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1784 49 (1784)

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of devifing Lands, &c.       49

Ads and Laws
of Ma/f 'chfrtts:
SBegun and held at Poflov, in the County
of Suffolk, on Wednefday the Twenty-
Eighth Day of MayAnnoDomini, 1 i83
and from thence continued, by Adjourn-
ments, to Wednefday the Twenty-Firfl
Day of Jawiary, 17 84, and then met.

C     II     A      P.

An A& prefcribing tle Manner of devi(ing Lands,
Tcncmencs, and Heredicaments.
7r-% F it cnac7ed b,;' the Senate and Ifi, f Reprefintati-ves, in General
Court a/fImbed, and by thc author ity of the fame, That every per-
flon law fully iCized of any lands, tenements or hereditanients,
within this State, in his or her owvn right, in fee fimple, or for
the life or lives ofany other pcrfon or perfons of the age of twenty-
one years, and upwards,,and of fanC mind, fhall have power to give,
ditlpofe of and dcvi e the fhroe, as well by lafU will and teflament in
writing, as othcrways by any at executed in his or her life timc, to
and among his or her children, or others, as lie or fie thall think fit.
N Jlfld

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