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1780 197 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0235 and id is 1 raw text is: (      1.97   )'
itR E S 0 L VLE S
'0  F  rf -H  E
Ceneral Affembly
rO:F     TH'E
State of .Mafachufes-Bay
-Megun    and held at Bofot, 'in -the County of  SuTolk, .on W            dnerday
.,the Twerty-fixth- Day      -of May, being LYhe 'lar  Wednefday in faid
-Month, Anno      Domini .1779, and       thence -continued      by   .everet
IProrogations and      Adjournments -to Thurfday         'the Ninth 'Day of
Marcl following, and 'then :met at ' b'fton          aforefaid.
' Refolre granting,  ,. o,ooe to -the Committee appointed to.concur .and :pay Account.
.pas'd Maich 10, 1780.
HH! iVE  F       it- appears to tbiA Court tha the Mou  that hasbeen appropriatedfr. the
#'r .payment of Ju;i dcmu's as..bave been allowed 'k the C9mmittee'.or examining and paing
4counis was .e5p,:.: .,4U~a: i'rij m, ar tbat a ftrthtr 8Sum Ihould. be appropriated
.or ht .purPole.   Ther,
.Re/olved, That the Honorable Council -be and they hereby are atithorlzed: -to iffue, their
'Warrants from time totime .on the Treafurer of this State, in favour of the Committee ap-
jpo ntcj by Coancii to concur in ,lowiiqg ahd .pilling Accounts, for fuch Sum -or StIms of
.IMoney As they (the Council) fhall think'neceffiary for payment thereof; provided the amount
of ifuch Warrants :/halJ not exceed the :fum of FJ:, thoufand .Pounds. Said Committee io
-be accountable for the expenditUire'of the Money they (hall rcteive.
:               Ii.
cRefow  'iuipowering 1h4 'C orl of General Saftexi 'of the Peace far the Couniy of Middlerex It
.         li:,ce, Nithan Putnam to keep a .atzver  pa/f'd March io, 1780.
Onthe Petition of ,4thax'Putnam, .praying that the Court of General Seflions of the Peace
for the County of Middkuex may be impowered to grnt' the Petitioner licence to keep
a public tavern:
Refeiud, That the prayet of the Petit.oti begranted, and'the 'Curt of General Seflions of
•'th*- Peace, next to be hiden at Coegord, in and for the t. ounty of Middielx, be and het eby
are impowered to graot licence to NahaN Pxftam to keep a 'public tavern, he producing a
,certific.te fromh the Selecmen of laid Town as the law dire&,; any Law or Refolve of this
Court to the contray notwithftanding.

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