lhadl be applied towards the pUrchafe of one or more
pl.ces within the faid city as the faid corporation thall think fit, for the building
of lbips and other veffls, and the overplus, if any, 2iall be applied by the cor-
poration of the 1Wsid city tbr the benefit thereof.
Y V                             il. 24

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