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1780 279 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0234 and id is 1 raw text is: b~t~e rieai-    of' ouri                     D 1,
Inden~nifi(: ation.                                  ,
AC TS. and LA WS
PaTed by the Great and General Court or .Ahffembly,
of the State of Maqacbufetts-Ray, in New..J-nglazd:
Begun and held at Boflon, in the Councy of Si1li!,
on   Wednefday      the Twency-fixth         Day    of   Pvia)y,
Anno     Domini 1779 ; from          thence continued.by
A djournments to Wednefday the .L igh lI of Aarch
following, and then met.
C      H      A       P.     I.
An A&     to   indemnify and fectire from       Profecutidns in
Law   Perfons, who, by their uable Exertions ,un-
der the 4ate G0q0rnnent of the King of Greai-Bri-
tain, have'expbf'edthemfelves to A6'ions of Damage
and other Profecutions in -certain Cafes.
V-EREAI tbe Ad*in/iration of t  late Government of the 1t'ng of
[I,  Great-Britain, within the late P-evince of the Maffachufetu, Bay,
became in 'the greateft Degree oppreJive lTd'into/erable; and the Meafures
takei, under Preten, e of legal Governmnent; ere inanifeftly caculated and
defigned for tt  Derivjon of the jif flights and: Libertiey of the Peoplk
ef the faid ProvinCe,'infomuc, as to render it high.y necffary an jufllfiable
that open Oppofltion ioheld benmade to I'& laid ibiolent and deftruflive Mea-
fures, and that Perfons Iheuld be feized, andProperty taken, agd in oame In.
f)anes d4ryed. And whereas divirs patriotic and good Men did then
fland fot'b, and at the utmofl Ri/que of their own Perfons and Profety,
did fled/a fly oppofe the violent, and deflrutive V/)ures of the laid G.
Vernment of the King of Great- Britain.; -for wbich, they are now threatened
with, or aluay have, 1itti#ns of Damages or other Profecutionf commen-
ced againfl them bZ evil and d:Yaffe'led Perjn$ :
SBe it therelore enaltid by tbe Coadcil and Houife of Repro/entatives in All Afflon'
General Court ajfembled, and by the Autborify of the fame, That all ANIions br0't 3g it
for Damages and vther Profecutions in La%, chat have been, or that may Cf CU.;-nui..
be hereafter co~i~enced or brought frward, againft any Committee of     &c.
Correfpp dence, nfpc8ion and Safety, or againit any MrvembCr or Mer- them li 0.y
bers of fuch Committee, or any Member ol' this State or County Conven- Jii UrI.:Vg6
tioq, or ,any Prfo or Perlons aing under their or any oFtheir Advice or ,   ,h
Dirte&ion, for the taking or defltoying any Property, or appreheniirgand 'y, 2776. do-
confining any. Perfon from and after the Firft Day of 7anuary Anne Do- t1a,-L ,,u~ l
min Oe Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty-fix, and eore the Fourth and Void.
I bbb                          Day

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