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1798 155 (1798)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0341 and id is 1 raw text is: In.tbe 2ear of our LORP, 1798.
Dun~                         lie
Dunflable and Tyng,borough dividing Jine.                155
Paffed ,by the GENERAL CO0U RT of
Begun and held at BOSTON, in the County of S UF FOL K, on Wed-
nefday, the tenth Day of JANUARY, Ano Domini, 1 798.
C H A P. 1.
An A& to afcertain and efablith the dividing line be-
tween the town of Dun/lable and diftri& of T' ngf-
borough, in the County of MiddSrWx.
nedEREAS in the A         entitled, g, J  AW  for incorporating the
weaferly and foutherly parts of tile town of'DZDflaba, into a difridt
by the name of TyngJborough, the dividing line between faid town and Ieu* 'l,
diftria on the foutherly fide of faid town is fO expreifed as that doubts
have arifiri with rcfpeE to the farne, Therefore,
SECT. 1. Be it enagted by the Senate and Hoitfe of Reprefentatives, in
General Court affembled, and by the authority of the j'ame, That a line be-
ginning at the foutheaft corner of [aid town oC Duylable at a place fifty
rods diftant from  ]ouN CU11IN Q'S  oufe, and fourteen rods well of a
line drawn due fouth from laid houfe, from thence running ibuth fixty-  ,
three and a half degrees weft forty rods, thence north eighty-five de.-
grees well one hundred and two rods, thence fouth twelve degrees eall
twenty-four rods, thence north, eighty-two degrees wel, fixty rods, thence
fouth thirty-three degrees eallt thirty-lix rods, thence fouth lixty-thrce and,
a half degrees wefi, three hundred and thirty rods, thence north twenty-
three degrees wcft Lwo hundred aud five rods; thence fouth twenty-two
an ii

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