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1711-1712 275 (1711)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0518 and id is 1 raw text is: ACTS and LA WS Paffed by the Great and
General Court or Affembly of Her Majefly's
Province of the Mffachufetts-Bay in New-
England; Begun and Held at Bofon upon
Wcdnefday the Thirtieth Day of' May, 1711;
And Continued by feveral Prorogations and
Adjournments unto Wednefday the Twelfth of
March following, and then Met.
An AR aganf Intemperance, linmorality and Profanenefr, and             eo 1 6,4
for Reformation of Manners.
H ER E AS the Laws at feveral Times eftabliflied by the Go-
varnment of this Her Majefly's Province of the Maffachitfetti-
Bay, and now in Force, have made good and wholfonie Pro-
viflon for the Regulation of Ins, Taverns, Ale-houtfes, Vidu-
allers, and other Houfes for common Entertainment, and Re-
tailers of Strong Liquors out of Doors; and for preventing of
TJippling -and Drunkennels; declaring, that fuch Licenfed
Houfes ought to be improved to the right Ends and Ufes for which they are
defigned, namely, for the Receiving, Refrefhnient, and Entertainment of Tra-
vellers and Strangers; and to ferve the Publick Occations of the Towns and
Places in which they are; and not to be Nurferies of Vice and Debauchery, as
is too frequently pra~tifed by fome, to the Hurt of many Perfons, by mipl end-
ing their Time and Money in fuch Houtfes, to the Ruin of Families; and have
alfo made good and wholfome Provifion againif Immoralities, Vice, and Pro-
finenefs: Be it therefore Enaded and Declared by his Excellency the Gover-
nor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the
Authority of the time, That the Laws againft Drunkennefs, Profaneners, and Lwom
other Immoralities, together with this Ad, be folemnly read by the Town- In the Town
Clerk, in each Town, at their Anniverary Town Meeting in March, from time  
to time. And all Juflices, Sherifs, Grand-Jurors, Tythingmen, Conflables, or Direton to
other Officers, whom it doth concern, are hereby htnaly enjoyned and requi- Lraf.e .
red to exert their utmofl Zeal and Vigour in feeing that the faid feverl Laws  *
be duly obferved and kept; and that the Violaters thereof be duly profecuted
and punilhed in Mumner, as by the fid Law is direted and provided: And the
Selett-men, and other principal well-difpofed Perfons, in each Town, defirous
of a Reformation, are hereby exhorted and direaed to countenance, accom-
pzny, allift, and joyn with the Juftices, Sheriffs, Tythingmen, Conflables, and.
otner offIicers, in their Endeavours to difcover and fupprefs all Unlicenfed Houtfes
.1r4 Vice, Immorality and Profanenefi.                           A N

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