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1779 239 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0227 and id is 1 raw text is: In    the rear of our L 0 R D, 1779.
F'es. OlJ.mented,. &c., -                             2 'so
A C TS and L A W S;
Paffed   by the Grear and General Court. or Affmbly of
the State of the AaffchUits.Bay, in INew-EngIand:'
Begun and held a, Boflon, in        the   County of         0huffo/l,
on Wenelfdy the TweN       ty-fixth Day of May, Anno
Dornini 1779.
C   H  ..A .T    lo
An A    t for further augmenting eertain Fees, Allowances
and Penalties, efiablifhed by Laws of this State
r    N/HERE/3S the Fs and dllewancea e Ciil OjeCer and other Per-
J .Ioni as now eflabli ted by Law, are found vsy inadsfuate to thirSer-
'vices and fxpexces:
Be it tkerefoe ena fed by the Council and Ihapf ef.Rep refetativte ix Ge.
seral Court aojentbled and by the* uthority .1 ib  faro# That the
Xa y.f4                    4eTa      h feveral
Officers and Verf 6s, except as is herein after excepted, mentioned in an A&
m~ade in the Year one 'i haufand ei HUndred and Seventy-eiight, entitled.
49 AnA& for the tepealing fnaPart of &Law of thiaState made and paffed iO Augmentti.
the Year of our Lord one Thesfand (even Hundred and Seveat.flx, en. va J ee.
tied, an A& for the repealing one Law of this Colony, made and paffed. in
the Fr.urth Year of the Reign of William and Mary, King and Queen, en-
titled, an Ai for regul,ting the Fees and Allowances of the feieral'Offlcers
and Perfons within this Colony herein after mentioned,. be, and hereby are
allowed and im powered to demand and receive for theirServices relpe&ively.
eight times the Fees and Alhkwances eftabliheA y. faid A&, inflead of the
Fets and Allowanceset down therein, any.Thing in aid Af or in any Ad:
relating thereto notwit'ffandirg.
Provided neverthe'ef:, '1 ht SheriCaroners and Conflables fbial receive
for levving Monies utn Writs of Exccution, or -Warrants of Differfs, for 1P.evit.
the firft One Hutdr.d Pounds'and tjnder nix4i Peace on the Pcuodi above
that and not exceeding r'wo Hxsdred Pound/i, (x Pece on the Pound ;
and on alf.S.%ms$ ab-)ve Two Uundred Pounds, and not exceeding Five Hux.
dred Poq'*, 'tLree Pence on the P,uCpi ; aid on all Sums above live linus.
dred P'71%  two Pence. and na more.
Provided alfo, 'J'hA the Fees to be taken by the reveral Naval Officers To adleaft
in this Sate IhAil be five times the Fees mentioned in and eftablifhed by faid ' a.
A&. snd no more.
A4nd whereas the, Fires a'nd Penalties anwtexed to 417 Ofices b the Laws
of thk State or to b incu red by r.fuaiR to fer e in axy Office, or do any
Doty required by Law, do net anfw#r the Purpjes for. which. tbhwere in-
lended :
Be it therefore furthlr enat!ed ;y the dauthority aforejaid, That all fuch
Fines and Penalies. anexed to any Offences, or to be incurred as aforefaid,
by any Laws d thiq State, wiether known.by the; NXame of Province, Ce,
lonjyor Satic Laws, made arid e:.aied behore the Fiuft Day of Yeauar,
P     P  .n.

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