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1792 121 (1792)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0311 and id is 1 raw text is: In  the 2ear of     our L OR D, 1792.
Monmouth incorporated.                           121
Adds and Laws,
Paired by the GENERAL COURT of
Begun and held at Boflon, in the County of Sufolk,
on Wednefday the Eleventh Day of 74nuay, Auuo
Domini, 179 2.
C   1A A   P.    T.
An Act to incorporate the Plantation of lWales, in the
County of Lincoln, into a Town by the Name of Mon-
PE it narted by the Senate and Iloufe of Reprefentaiives in General
Court afenibled, and by the authority of the fame, Thai the follow- Boundaret,,
ing defcribcd tract of land, viz. Beginning at the fouth-eafterly cor-
ncr of Winthrop on the weft fide of Gobbifacontee Great Pond ; thence
running fouth fouth.weft fix miles to a large heap of fiones ere6cd for
a corne ; thence wcft north-well, about five miles to the wefterly
line of the Plymouth Patent ; thence northerly on the wefterly line of
faid Patent, about fix miles, until it interfcls a line running weft
north-weft from the fouth-eafterly corner of Winthrop aforcfaid ;
thence carl fouth.eaft, by the foutherly line of Winthrop, to the firft
mentioned bound, together with the inhabitants thereon, be, and
they hereby are incorporated into a town by the name of Monniouth,
and the faid town is hereby inveflted with all the powers, privi-
leges and immunities, which' other towns in this Commonwealth
do or may enjoy by law.                                And

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