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1753-1754 362 (1753)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0539 and id is 1 raw text is: a .  A no 1gni Regi;G E 0 [. C        111II Vicefitno-Sexto.
3.6 .                    upatiht        'of  MLoterit     .
ci by'be*treat Al     cneral Cout or' Affembly of His Majefty's
Pi-ovincp of the MadIchap tBay bn Eglard; Begun                  d
Leld at qncprd in the Coinjty of Middlefi.v,  p. Wedhidfay rh'
tweny-v  c   abD;'AR475              A      orife MI~y Piorogafi-'
obs and Adjouranment to Wednefday the tweoty-p gbth of Mard!
following, and then met at Boflov.
C 1A  P. I.
6 G.   A    '   lioh             to' de   everal Ls or Laws for the
fuppreling of Lotteries.
II.  ', t J S divers good and whole/ome Lawas have been made and
refble.      J      ad by this Governiment for fuppreffing of Loi:ries, and thaety
preventing a vain andfool/h Expence, tending to th4I;npoveri ent;
o4f unwary People ; which Lawi are in a great Meafure rendred inefegh al
'y the Lotteries which are frequently et 4p in the Neigh ourin1gGovernments,
and by the Sale offach Lottery Tichets to the Inkabitants of t/bsProvinc:
Paii~ty fr  'irufds of 3Itprtfesatiay Th    an i pny -Ped r of    er the tenuh
aubteg aA.    y of .iy nex hal wigriailjsyrqvipce e aiding or alling in anyLottery
ets of other  byPrintingTWriihg, or QI1 otherwqys pbling an Acqounr of the  c ofAuchi
Governntts Ltte.yTiekt r. Tickets,                       11c0 rn or forlops xall for fifcfOeqice forfe i
Sum not e~xcveding twentyPourydto be recovered bynf armatipn,Plilit, Bill o*
A&ion at Law, in ainyof His Majefty's Coprts of Record withiithis Povine;
the. one Half tbereof to Wis Majefty to be appliei towards the Support of th
Governmient, and the other Half to him or themi that fhall inform and flue f'o,
the fatie.
r n be it this enateb,    hat if anyPqrfon r Perfons fhall within thiaPro-
Penalty for  vince give, .181l, or otherwife ifpofe of, or thail therein, offer or expofe to Sal
fellingLoucry any Ticket or T ickots in any Lory, excepting fuch as fhall be eftabliflidby
Titkets.                               ouranyictn
. A  of Parliament, or byla of this Government, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo
offcnding Thall forfeit a Sum not exceeding forty Pounds for each Ticket ft
given, fold .or difpo.fed of, or fo expofed to Sale, to be recovered in Manner and
for the Ufe aforefaid.
Penay f,   sA   tic it furtber attatteD, That if any Perfon or Perfons within this Prd-'
.byiglio ,- vince, thall receive or purchz0jpny fuch Lottery Ticket or Tickets, fuch Per..
y TiA    ' e fon or Perfons fhall likewife fpyfcit a Surn not exccedingforty Pounds for ack
Ticket o received or parhafed by him or them, to be likewife recoveed a
. applied as in Manner aforefaid.
ProvidedT nevertheles, Thatiffuch Receiver or Purchafer fhall inform
raa gaiit or profecutethe Perfon or Perfons who gave, fold or difppfed of the farme,
befredo . fo as that hp or they lhall be cPnvifted of faid Offencc, fuch Receiver or Par-
chaler fhall not in that Ca(e ,be liable to the PCnalty aforefaid, but fhall b4
tholly freed and. exempted therefrom,

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